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Discussion Guidelines

These are in effect at all times:
  1. Please stay on topic for a thread. Open a new thread for new topics.

  2. Debate in good faith by addressing rebuttals through the introduction of additional evidence or by enlarging upon the argument. Do not merely keep repeating the same points without further elaboration.

  3. Respect for others is the rule here. Argue the position, not the person. The Britannica says, "Usually, in a well-conducted debate, speakers are either emotionally uncommitted or can preserve sufficient detachment to maintain a coolly academic approach."

  4. Make your points by providing supporting evidence and/or argument. Avoid bare assertions. Because it is often not possible to tell which points will prove controversial, it is acceptable to wait until a point is challenged before supporting it.

  5. Bare links with no supporting discussion should be avoided. Make the argument in your own words and use links as supporting references.

  6. Never include material not your own without attribution to the original source.

  7. Avoid any form of misrepresentation.

  8. Please do not participate as more than one ID. You can change your user ID by going to your Profile Page and creating a new alias.

  9. When introducing a new topic, please keep the post narrowly focused. Do not include more than a few points.

  10. Do not cut-n-paste long excerpts into message boxes. Please instead introduce the point in your own words and provide a link to your source as a reference. If your source is not on-line you may contact the Site Administrator to have it made available on-line.


The editing and deletion of posts by moderators is not practiced here, though the occasional off-color and off-topic posts from kids are usually deleted.

Enforcement begins with warnings posted to the thread where the violations are taking place. Persistent violations eventually result in the suspension of posting privileges. Posting privileges can be restored by sending an email request to the Site Administrator. Banning is reserved for hackers and trolls.


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