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Author Topic:   All about Brad McFall.
Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5353 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 271 of 300 (234588)
08-18-2005 3:14 PM
Reply to: Message 270 by Tony650
08-18-2005 2:06 PM

Re: regarding the bottom of this thread
Yes, Feynman does. I loved his attempts to *change* his dreams. I even tried it after reading he did. I know what "tree" he slept under on his first night in Ithaca. I had said HIS DAUGHTER didnt appreciate it not that he was/nt brilliant. Lastly, I wondered if Schneider might have been the Cornell IT guy who breifs Microsoft on Security Issues. Oh, Well. At least that was one that I should have found if I was awake. I hope I am still sleeping though. Richard was clearly thinking WITH Einstein on that light vs object thing. As for SteveN lack of reply... it only indicates to me that he cant think of his viruses as living as I can supramolecular hierarchies as dead.
This message has been edited by Brad McFall, 08-18-2005 03:15 PM

This message is a reply to:
 Message 270 by Tony650, posted 08-18-2005 2:06 PM Tony650 has not replied

Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5353 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 272 of 300 (235292)
08-21-2005 5:51 PM
Reply to: Message 16 by 1.61803
07-29-2004 11:20 PM

Sorry about that. I have been so misplaced in personal space and time that that probably was not supposed to have occurred. I still remember the encounter.
To set the record straight, once and for all, as I know more or less nownthat I can not straighten out how my family interprets the past.. I was hospitalized because I OUT RIGHT REFUSED to decide on the statstical tests to do in research on biological change in before I investigated the causality(Croizat's) further. I have done that. As Bill Shipley's narrates a humanity that was not in possession of the means to this end in the fall of 87 when I dogmatically would not commit myself, the issue of my mental health was raised (which is what caused no small amount of grief on my part)( I want to thank all evcers for keeping me on the striaght and narrow)for the first time in my life and within a month I was committed against my will which is prooved by Shipley to remain not ill but mentally in existence, now or then. I was only 1/2 a year late for my future. Bertand Russel challenged Kant on if temporal succession is different than spatial position actually. The 'jury' is still out for me phenomenologically.
2 From cause to correlation and back
2.1 Translating from causal to statistical models
The official language of statistics is the probablity calculus, based on th enotion of a probability distribution. For instance, if you conduct an analysis of variance (ANOVA) then the key piece of information is the probabilty of observing the particular value of Fisher's F statistic in a random sample of data, given a particular hypothesis or model. To obtain this crucial piece of information you (or your computer) must know the probability density function of the F statistic. Certain other (mathematical) languages are tolerated within statistics but, but in the end, one must link one'd ideas to a probability distribution in order to be understood. If we wish to study causal relationships using statistics, it is necessary that we translate, without error, from the language of causality to the only language that statistics can understand: probability theory.
Such a rigorous translation device did not exist until recently (Pearl 1988).
Pearl J. (1988) Probablisitc reasoning in intelligent systems: networks of plausible inference. San Mateo, CA Morgon Kaufmann
Bill Shipley Cause and Correlation in Biology
Shipley went out to say,
"So, while trying to make conversation with the boyfriend I told him that his his girlfriend had a nice cul instead of a nice queue. I immediately knew, from the look of rage on his face, that I had chosen the wrong word.
The same subtle mistakes of translation can occur when translating between the language of causality and the mathematical language of probability distributions.
This might also explain my son and daughter sans marriage but you all have been pretty much spared that end of the by now familiar catastrophe.

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 Message 16 by 1.61803, posted 07-29-2004 11:20 PM 1.61803 has not replied

Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5353 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 273 of 300 (257097)
11-05-2005 3:29 PM
Reply to: Message 12 by Coragyps
07-29-2004 7:10 PM
Brad's website is really here!
BradsMcFall's website
I am finally getting something together. You can look for updates throughout the rest of the semester. Cheers!!

