Member's Last Post
New Replies
Araneus nordmanni (Message 7)
09-12-2012 6:43 PM |
Please help me identify this spider |
Coffee House |
Re: More fun than a barrel of junkies (Message 111)
09-01-2012 10:30 AM |
Global Warming is a Scam
Begun by Jon on 01-06-2012 12:28 AM | Posts: 164; Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
Coffee House |
Eriksson & Manica paper on Neanderthals (Message 23)
08-15-2012 2:41 PM |
No |
New Human Fossils found
Begun by Tangle on 08-09-2012 4:33 AM | Posts: 31; Pages: 1 2 3 |
Creation/Evolution In The News |
Biochemistry (Message 5)
08-15-2012 1:21 PM |
What type of biological life will more than likely be found on other planets? |
Origin of Life |
Daughter, parent, and grandparent 'species' (Message 10)
08-07-2012 6:13 AM |
No |
Ancestral and daughter species existing simultaneously?
Begun by The Dude on 08-06-2012 4:22 PM | Posts: 12 |
Biological Evolution |
Gill slits by any other name (Message 61)
08-06-2012 12:47 PM |
No |
Links for the Creation/Evolution Controversy (not a debate topic) |
Links and Information |
Re: What's the purpose here? (Message 284)
07-25-2012 8:25 AM |
Creationist Shortage |
Coffee House |
Re: Misrepresent (Message 14)
07-14-2012 4:18 AM |
The 44 Chromosome man
Begun by jar on 07-19-2011 12:52 PM | Posts: 16; Pages: 1 2 |
Human Origins and Evolution |
My favorite "doozy" (Message 152)
07-10-2012 1:12 PM |
How did the Aborigines get to Australia? |
Geology and the Great Flood |
Re: Rights, Etc. (Message 134)
07-09-2012 6:41 AM |
No |
God Is Cursing America
Begun by Buzsaw on 07-04-2012 9:01 PM | Posts: 150; Pages: 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
Coffee House |
Don't blow our cover! (Message 3)
06-29-2012 7:49 AM |
No |
6 Legged Toads in Australia
Begun by Tangle on 06-29-2012 4:57 AM | Posts: 3 |
Coffee House |
Message 31
06-27-2012 11:06 AM |
Agent Orange Corn |
Creation/Evolution Miscellany |
Great point (Message 75)
12-07-2009 3:58 PM |
No |
An inconvenient truth.... or lie? |
Is It Science? |
Re: Same argument on both sides (Message 103)
12-03-2009 1:23 PM |
Hate-crime = Thought crime? |
Coffee House |
Gay conspiracy from "Run, Ronnie, Run" (Message 363)
11-28-2009 3:58 AM |
Humor IV |
Coffee House |
Re: Guilty Pleasures - music (Message 53)
11-14-2009 3:05 AM |
Secret or guilty pleasures |
Coffee House |
Re: Those poor Britons (Message 9)
10-28-2009 3:59 PM |
No |
Teach both evolution and creationism say 54% of Britons
Begun by Larni on 10-28-2009 9:09 AM | Posts: 31; Pages: 1 2 3 |
Coffee House |
Re: Thanks for the tips (Message 27)
10-27-2009 3:51 PM |
No |
Daddy, is God real? |
Faith and Belief |
Newspapers and science (Message 43)
10-23-2009 3:36 PM |
Scientists unveil fossil of 47 million-year-old primate, Darwinius masillae
Begun by Stile on 05-20-2009 7:18 AM | Posts: 45; Pages: 1 2 3 |
Creation/Evolution In The News |
Searching my dusty memory... (Message 10)
10-22-2009 12:44 PM |
No |
Hybrids and Evolution
Begun by Straggler on 10-21-2009 5:04 PM | Posts: 26; Pages: 1 2 |
Biological Evolution |
Excellent analysis! (Message 3)
10-19-2009 2:20 PM |
Creationists think Evolutionists think like Creationists. |
Creation/Evolution Miscellany |
Brain evolution (Message 38)
10-12-2009 3:59 PM |
No |
Can ToE explain human Brain development?
Begun by Peg on 10-10-2009 4:25 AM | Posts: 47; Pages: 1 2 3 4 |
Human Origins and Evolution |
Woodmorappe (Message 125)
10-11-2009 2:05 PM |
No |
The Flood, fossils, & the geologic evidence |
Geology and the Great Flood |
Thanks Moose! (Message 14)
10-10-2009 3:02 AM |
Your First Ever EVC Post |
Coffee House |
Chipotle! (Message 24)
10-09-2009 7:33 PM |
No |
The moons, eclipses, and timing |
Free For All |
Dreading the response.... (Message 20)
10-09-2009 2:46 PM |
Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
Begun by Larni on 10-09-2009 5:38 AM | Posts: 57; Pages: 1 2 3 4 |
Coffee House |
Disease and sin (Message 171)
10-09-2009 12:45 PM |
No |
Questions about the living cell |
Origin of Life |
Message 3
10-07-2009 4:15 PM |
No |
The ancestry of some "living fossils" |
Biological Evolution |
Message 1
10-05-2009 3:19 PM |
No |
The ancestry of some "living fossils" |
Proposed New Topics |
Stasis, PE, and Gould (Message 367)
10-03-2009 2:17 AM |
Living fossils expose evolution |
Biological Evolution |
Free issue (Message 3)
10-02-2009 7:38 PM |
No |
Possible Human Ancestor in the News (Ardipithecus ramidus) |
Creation/Evolution In The News |
Re: How far back do lungs go? (Message 6)
10-02-2009 10:58 AM |
Evolution of Air-breathing Tetrapods
Begun by caffeine on 10-01-2009 7:42 AM | Posts: 7 |
Biological Evolution |
Origin (Message 7)
10-02-2009 12:23 AM |
No |
Creationists to give away free copies of The Origin of Species
Begun by Dr Jack on 09-23-2009 5:37 AM | Posts: 27; Pages: 1 2 |
Creation/Evolution Miscellany |
Importance of Orce man (Message 312)
09-29-2009 1:43 PM |
Is It Science? |
NCSE (Message 11)
09-22-2009 1:04 PM |
Science, dogmas, and AiG Creation Museum statement of faith |
Is It Science? |
"Hidden archaeology" and other such nonsense (Message 55)
09-21-2009 2:30 PM |
No |
Scientific vs Creationist Frauds and Hoaxes |
Creation/Evolution Miscellany |
Re: Micro Macro (Message 57)
09-17-2009 3:09 PM |
No |
Transitional fossils and quote mining |
Creation/Evolution Miscellany |
Re: Sanctimony (Message 93)
09-14-2009 3:34 PM |
Atheist attitudes. |
Social Issues and Creation/Evolution |
Message 57
09-10-2009 3:33 PM |
Atheist evolutionists: How far will you allow yourselves of sexual perversities?
Begun by Yrreg on 09-04-2009 3:49 PM | Posts: 152; Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
Coffee House |
Child porn as moral absolute? (Message 151)
09-09-2009 3:47 PM |
Are Fundamentalists Inherently Immoral |
Social Issues and Creation/Evolution |