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Author | Topic: Retire Free For All Forum? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Brad McFall Member (Idle past 5355 days) Posts: 3428 From: Ithaca,NY, USA Joined: |
I still dont recognize any timbre differences but occasionally and that is not enoUgh for me to split the atmosphere three ways- do what you must- I am able to get very serious very fast.
Arachnid Inactive Member |
This is exactly the the thing that I was concerned with. People like Schraf throw snowballs, but don't want to have snowballs thrown back. I think because JDean plays Schraf's game better than she does, she gets offended and starts screaming that he's sexist...I don't want to encourage that type of behavior. If we can't be honest here, what's the point?
[This message has been edited by Arachnid, 02-04-2003]
Adminnemooseus Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: |
As I have stated elsewhere, I am for a registration required but (largely) unmonderated "Free For All" forum. I did step in, and moderate one "FFA" topic, by closing it, but only because I thought worthy, but way off topic discussion was happening. In at least one case, per my suggestion, one of those off topics discussions has gone on to be its own topic.
As per my impersonations of myself - since things had gone goofy, I thought I'd have a little fun with variations on my names (micromooseus, macromouseus, and admacromouseus). This just illustrates that any message from any unresistered name could be anyone. I point out, that one of the atvantages of being registered, is that you can go back and edit your messages. Unregistered members can not. If the unregistered could, then anyone could edit any unregistered member message. As far as doing edits is concerned, I think it proper to edit for content only at the time of the message creation. I think that any later editing involving content best be done by adding commentary, rather than changing commentary. In general, a comment at the end of the message, explaining what editing was done, is a nice thing (i.e. "Edited to correct spelling errors", "Edited to fix typos", "Edited to fix UBB code errors"). Adminnemooseus
funkmasterfreaky Inactive Member |
Registration should be required in order to post anywhere on the evc forum.
I don't understand why people don't want to register, other than they want to act like morons. I've noticed alot of foolish comments made by un-registered posters, I don't seem to recall any intelligent input by un-registered posting. I kind of like the free for all forum, it seems to generate some fun and interesting discussion. Probably because of it's title. Just don't leave it open to unregistered posting. That's my opinion anyway. ![]() ------------------Saved by an incredible Grace.
TrueCreation Inactive Member |
"Probably the best thing to do is to is to simply not feed the trolls when they come around."
--I agree, and probably the best way to do this is make the FFA forum one for members only. ------------------ ![]()
TrueCreation Inactive Member |
"Registration should be required in order to post anywhere on the evc forum."
--The "Welcome, Visitors!" forum should be the only one not requiring membership. In that case we would know not to take people posting in that forum seriously per se and still be able to leave the FFA forum for members to go blow some steam every once in a while without having drive byes happen all the time as well. In that way the FFA forum could actually have somewhat of a purpose. ------------------- ![]()
Andya Primanda Inactive Member |
Agree with Funk & TC. FFA unmoderated, registration-only.
Admin Director Posts: 13140 From: EvC Forum Joined: |
The consensus is that Free For All should be registration only. I'm making the change now. I'll leave this thread open for further comment.
--------------------EvC Forum Administrator
derwood Member (Idle past 2198 days) Posts: 1457 Joined: |
Soounds good to me.
Philip Member (Idle past 5045 days) Posts: 656 From: Albertville, AL, USA Joined: |
Bummer! I can understand this forum not degenerating into a Talk-Archive pseudo-forum, with that forum's cruddy bashing insults, but the comic relief of the unregistered FFA was refreshing for many. I will miss it.
Chavalon Inactive Member |
^^ Agreed
Adminnemooseus Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: |
quote: For any who may have forgotten the change. Also, it is appearing to me, that the "Welcome, Visitors!" forum is kind of starting to have problems like the "Free For All" was having. The "Welcome, Visitors!" forum is becoming a dumping ground for topics, pandering to the unregistered. As I see it, this is wrong. That forum should be an area for beginnings at , not a refuge for those who refuse to register. It also should not be a forum for extended, in depth discussion/debate. I am strongly thinking of trying to suppress what I see as bad uses of the "Welcome, Visitors!" forum. That may include closing topics after they go a certain number of messages (25???), or moving the topics to other forums. To the unregistered - you can be a visitor for a while, but then it's time to either register or give up posting messages. Feedback welcome. You can put it here, or maybe even better, at the "Change in Moderation?" topic. Adminnemooseus [This message has been edited by Adminnemooseus, 05-07-2003]
Mammuthus Member (Idle past 6797 days) Posts: 3085 From: Munich, Germany Joined: |
First, I like the idea of registered only for the FFA.
As to the Welcome visitors, why not make it like the short term topics forum? It could be made clear that any and all the topics will be closed after 1 day, 2, whatever...the newbies can get acquainted but will have some pressure to join the regular forums to really engage in longer term debate.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
I vote keep FFA, but for members only. Maybe another place for visitors.
But PLEASE, keep FFA. As a Biblical fundamentalistic creationist (though I believe earth probably old) I've now been becked into this corner by the establishment elite who insist on what I am to talk about, whom I am to respond to and when, and about everything else concerning what I say and how I say it. I've tried to explain that I run a full time mom and pop business at age 68 with a high school diploma and simply don't have a lot of time to respond to seven or eight hungry conterparts biting at my heels, each of them bombarding me with "answer my post now and in thus and thus a manner and btw, you're violating forum rules, etc, etc." With my limited education I use links to document and they holler about that. (link mining) They've obviously driven off eveyone who doesn't think like them which leaves anyone who strays into this pack runing a one person 12 or 13 page gauntlet against the pack. No thanks! So here I am in this corner and if it goes where's a feller to go??
NosyNed Member Posts: 9012 From: Canada Joined: |
Buz, it hasn't sunk in yet has it? You understand that you have a limited education yet you think you have something significant to say on some complex topics. You simply can't expect to make any progress on these discussions until you understand that you do need to know somthing about the issues.
What you are doing is like me trying to discuss baseball without even knowing any of the rules or what a strike and a ball are. You are unhappy about haveing to follow some rules or guidelines. Don't you understand that they are just reasonable ways to keep a discussion going. They are not aimed at you they are needed to keep anyone playing "fair".
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