This message is a reply to:
 Message 12 by Coragyps, posted 07-29-2004 7:10 PM Coragyps has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 274 by RAZD, posted 11-05-2005 6:23 PM Brad McFall has replied

Member (Idle past 1725 days)
Posts: 20714
From: the other end of the sidewalk
Joined: 03-14-2004

Message 274 of 300 (257127)
11-05-2005 6:23 PM
Reply to: Message 273 by Brad McFall
11-05-2005 3:29 PM

Looks interesting Brad, hope to see some new links soon.

we are limited in our ability to understand
by our ability to understand
... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ...
to share.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 273 by Brad McFall, posted 11-05-2005 3:29 PM Brad McFall has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 275 by Brad McFall, posted 11-11-2005 11:26 AM RAZD has not replied

Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5353 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 275 of 300 (258825)
11-11-2005 11:26 AM
Reply to: Message 274 by RAZD
11-05-2005 6:23 PM

The links are still off line.
I have added another quote from Mayr and stated my intentions "to show that it is inconsequential whether or not Darwin changed his mind on reading Malthus or from facts of breeding under domestication." I know we disagree somewhat probably there-where I will put the third page of content but any comments, such as on style, page technique, size of print, color schemes etc would be greatly appreciated from you or anyone else reading this. Eventually I intend on spelling "firstpage" correctly.
To-ward a BSM philosophy of biology
links are now working!!
This message has been edited by Brad McFall, 11-20-2005 06:11 PM

This message is a reply to:
 Message 274 by RAZD, posted 11-05-2005 6:23 PM RAZD has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 276 by Brad McFall, posted 12-09-2005 4:13 PM Brad McFall has not replied

Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5353 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 276 of 300 (267265)
12-09-2005 4:13 PM
Reply to: Message 275 by Brad McFall
11-11-2005 11:26 AM

