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New Replies
Stupid is as stupid does? (Message 1208)
12-06-2024 5:15 PM |
The War in Europe |
Coffee House |
Re: The End (Message 1612)
11-09-2024 10:27 AM |
2024 US Presidential Election |
Coffee House |
Re: Ra has forgiven me . . . (Message 113)
10-14-2024 9:32 AM |
The Eclipse Conspiracy |
Coffee House |
NYTimes: Trump, the rapist, confirms he intends to implement 'Project 2025' (Message 3)
09-09-2024 10:26 AM |
Project 2025
Begun by dronestar on 08-28-2024 10:23 AM | Posts: 4 |
Coffee House |
Re: Yes, Trump was found to have raped (Message 400)
07-30-2024 10:02 AM |
Phat Unplugged |
Coffee House |
Re: The Latest From The BBC (Message 401)
07-29-2024 12:13 PM |
No |
Israel Declares War For The First Time Since 1973. |
Coffee House |
Mister Rogers (Message 44)
02-02-2024 10:44 AM |
No |
State Execution in the USA
Begun by Tangle on 01-25-2024 8:51 AM | Posts: 80; Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 |
Coffee House |
'Oppenheimer' the movie (Message 135)
09-07-2023 5:40 PM |
Was the Use of Atomic Bombs Against Japan Justified? |
Coffee House |
Polystoechotes punctata or giant lacewing, not an antlion nor a dragonfly? (Message 60)
03-02-2023 9:49 AM |
Winter Project |
Coffee House |
Gun Control III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, . . . (Message 916)
05-27-2022 4:11 PM |
Gun Control III |
Coffee House |
attack on nuclear plant . . . (Message 40)
03-04-2022 2:35 PM |
Fukushima Apocalypse
Begun by GDR on 08-17-2013 3:58 PM | Posts: 41; Pages: 1 2 3 |
Coffee House |
Maya Angelou, FIRST BLACK woman on U.S. coin (Message 29)
01-11-2022 9:48 AM |
Looney for a twoney?
Begun by dronestar on 04-04-2014 11:46 AM | Posts: 29; Pages: 1 2 |
Coffee House |
Re: Who Do We Need to Protect Democracy From? (Message 49)
01-08-2021 12:23 AM |
The Second Amendment
Begun by dronestar on 08-02-2012 1:35 PM | Posts: 51; Pages: 1 2 3 4 |
Coffee House |
Re: ITS ALL OVER...in another Month (Message 141)
11-05-2020 4:38 PM |
No |
2020 Election early voting and eventually results
Begun by jar on 10-21-2020 10:03 AM | Posts: 200; Pages: 1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
Coffee House |
RAZD, sad goodbyes (Message 13)
06-08-2020 12:39 PM |
No |
In Memoriam: RAZD
Begun by xongsmith on 06-05-2020 2:14 PM | Posts: 30; Pages: 1 2 |
In Memoriam |
Re: Censorship is bad. Who knew? (Message 482)
06-03-2020 10:59 AM |
No |
Police Shootings |
Coffee House |
Message 1
10-25-2017 3:47 PM |
Ken Burns: The Vietnam War
Begun by dronestar on 10-25-2017 3:47 PM | Posts: 5 |
Coffee House |
Re: A valid reason to vote 3rd Party (Message 1442)
10-24-2017 3:32 PM |
The Trump Presidency |
Coffee House |
Message 995
10-24-2017 3:26 PM |
General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures (aka 'The Whine List') |
Free For All |
Message 7
10-20-2017 11:18 AM |
No |
Bernie Sanders is a Centerist
Begun by DC85 on 10-19-2017 11:59 PM | Posts: 76; Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 |
Coffee House |
Re: Nope, CatsI is pathetically wrong (Message 25)
07-27-2017 2:44 PM |
I pledge allegiance to the flag and to the continuing oppression of Palestinians? |
Coffee House |
Re: Santiago y Nuestra Seora del Pilar de Cocspera (Message 7)
06-20-2017 1:45 PM |
No |
Searching for this site/location . . .
Begun by dronestar on 06-15-2017 4:29 PM | Posts: 7 |
Coffee House |
Re: Article 5 - Amendment (Message 2)
02-28-2017 3:35 PM |
Change one Article of the Constitution -- Which one?
Begun by RAZD on 02-28-2017 2:00 PM | Posts: 10 |
Coffee House |
Re: Lying polls again (Message 453)
02-07-2017 10:50 AM |
No |
Trump's order on immigration and the wacko liberal response |
Coffee House |
Re: conspire (Message 29)
12-30-2016 2:03 PM |
Election Rigging
Begun by RAZD on 12-26-2016 9:56 AM | Posts: 31; Pages: 1 2 3 |
Coffee House |
Re: The Clinton Machine: More dead horse-beating ALERT (Message 423)
11-14-2016 5:29 PM |
The 2016 United States Presidential Election |
Coffee House |
Champions of 1%ers are the presumptive nominees (Message 1495)
06-10-2016 10:45 AM |
Oh No, The New Awesome Primary Thread |
Coffee House |
Re: Hillary? Better than ANY republican? (Message 85)
04-04-2016 10:20 AM |
Presidential Candidates |
Coffee House |
It's about war criminal's (Message 162)
04-01-2016 4:31 PM |
Yes, The Real The New Awesome Primary Thread |
Coffee House |
'gay-loving, womanizer (Message 12)
03-28-2016 10:42 AM |
No |
After Palmyra ISIS Targets Monuments on U.S. Soil
Begun by Jon on 03-27-2016 3:29 PM | Posts: 95; Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
Coffee House |
soured on amerikan military (Message 18)
03-02-2016 11:55 AM |
No |
Canadian Citzenship Questions
Begun by Percy on 02-29-2016 2:23 PM | Posts: 26; Pages: 1 2 |
Coffee House |
Sorry. (Message 38)
01-22-2016 9:35 AM |
No |
Are we in a new world Empire? A NWO? |
Coffee House |
Hooray for the military industrial complex . . . (Message 499)
12-14-2015 9:09 AM |
Another one that hurts |
Coffee House |
Re: I AM suggesting . . . (Message 4471)
11-20-2015 10:13 AM |
Gun Control Again |
Coffee House |
Well, maybe 9 and 7/8 . . . (Message 43)
09-17-2015 4:16 PM |
The 10 Logic Commandments ...
Begun by RAZD on 09-15-2015 7:48 PM | Posts: 52; Pages: 1 2 3 4 |
Coffee House |
Re: Okay . . . (Message 63)
08-27-2015 4:42 PM |
Jimmy Carter
Begun by RAZD on 08-17-2015 8:17 AM | Posts: 64; Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 |
Coffee House |
Re: Trans-Pacific Partnership: fascism rears it's ugly head (Message 29)
08-04-2015 4:57 PM |
Senate grants Obama big win with fast track trade authority
Begun by dronestar on 06-24-2015 5:07 PM | Posts: 29; Pages: 1 2 |
Coffee House |
beautiful vocals (Message 24)
06-18-2015 12:17 PM |
No |
Making Music - Or Pickin' and a-Grinnin'
Begun by Jon on 04-30-2012 12:08 AM | Posts: 25; Pages: 1 2 |
Coffee House |
Re: I cleaned the grooms' tuxes. I feel so dirty. (Message 639)
05-01-2015 10:28 AM |
Where should there be "The right to refuse service"? |
Coffee House |
Re: agnsoticism is still not a positive claim ... (Message 776)
03-12-2015 4:56 PM |
Atheists can't hold office in the USA? |
Coffee House |