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Science Forums
The Bible: Accuracy and Inerrancy
Is the Bible the inerrant word of God? Or is it the words of men?
445 47788
Contradictions: Hint that Genesis 1 and 2 are Allegorical
08-24-2024 10:42 AM
Big Bang and Cosmology
Did the universe begin as a vastly dense singularity billions of years ago, or with God's immortal words just some thousands of years ago? How do Creationism and science explain the universe we see today?
351 26420
Cosmological Constant and Dark Energy has been in the news for months.
04-21-2024 3:49 PM
Dates and Dating
Single and looking? Too bad, you've come to the wrong place. But if you want to discuss the rocks of ages past or the ages of rocks then this is the forum for you!
168 11707
Age Correlations and An Old Earth, Version 2 No 1
01-03-2025 9:39 AM
Education and Creation/Evolution
Should Creationism be taught in public schools? Should evolution?
174 18820
Should we teach both evolution and religion in school?
07-21-2023 7:11 PM
Biological Evolution
Are today's species the products of descent with modification? Or are they the divine creation of God?
1034 80844
Who Owns the Standard Definition of Evolution
10-28-2024 12:52 PM
Geology and the Great Flood
According to Genesis, Noah collected his family and the animals of the world on his ark to survive the great flood. Did it really happen? Or is it scientifically impossible?
290 42184
Ground Penetrating Radar Scans of Noah's Ark
02-28-2022 12:24 AM
Human Origins and Evolution
Is modern man the product of evolution, or God's most perfect creation?
188 12026
Creationist ERV Misinformation
10-05-2023 3:56 AM
Intelligent Design
Is evidence of the divine apparent in the design of nature itself?
292 32338
Exposing the evolution theory. Part 2
10-04-2024 10:55 AM
Is It Science?
Is Creationism science? Is evolution? What is the nature of science, and is either one really science?
506 45875
Inspecting a rock the day after creation
01-14-2025 1:00 PM
Creation/Evolution Miscellany
Can't decide in which forum your topic belongs? Perhaps it belongs here!
662 43466
Happy Darwin Day
02-12-2024 12:42 PM
Origin of Life
Did life really begin naturally billions of years ago, or just a few thousand years ago in the six days of creation.
127 10498
The first Universal Law of the Universe
07-04-2019 12:05 PM

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