I do not have time to add this to my web site just now as finals and c-mass are rapidly approaching but I just wanted to make a good post with pics and phyiscality so that those who want to argue whether GOd did it or if the imposition is only on the Gould's of the world can decide for themselves. If I am correct there are big changes in the world of evolutionary theory coming and contra NPR the lone scientist DOES exist!!
Fish adaptibilty to thermostat parameters of increased temperature dependence might shift the physiology of O2 partial pressures such that epithelia tend to retain oxygen rather than release it, leading to DEVELOPMENT of land lungs prior to warmblooded fitness optimizations. This IS NOT a process of exaptation but of molecular projection.
the point to notice is that the lung and the swimbladder are seen as two things. Perhaps this is wrong.
Romer’s suggestion lead to the idea that this is a result of a changed utility, between a hydrostatic organ and respiratory organ. Young continued the accessorization of functionality and added an ontogenetic component. If however the difference of physostomatous and physoclistous forms is due to molecular hierachialization rather than a wholesale change in function, a common utility binds the topological condition remanded in the explanation rather than a heterogenous eniviromental divergence during translation in space.
As the evolutionary story went, Romer implicated the sharks and lungless fish saying, “The Age of Fishes was, it is believed, a time of violent alterations of seasons; much as in certain regions of the tropics today, there were rainy seasons alternating with times of severe drought. If the streams and the ponds in which the oldest fishers were living tended to dry up, the water would become stagnant and foul, lacking the necessary oxygen for water breathing. Such conditions would militate styrongly against sharks and other lungless fish. ”
but if the cause of sharks not developing with lineages that connect tetrapods to many tunicates is rather failue to posteriorize thermostat variables caused by fixed muscle rete anatomy no matter what engineering relates hydrostatic and repiratory circular movements, the ventral position of the POLYPETURS air bladder contains not contradictory evidence for or against the supposition that fish and tetrapod lungs are related WITHOUT other non-fish chordates having lungs. Without competition for air environments there is no logical need to insist on contradictions a la logic when the counter- current system ionics rather goes the ways needed for the thought that sustains a reproductive link among the groups.
Mayr has made fun of Agassiz’s discussion of sharks but the dream of simple belly for the evolutionary theorist is premature and rather Freudian. There just is no way to say that biogeography can not account for what is being whitewashed by all evolutionary theorists to this day.
Harvey to Lavosier and fish using unweighable heat a dispute Faraday solved between Galvani and Volta. Fish operate dephlogisticated air thermostatically without enchanced effects of elevated temperatures. Thus the phylogenetic discussion could have disguised the place of fact of the Gladyshev’s “multiple chromatographic columns” vision.
Same reference as below. I visualize these two figures as representing the same geometry only a bit more drawn out here than there below. Notice the seperation before the bladder. The issue would be if the topology is the same in the lung and what gives rise to the difference in the vein/artery as to structure Gould knows is deprecated by imposed theories such as this one
This potential explanation inverts Gould’s conscription throughout his book”Most structuralist theories identify the sources of adaptive order as residing largely “inside” the organism in the form of contraining genetic and developmental homologies, or the allomeric and consequential rules that Darwin called “correlations of growth”. (For this reason, I have used “formalist”, “structuralist”, and “internalist” as virtually synonymous terms throughout this book). But structuralist theory of direct imposition locates the causes of adaptive order in physical lawd of nature lying “outside” (and prior to) the specific architectural blueprints of each particular Bauplan even though these physical laws may impose their shaping powers “from the inside” during growth”p1131”
And counterindicates that direct physical impostion of forces does not mediate a hierarchic provision he attempts to perspectivise throughout (see etc,” I am a historian at heart, and although the theme of immediate physical assembly intriques me - and no one with literary pretensions could remain unmoved by the coincidence that D’Arcy Thompson’s Growth and Form, the most stylish book in the history of Anglophonic biology, also happens to be the “Bible” of this particular view of life - I don’t think that the hypothesis of direct physical construction will play a large part in the expansion ofDarwinan theory advocated as my central argument in this book.” Hierarchic thermodynamics provides both places of inside and outside in the sense Gould artificially nationalized the differences of functionalist and formalist by hardening historical vs structural constraints WITHOUT definenig prior utilities.
Hypothesis that fish can be alternatively conductors and insulators by direct physical imposition of countably large numbers of particles answering Faraday by thermal current caused electrically moved ionics obeying Gladyshev’s law in these capillaries during MOTION through the “fish” environments.
One can return to the evolutionary story of Lamark or Darwin via Gould’s”Darwin felt
That this striking and pervasive functionality of organic design required an exlicit functional theory of evolutionary causes rooted in the propositioin that adaptive structures originate “for” their utility. As functionalist theories, both Lamarkian soft inheritance and Darwinian natural selection share a defining premise that environmental information about adaptivce design somehow passes to organisms and that organisms then respond by fashioning traits to enhance their competitive ability within these environments. Above all, functionalist theories require explict interaction of organism and environment in the service of improving local adaptation. The pure imposition of one side upon the yielding properties of the other side does not qualify.”
But I would urge readers NOT to follow this path into a structure of the time involved. That is just my hunch so I am not trying to stop anyone from so trying.
Instead I work on visualizing the “texture of entropy.” Where local adaptations can be purposed either by organisms themselves, the environment restricted or combinations of educts that are not purposive.
Sorry I left the Gladsyhev citation behind. This quote is simply descriptive of what I attempted to detemine anatomically.
Gould has asserted his doubt that a theory of adaptive design by direct physical imposition could ever stand as a complete or even dominant explanation of evolution (1181) but if copper/iron kinetic independent units in fish secondary circulations explain the difference of forms of teleost air bladder inserstion or separation from the mouth through direct law of Gladyshev via thermal current dynamics no matter the form then there would be a theory well on its way beyond being complete to possibly becoming a dominant view of translation in space and form-making. This view sustains Gladsyhev’s position that the fish urophysis lends to notion that there is no clear thermodynamic difference of the nervous system and other body systems.
This message has been edited by Brad McFall, 12-09-2005 04:14 PM
This message has been edited by Brad McFall, 12-09-2005 04:32 PM

This message is a reply to:
 Message 275 by Brad McFall, posted 11-11-2005 11:26 AM Brad McFall has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 5219 days)
Posts: 6367
Joined: 05-26-2005

Message 277 of 300 (267274)
12-09-2005 5:08 PM
Reply to: Message 42 by Brad McFall
08-03-2004 8:55 PM

