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Author Topic:   General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 13.0
Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 1 of 312 (424463)
09-27-2007 4:20 AM

Yet another continuation of the theme.
This topic is intended for clear and concise discussions of admin actions, needed admin actions, or the such. Extended debate on other specific themes should have topics of their own.
Please see the mess that ended the previous version of this topic series.
Admins who have links to the "General Discussion..." topic in their signatures need to change the link.
The previous versions, from first to last:
Change in Moderation?
General discussion of moderation procedures
General discussion of moderation procedures: The Sequel
General discussion of moderation procedures: The Consecution
General discussion of moderation procedures: The Consequtive Consecution
General discussion of moderation procedures: The Consequtive Consecution Sequel
General discussion of moderation procedures - Part 7
General discussion of moderation procedures - Part
General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 9.0
General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 10.0
General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 11.0
General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 12.0

Member (Idle past 328 days)
Posts: 6351
From: San Diego, CA, USA
Joined: 05-03-2003

Message 2 of 312 (424677)
09-28-2007 3:44 AM

Pay attention to the forum, Rrhain...
My apologies for intruding in the Great Debate thread. I had neglected to look at the forum. If only there were a way for me to delete my post.


Thank you for your submission to Science. Your paper was reviewed by a jury of seventh graders so that they could look for balance and to allow them to make up their own minds. We are sorry to say that they found your paper "bogus," specifically describing the section on the laboratory work "boring." We regret that we will be unable to publish your work at this time.

Replies to this message:
 Message 3 by kuresu, posted 09-28-2007 4:04 AM Rrhain has replied

Member (Idle past 2834 days)
Posts: 2544
From: boulder, colorado
Joined: 03-24-2006

Message 3 of 312 (424680)
09-28-2007 4:04 AM
Reply to: Message 2 by Rrhain
09-28-2007 3:44 AM

Re: Pay attention to the forum, Rrhain...
talk to Taz. He seems to be able to hide posts (and I mean the whole damn thing, not just the text).
Or do the simple thing. Delete all the text through an edit.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 2 by Rrhain, posted 09-28-2007 3:44 AM Rrhain has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 4 by Rrhain, posted 09-28-2007 4:58 AM kuresu has not replied

Member (Idle past 328 days)
Posts: 6351
From: San Diego, CA, USA
Joined: 05-03-2003

Message 4 of 312 (424684)
09-28-2007 4:58 AM
Reply to: Message 3 by kuresu
09-28-2007 4:04 AM

Re: Pay attention to the forum, Rrhain...
Oh, the moderators have already hidden the text, pointing out that I was butting in on a restricted topic. If there's a way for me to make it to be as if the post had never happened, that'd be better. Perhaps taz'll lay the magic on me.


Thank you for your submission to Science. Your paper was reviewed by a jury of seventh graders so that they could look for balance and to allow them to make up their own minds. We are sorry to say that they found your paper "bogus," specifically describing the section on the laboratory work "boring." We regret that we will be unable to publish your work at this time.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 3 by kuresu, posted 09-28-2007 4:04 AM kuresu has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 5 by Phat, posted 09-28-2007 5:56 AM Rrhain has not replied

Posts: 18712
From: Denver,Colorado USA
Joined: 12-30-2003
Member Rating: 4.2

Message 5 of 312 (424693)
09-28-2007 5:56 AM
Reply to: Message 4 by Rrhain
09-28-2007 4:58 AM

Rrhain writes:
the moderators have already hidden the text, pointing out that I was butting in on a restricted topic. If there's a way for me to make it to be as if the post had never happened, that'd be better. Perhaps taz'll lay the magic on me.
I cannot believe that you are thinking that!
Taz is about to get suspended if he does any more disappearing post tricks. As for your intrusion? No big deal, really. I rather enjoyed your insight.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 4 by Rrhain, posted 09-28-2007 4:58 AM Rrhain has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 6 by Admin, posted 09-28-2007 8:51 AM Phat has not replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 6 of 312 (424724)
09-28-2007 8:51 AM
Reply to: Message 5 by Phat
09-28-2007 5:56 AM

Re: Taz
Taz-style hijinx are no longer possible. He's welcome to keep trying as I'd love to find more problem tags. The words in this post all appear between "xmp" tags, which, if the software is working as it should, are now automatically removed.

