Topic |
Last Reply |
Pinned 1: Europe's first farmers older than Creation
Begun by Percy on 11-26-2015 1:14 PM | Posts: 6 |
Message 6
By Percy
11-30-2015 8:22 AM |
Age Correlations and An Old Earth, Version 2 No 1 |
Re: Having to Explain the Dating of Sedimentary Rock to Dredge ... AGAIN (Message 1498)
By Percy
10-01-2023 3:51 PM |
Radiocarbon Dating Discussion with candle2
Begun by dwise1 on 10-19-2022 1:12 PM | Posts: 9 |
Re: Part IV, Reply to candle2's False Claim: "We don't know the starting amount of the da (Message 9)
By Taq
11-18-2022 3:52 PM |
Validity of Radiometric Dating |
Re: Index fossils (Message 207)
The Law of Superposition and Devil's Hole and Old Earth Age
Begun by RAZD on 11-20-2018 5:38 PM | Posts: 7 |
Missing Creationists ... (Message 7)
11-30-2018 10:13 AM |
Assumptions involved in scientific dating |
Re: his really stupid "Questions" (Message 222)
The Age of the Earth (version 3 no 1 part 2)
Begun by RAZD on 07-13-2017 2:27 PM | Posts: 13 |
Challenge for DOCJ pt 2 (Message 13)
01-30-2018 10:35 AM |
The Age of the Earth (version 3 no 1 part 1)
Begun by RAZD on 01-26-2017 1:51 PM | Posts: 29; Pages: 1 2 |
Challenge for DOCJ (Message 29)
01-24-2018 9:49 AM |
Are Uranium Halos the best evidence of (a) an old earth AND (b) constant physics?
Begun by RAZD on 08-16-2008 6:30 PM | Posts: 142; Pages: 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
Message 142
01-03-2018 7:43 AM |
Requesting Math Help/Feedback for my Web Page
Begun by dwise1 on 09-19-2017 3:39 PM | Posts: 12 |
Re: Converting Units - check against evidence (Message 12)
10-08-2017 5:11 PM |
A Bronze Standard
Begun by jar on 07-30-2016 9:31 AM | Posts: 41; Pages: 1 2 3 |
Re: My point was about the text used by New Testament quotations. (Message 41)
Begun by vimesey on 05-26-2016 10:02 AM | Posts: 6 |
Error rates (Message 6)
Begun by jar on 02-23-2016 8:47 PM | Posts: 52; Pages: 1 2 3 4 |
Re: Wish I May Wish I Might (Message 52)
Several specific questions about RadioCarbon Dating using AMS |
Message 30
New Dating Technique: ATTA (Atomic Trap Trace Analysis)
Begun by 46&2 on 06-22-2015 1:53 PM | Posts: 15 |
Message 15
By JonF
06-23-2015 2:16 PM |
What is the Latest On Dr Schweitzer Trex Soft Tissue Find?
Begun by mram10 on 07-16-2014 4:32 PM | Posts: 33; Pages: 1 2 3 |
Message 33
Age of mankind, dating, and the flood |
Re: Curiously 8,000 years is less than 10,000 years (Message 224)
Solar flares affect radiometric decay rates? |
Message 67
Could asteroids lead to the extinction of YECism ?
Begun by vimesey on 03-19-2014 9:36 AM | Posts: 137; Pages: 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
Re: Old Earth views of some Christian leaders (Message 137)
By ringo
03-31-2014 12:19 PM |
14C calculations
Begun by RAZD on 12-23-2013 8:07 PM | Posts: 10 |
Re: Examples? (Message 10)
Great debate: radiocarbon dating, Mindspawn and Coyote/RAZD
Begun by Coyote on 11-08-2013 9:05 PM | Posts: 119; Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
Cariaco Basin Varves (Message 119)
12-21-2013 6:41 PM |
Polar reversals how do you fit them in a young earth hypothesis
Begun by frako on 10-25-2013 5:18 PM | Posts: 16; Pages: 1 2 |
Great laugh (Message 16)
Creationist problems with radiocarbon dating |
Re: C14 answers (Message 194)
Dating Question For Members
Begun by Buzsaw on 03-26-2011 6:54 PM | Posts: 76; Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 |
Message 77
Ancient Human Art |
Message 10
Research for a book - Survey of various dating methods |
Message 82
Uranium Dating |
Re: Sources (Message 153)
Amino Acid Dating
Begun by faith24 on 09-10-2010 6:43 PM | Posts: 34; Pages: 1 2 3 |
Message 34
14C Calibration and Correlations
Begun by RAZD on 08-13-2010 9:50 PM | Posts: 58; Pages: 1 2 3 4 |
Message 59
Discussing carbon 14 in fossils
Begun by CoolBeans on 02-11-2013 9:04 PM | Posts: 25; Pages: 1 2 |
C-14 dating is inaccurate, and other creationists myths (Message 25)
Is deep age irrelevant?
Begun by bernd on 08-23-2005 9:11 PM | Posts: 6 |
old thread bump for Faith (Message 6)
12-31-2012 3:07 PM |
"summary" contains 7 letters (Message 310)
Heat and radiation destroy claims of accelerated nuclear decay
Begun by JonF on 11-01-2012 12:53 PM | Posts: 17; Pages: 1 2 |
Message 17
By Admin
11-02-2012 6:55 AM |
The radiometric dating of basalts |
Re: Dating Basalt (Message 10)
The dating game |
Message 94
05-14-2012 9:36 AM |
Spontaneous fission, decay rates, and critical mass
Begun by DWIII on 01-08-2012 6:28 AM | Posts: 29; Pages: 1 2 |
Re: More thoughts about Gamow's equations or "When nuclides decay" (Message 29)
What's the creationists thought on this?
Begun by ????? on 03-06-2003 10:05 AM | Posts: 136; Pages: 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
Closing time (Message 136)
Destruction of Pompei is 1631 year.
Begun by elcano on 01-13-2007 6:36 PM | Posts: 132; Pages: 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
Message 132
By DM613
07-11-2011 9:18 PM |
Reliable Radiometric Dates as an Artifact of Assumptions |
Bump for Mazzy (Message 30)
Would ID/Creationists need new, independant dating techniques?? |
ID is based on a logical fallacy. (Message 144)