I got this one...
I got the humor, but Brad it would be nice if you'd break it down a bit.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 42 by Brad McFall, posted 08-03-2004 8:55 PM Brad McFall has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 278 by Brad McFall, posted 12-09-2005 5:52 PM randman has not replied

Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5353 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 278 of 300 (267286)
12-09-2005 5:52 PM
Reply to: Message 277 by randman
12-09-2005 5:08 PM

Re: I got this one...
It takes at least twice as long to go from the necessary information to a simpler and longer explanation. This is an important point in this post so I will come back to it and "break it down" but I am too busy and my mind is too distracted to do it proper justice just now.
I will break out the pic below. Having thought that two Faraday containers and the outside of fishes are the same places IS hard to visualize at first. I also need to get more info on copper in the blood.
This message has been edited by Brad McFall, 12-10-2005 09:23 AM

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 Message 277 by randman, posted 12-09-2005 5:08 PM randman has not replied

Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5353 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 279 of 300 (285943)
02-12-2006 7:39 AM
Reply to: Message 4 by Brad McFall
07-29-2004 1:19 PM

{See main body of text for link}
http://EvC Forum: Post your short questions here. No need to start a thread everytime. -->EvC Forum: Post your short questions here. No need to start a thread everytime.
An interdicted center depended on a formation for the term “function” that is not always what is used by math but can be traced logically to the time when Boole and Frege were beginning to come up with some things more specific than what the word “transform” was used for , centering the orgin, end, arche , and telos but this is only a reflection. The use of the word function, no matter what the event was to have meant beyond versimultude, should determine the location not simply name something or think that some name was all that was to have been taken from the transcendental logic that the rupture makes practical.
From what little I was able to study in Derrida’s origin of geometry he did not determine anything except take the origin farther and farther apart. It was helpful for me when comparing other ideas about the relation of math to science but as in the tape you posted a continued use of math terms such as “domain” are disengenous despite the correct use of infinity in a smaller sense than the last case Cantor attempted when dealing with the ordinals of ordinals. I was simply unaware of Kant’s use of the words “scruple”, “rough” and “coarse”.
So at the “refusal”, in the tape one enters how far absolute infinity might motivate other real number applications. It might be thought that this will come about psychologically and this is as far as this kind of discussion of an event seems to go. This unfortunately is not far enough for biology as I learned when talking with people at Cornell and I explicitly asked Derrida about the relation to science in his work, there is none.
All that this kind of anti-logos can do is to show that perhaps there is not a fullest methodology vs stochiology in particular examples of practical logics that the sciences are instructing. The event by versimultude only takes one into removing prejudices and scince the tape did not use “atom” I am done at this point with the tape. Now, it might be possible that post-Gould biology will try to use Nietsche and the linguistics but I think that would only be for debate purposes and not even for reflection.
I am on battery power so that is all I can get in at this time.
Yes, I can follow this fairly easily.
{Removed rather long URL from subtitle. It was causing weirdness at the message index page. - Adminnemooseus}
This message has been edited by Adminnemooseus, 02-12-2006 01:24 PM

This message is a reply to:
 Message 4 by Brad McFall, posted 07-29-2004 1:19 PM Brad McFall has not replied

Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5353 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 280 of 300 (290277)
02-25-2006 8:25 AM
Reply to: Message 10 by One_Charred_Wing
07-29-2004 6:26 PM