EvC Forum Director

This message is a reply to:
 Message 5 by Phat, posted 09-28-2007 5:56 AM Phat has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 32 by Taz, posted 09-29-2007 8:42 PM Admin has replied

Member (Idle past 3612 days)
Posts: 5069
From: Zerus
Joined: 07-18-2006

Message 7 of 312 (424745)
09-28-2007 11:34 AM

Just for the record, I disappeared those posts because I screwed up in one of my tests with the tags that majorly screwed up the forum format. I disappeared them so you guys wouldn't have to read long strings of jibberish rather than the forum. Besides, you haven't seen me actually using that against anyone out of malice do you?
Added by edit.
Percy, aren't you glad there's someone like me around who finds the problems for you without actually doing any real damage? Just be glad that it was me doing it in a test thread. I did it months ago but none of you seemed to notice.
Edited by Tazmanius Devilus, : No reason given.
Edited by Tazmanius Devilus, : No reason given.
Edited by Tazmanius Devilus, : No reason given.
Edited by Tazmanius Devilus, :
Edited by Tazmanius Devilus, : </i></span><!--B --><div>​</div><hr align=left color=gray width=200><span style="font-size:1em"><b>Disclaimer:</b><!--B --><div>​</div>Occasionally, owing to the deficiency of the English language, I have used he/him/his meaning he or she/him or her/his or her in order to avoid awkwardness of style.<!--B --><div>​</div>He, him, and his are not intended as exclusively masculine pronouns. They may refer to either sex or to both sexes!</span> </div> <hr><table class=sm><tr><td colspan=2>Replies to this message:<tr><td width=10px> <td><a href="#m424782" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table><tr ><td colspan=2 style="padding: 0px 0px 3px 0px">Message information:<tr><td><nobr>Date/Time:</nobr></td><td class=ind>' + '09-28-2007 3:05 PM' + '<tr><td><nobr>From:</nobr></td><td class=ind>ringo<tr><td><nobr>Message 8:</nobr></td><td class=ind><i>Untitled</i><br>(Msg ID 424782)<tr><td><nobr>Thread 13351:</nobr></td><td class=ind>General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 13.0<tr><td><nobr>Forum 19:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Suggestions and Questions</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Message 8</a> by <a href="Threads.php?control=tml&mbrid=3516" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table class=hb><tr><td colspan=2>Click for list of threads participated in by ringo<tr><td>Status:<td>Member<tr><td>Aka:<td>Mr. Correct, Norm, Ringo316, zombie ringo<tr><td>Joined:<td>' + '03-23-2005 12:00 AM' + '<tr><td>Member ID:<td>3516</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">ringo</a>, posted 09-28-2007 3:05 PM<td width=15px> <td>Taz has not replied<tr><td width=10px> <td><a href="#m424784" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table><tr ><td colspan=2 style="padding: 0px 0px 3px 0px">Message information:<tr><td><nobr>Date/Time:</nobr></td><td class=ind>' + '09-28-2007 3:10 PM' + '<tr><td><nobr>From:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Admin<tr><td><nobr>Message 9:</nobr></td><td class=ind><i>Untitled</i><br>(Msg ID 424784)<tr><td><nobr>Thread 13351:</nobr></td><td class=ind>General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 13.0<tr><td><nobr>Forum 19:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Suggestions and Questions</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Message 9</a> by <a href="Threads.php?control=tml&mbrid=356" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table class=hb><tr><td colspan=2>Click for list of threads participated in by Admin<tr><td>Status:<td>Director<tr><td>Aka:<td>Director<tr><td>Joined:<td>' + '06-14-2002 1:00 AM' + '<tr><td>Member ID:<td>356</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Admin</a>, posted 09-28-2007 3:10 PM<td width=15px> <td>Taz has replied</table> <hr><table width=100%><tr><td align=left><button type=button class="custom szmb" onclick="'Profile.php?control=profilepresent&mbrid=5154', '_blank')" onMouseOver="hb.on('Click for Taz\'s profile', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)"> Profile </button> <td align=right><button type=button class="custom szmb" onclick="'Peek.php?control=peek&f=19&t=13351&m=424745', '_blank')" onMouseOver="hb.on('View this message text with the dBCodes and HTML used by the author', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)"> Peek </button> </table> </td> </tr><tr class=ms1> <td id=m424782 width=18% valign=top> <b><a href="Threads.php?control=tml&mbrid=3516" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table class=hb><tr><td colspan=2>Click for list of threads participated in by ringo<tr><td>Status:<td>Member<tr><td>Aka:<td>Mr. Correct, Norm, Ringo316, zombie ringo<tr><td>Joined:<td>' + '03-23-2005 12:00 AM' + '<tr><td>Member ID:<td>3516</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">ringo</a></b><br><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15">Member (Idle past 733 days)</div><div style="padding: 13px"><center><a target=_blank href="Images/Avatars/3516.jpg"><img border=0 src="Images/Avatars/3516.jpg" class=avdefwidth></a></center></div><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15">Posts: 