for want of place
Let us assume that by “mental” we mean what Russell said, “In seeking the central idea embodied in the word ”experience,’ we shall at the same time be performing an analysis required for a definition of ”mind’ and ”mental’”p129
Given this analytic Russell suggested we may be able to consider a . (that a “mental disorder” is nondistinct or confused:
{ Kant p 25 “Indistinct ideas are called by disciples of Wolff confused. But this expression is unsuitable, since the opposite of confusion is not distinctness but order. It is true, distinctness is an effect of order, and indistinctness and effect of disorder, and therefore every confused cognition is also indistinct. But the converse does not hold; not every indistinct cognition is confused. For in cognitions which do not involve any plurality there is no order, and no confusion”}
synthesis in this Wolffian sense (pending some historical explanation)from constituents of said experience ED analysis because Russell said, “For some years I was a disciple . Cantor freed the conception as well as many of Hegel’s.”p324
Russell’s position was one of logical atomism as different from physical atomism to which he was partly involved in Wittgenstein’s life. This position (on the percept and concept that is ”mental’ or not (in part (p106 “The object of perception is simultaneous with the object of perception, while the object of conception seems indifferent to the time of conceiving and to all time.”)) being freed to construct otherwise however does not sustain the modern changes in biology that may find the experience of a synthesis of actual mental disorders may be ”a prirori’ in th e sense that Kant distinguishes with the sublime math and dynamics but opens the PURE REASON book with two aprioris (plural) of mathematics and physics. That Russell sought to make as logical as possible historically dealing with the German emaciated idealism - p 128 quote either wholly arbitarty or not really unknowable . ””
Thus Russell spoke of the disjunctive proposition
Negative facts (Harvard alternative suggestion p 184(contitutents) “Socrates was alive” vs “socraties is not alive”
But Mayr claims the disjunctive reality biologically of chance OR necessity and thus creates a stumbling block that may only exist for creatures lower down in chain of being.
We shall take an ever greater care to be kind and kinda accurate here where mind meets matter.
Russell was mistaken to have reflected, “I think that it is of the very essence of explanation . .you mean symbol . p186
And Mayr refuses to see that population thinking can deny this and still not be typoloical nor essentialistic suffiently.
The mental experience of biologists is on this horizon. Thus it is also of the percept if there is one of a “mental disorder” that is not confused in the stock of genes involved.
If there is resourceful evolutionary momentum and inertia, this distinction can only be reached by a construction not conception but “all time” is only the highest geneus that the lowest species in the reproductive continuum binds physics’ space and time to , no matter the sublimity retained in the same a priority (not perfection) without regard to unknowable or arbitrary. It is not arbitrary for sure it is knowable even if it was a prirori. Thus the engineer as God is really the Man as tracing the extended ecolutionary theory of other life AFTER this kind of life (even if viruses are such life).
We go from A T as force oppositions to propositions not from the property of propositions having an ultimate relation of opposition to mind mental(p288) but once the analysis (the converse of A force T relations is not the same as the oppositions among A and T etc).) but once the analysis gives the concept of oppositionality?? (the) contradiction is also potentially present in some kind of construction of percepts and if not not distinct might be disordered but this need not be due to a belief only, it depends on how the disjunction was negated as (into)the conjunction the aposterirori existence of matter speciates.
Cantor provided a theoretical cognition able to build an instructable organon even under Poincare’s argument with Russell amazingly (due to Mendelizing the relation of terms progression,propagation,descent in the mind of Darwinist) “For in addition to or in place of the mechanical explanation of nature, (which has all the aids and advantages of mathematical analysis at its disposal, and yet the one-sideness and inadequacy of which has been exposed so well by Kant), previously there has not been even one attempt to pursue this beginning [i.e. Kant’s] armed with the same mathematical rigor for the purpose of reaching beyond that far-reaching organic explanation of nature. (Dauben p293
Mayr makes the confusion by relating physicotheology and natural theology (Philosophy of biology) His only reason for doing so must be his own personal conviction that there is no constucive really big Lewontin reality of peak splits by shifts in environmental parameters speciously.Put in quote in finality text.
But Russell simply (in part the working out of Mendelvs Darwin going aroung Lamarke etc had not historically happened in his time) marginalized Cantor in the limit figure saying that he did not know how knowing influenced what was knownp324 “I could no longer believe that knowing makes a difference to what is known.”)
The term “organic” here is confused and out of order causing superficial comparisions of belief systems and mental DISorders but this requires the difference of particulars and universals from which any such medical disorder might instantiate itself in the flesh.
The horizon that Mayr effects is one where Agassiz is classed as a progressivist rather than a mediator of spatial via geographical binds on temporality continued by Croizat pathologically at worst. This is unfortunately where Gould placed his own superior writings despite his own clear conception of hierarhicallization. Thus Kant’s start I stalled without an imperative that was still ongoing in Agassiz’s dream state. This was dealt with by Kant in the Critique of Judment when two magnitudes are comparable and practically thought through once by Malthus but the same ability to so think that Cantor furthered was not proceeded because of the physical thought of space/time. That is the modern mistake. Perfection is not in the organ’s organism nor the the organism’s genes that express the organ or even in the relatable nicheconstructed resource of sematic information flow through said materiality but in the change in the relation of logica and physical atomism that hierathicallization of biology engenders. Once has to see how to NOT go beyond the organic explanation as thought by Cantor (and thus enter Russell’s realm of propopsitional functions”) while still finding the instrucable pratical logic that informs the form making and translation in space on limited and more limiting space and time kinds. This happens because the cosmic antinomies in terms of thermodynamics are not rendered obsolete by the classification of contradictions Russell found but still retain the separation that Poincare empirically submitted to even if the german failure to follow
Cantor be deplored. bioHierarchy can be thought in terms of ordertypes even if the math is not the organon. It remains to escape the death grip of Art but that is simply a matter of dealing with postmodernism not as Gould separated but as can be actually engineered with matter rather than words. This preestablished harmony continues to fail to properly sound off the difference of a product and an educt during the thought of changes in standard evolutionary theory into extended evolutionary theory.
Belief systems thus are disorders only when they fall to biological reorderings that can not survive, not if they remain as psychological symptoms of an older temporality that refused both the difference of sublime math vs dynamics and the existence of synthetic apirori in the quantum mechanical change out of the flesh remanded in the same part of real soma. Thus even if one desires to retain with Russel that 7+5=12 is not synthetic apriroi can still have non-pathologically that 7females +5 males = 12 unions as SYNTHETIC and apirori in the sense that math is not so(in the transcendeal methodology of pure reason) thought, . , but an organon would support. Psychiatrists who use a simple treatment(drug etc) and test for pain/emotion will never discover this difference even that that can be found deconstrucively if logos was. One can have both pluralism and knowing showing the plural was not under its former variance.
It remains only to derive the variance predictions.
Russel had inveighed into Cantorian thought with “Principles of math”p285 “Cantor remarks further that in these definitions one of the numbers may be rational. This may be formally justified, in part, by the remark that a denumerable series whose terms are all one and the same rational number is a fundamental series, according to the definition; hence in constructing the differences av- av’, by which b-b’ is defined, we may put some fixed rational a in place if av’ for all values of v. But the consequence that we can define b-a doe not follow, and that for the following reason. There is absolutely nothing in the above definition of the real numbers to show that a is the real number defined by a fundamental series whose terms are all equal to a. The only reason why this seems self-evident is that the definition by limits is unconsciously present making us think that, since a is plainly the limit of a series whose terms are all equal to a, therefore a must be the real number defined by such a series. Since, however Cantor insists- rightly, as I think - that his method is independent of limits, which, on the contrary, are to be deduced from it (pp24-5), we must not allow this preconception to weigh with us. And the preconception, if I am not mistaken, is in fact erroneous. There is nothing in the definitions above enumerated to show that a real number and a rational number can ever be equal or unequal, and there are very strong reasons for supposing the contrary. Hence also we must reject the proposition (p.24) that, if b be a real number defined by a fundamental series (av), then
Lim av=b (v=>infinity).
Cantor is proud of the supposed fact that this theory renders this proposition strictly demonstrable. But as we have seen, there is nothing to show that a rational can be subtracted from a real number, and bence the supposed proof is fallacious.
Russel never found the rational limit in the organon, thus when he died he did rot.
But the new variance statistics engendered by the discussion of the relation of beliefs to mental disorders is superfluid(but it is not a sufficiency) when it comes to demonstrating through measurement that there exists a real number defined by a fundamental series whose terms are all equal to the real number. While it is true that the measurement can not be extend from biometry in the manner Cantor did with numbers it is not true that the abiota-biota interaction in the organon of an organ’s level of organization cannot. That is what will be shown in the derivation.
Path analysis via Shipley’s use of econometric models will approximate the real number so presentable on extension of Croizat method to the stochiology of hierarchic thermodynamics.
The corollary is that it will possible to see indeed that a rational can be subtracted from a real number and that this was premeditated by Agassiz when he suggested the subtraction of reptile egg during ontogeny..
This will clearly indicate that Fisher’s approach is faulty.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 10 by One_Charred_Wing, posted 07-29-2004 6:26 PM One_Charred_Wing has not replied

Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5353 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 281 of 300 (302720)
04-09-2006 8:57 PM
Reply to: Message 12 by Coragyps
07-29-2004 7:10 PM

video by bRaD requires flash
Photobucket gave "premium" users a free video upload. I put on my first scrape with a time line. This, contrary to coffe&company
EvC Forum: What were you afraid of when you were young?
I am not afraid OF. It is really on a curiousity, but if one has a spare minute, man, I was there. I do not have a flash player which this upload requires. It looks like one should be able to see the video by clicking on the tumbnail. If anyone has some simple pointers on how to present these clips in general dont hesitate to pass it on.
< !--UB
-->< !--UB
< !--UE-->

This message is a reply to:
 Message 12 by Coragyps, posted 07-29-2004 7:10 PM Coragyps has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 282 by berberry, posted 04-10-2006 5:31 PM Brad McFall has replied

Inactive Member

Message 282 of 300 (302993)
04-10-2006 5:31 PM
Reply to: Message 281 by Brad McFall
04-09-2006 8:57 PM

Re: video by bRaD requires flash
The one on the right works, but whether or not that's helpful will be up to the individual user. All I can say is that you know a lot more about thermodynamic equilibrium than I do.
Is that your voice, Brad? What you say isn't nonsensical at all, but you bring so many different scientific disciplines to bear in making a single point, even throwing in detailed bits of history, that's it's confusing to someone who isn't as knowledgeable as you are.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 281 by Brad McFall, posted 04-09-2006 8:57 PM Brad McFall has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 283 by Brad McFall, posted 04-11-2006 8:54 AM berberry has not replied

Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5353 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 283 of 300 (303141)
04-11-2006 8:54 AM
Reply to: Message 282 by berberry
04-10-2006 5:31 PM

Re: video by bRaD is idiosyncratic
Yes this is my voice. That is my sister in the background. It was the first "movie" I made and it was done in "real" time (thus the background noise) and I did it really kinda introspectively, so, perhaps it is more an example of how I should not communicate on EVC. But it does represent what I do, myself, understand. Do you think anyone other than you would be interested if I tried to compose short clips like that to attach with my posts?
Yea, I saw later that only the second one works. It has something to do with the BB codes. I guess I dont need the tumbnail above.

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 Message 282 by berberry, posted 04-10-2006 5:31 PM berberry has not replied

Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5353 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 284 of 300 (354931)
10-06-2006 11:01 PM
Reply to: Message 48 by mike the wiz
08-03-2004 9:58 PM

a better place
The brad path is expanding.
Now find even a backward link to EVC at:
As this thread can not be found by the search function (thanks for looking Gasby) perhaps I will reevalute the link but I think this is the best place to find comments about me on-line.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 48 by mike the wiz, posted 08-03-2004 9:58 PM mike the wiz has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 285 by Taz, posted 10-07-2006 12:13 AM Brad McFall has not replied

Member (Idle past 3612 days)
Posts: 5069
From: Zerus
Joined: 07-18-2006

Message 285 of 300 (354935)
10-07-2006 12:13 AM
Reply to: Message 284 by Brad McFall
10-06-2006 11:01 PM

Re: a better place
I'm still trying to decide whether you're someone who is brilliant (several levels above the level of consciousness that I inhabit) or just some poor soul living in an institution for the insane.

Tasteless comment hidden. Do not repeat this error.

Edited by AdminJar, : No reason given.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 284 by Brad McFall, posted 10-06-2006 11:01 PM Brad McFall has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 286 by AdminJar, posted 10-07-2006 12:17 AM Taz has replied

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