20940</div><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15">From: frozen wasteland</div><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15">Joined: <nobr>03-23-2005</nobr></div><br><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15"><a href="dm.php?control=msg&m=424782&mlist=on&mbrid=3516#m424782" onMouseOver="hb.on('Only display messages from this member. Messages from other members will not be displayed.', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">ringo Posts Only</a></div> <br> <div class=nopm><table width=100% class=nopm cellspacing=0px cellpadding=0px> <tr class=nopm><td class="szs nopm" style="width: 1%"> </table></div> </td> <td> <table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0> <tr class=ms1> <td width=5%><a href="Threads.php?control=tmi&t=13351" onMouseOver="hb.on('Topic's mood, click for index of messages for the topic.', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)"> <img src="Images/Moods/mood1.gif" border=0 align=center> </a> </td> <td width=45% class=szmb style="line-height:11pt"> Message 8 of 312 <span class="sz-sml f-idtext">(424782)</span> <br> <span class=szsb> 09-28-2007 3:05 PM </span> </td> <td width=50% class=szs style="text-align: right; line-height:11pt"> Reply to: <a href="#m424745" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table><tr ><td colspan=2 style="padding: 0px 0px 3px 0px">Message information:<tr><td><nobr>Date/Time:</nobr></td><td class=ind>' + '09-28-2007 11:34 AM' + '<tr><td><nobr>From:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Taz<tr><td><nobr>Message 7:</nobr></td><td class=ind><i>Untitled</i><br>(Msg ID 424745)<tr><td><nobr>Thread 13351:</nobr></td><td class=ind>General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 13.0<tr><td><nobr>Forum 19:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Suggestions and Questions</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Message 7</a> by <a href="Threads.php?control=tml&mbrid=5154" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table class=hb><tr><td colspan=2>Click for list of threads participated in by Taz<tr><td>Status:<td>Member<tr><td>Aka:<td>gasby, Joe, Nemesis Jugqernaut, Tazmanian Devil, Tazmanius Devilus, True Believer<tr><td>Joined:<td>' + '07-18-2006 12:58 AM' + '<tr><td>Member ID:<td>5154</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Taz</a><br>09-28-2007 11:34 AM </td> <td width=0%> <p align=right valign=top> </p> </td> </tr> </table><hr> <div class=messagetext> <div class="qs qs1"><span class=szsb>Tazmanius Devilus writes:</span><div>​</div>I disappeared them so you guys wouldn't have to read long strings of jibberish rather than the forum.</div><!--B --><div>​</div>We're used to long strings of gibberish. Without them, the place would just be called E.<!--B --><div>​</div><hr align=left color=gray width=200>“Faith moves mountains, but only knowledge moves them to the right place” -- Joseph Goebbels<!--B --><br>------------- <br><a target=_blank href=""><b>Help scientific research in your spare time. No cost. No obligation.</b></a><!--B --><br><b>Join the World Community Grid with Team EvC</b> </div> <hr><table class=sm><tr><td colspan=2>This message is a reply to:<tr><td width=10px> <td><a href="#m424745" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table><tr ><td colspan=2 style="padding: 0px 0px 3px 0px">Message information:<tr><td><nobr>Date/Time:</nobr></td><td class=ind>' + '09-28-2007 11:34 AM' + '<tr><td><nobr>From:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Taz<tr><td><nobr>Message 7:</nobr></td><td class=ind><i>Untitled</i><br>(Msg ID 424745)<tr><td><nobr>Thread 13351:</nobr></td><td class=ind>General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 13.0<tr><td><nobr>Forum 19:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Suggestions and Questions</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Message 7</a> by <a href="Threads.php?control=tml&mbrid=5154" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table class=hb><tr><td colspan=2>Click for list of threads participated in by Taz<tr><td>Status:<td>Member<tr><td>Aka:<td>gasby, Joe, Nemesis Jugqernaut, Tazmanian Devil, Tazmanius Devilus, True Believer<tr><td>Joined:<td>' + '07-18-2006 12:58 AM' + '<tr><td>Member ID:<td>5154</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Taz</a>, posted 09-28-2007 11:34 AM<td width=15px> <td>Taz has not replied</table> <hr><table width=100%><tr><td align=left><button type=button class="custom szmb" onclick="'Profile.php?control=profilepresent&mbrid=3516', '_blank')" onMouseOver="hb.on('Click for ringo\'s profile', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)"> Profile </button> <td align=right><button type=button class="custom szmb" onclick="'Peek.php?control=peek&f=19&t=13351&m=424782', '_blank')" onMouseOver="hb.on('View this message text with the dBCodes and HTML used by the author', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)"> Peek </button> </table> </td> </tr><tr class=ms2> <td id=m424784 width=18% valign=top> <b><a href="Threads.php?control=tml&mbrid=356" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table class=hb><tr><td colspan=2>Click for list of threads participated in by Admin<tr><td>Status:<td>Director<tr><td>Aka:<td>Director<tr><td>Joined:<td>' + '06-14-2002 1:00 AM' + '<tr><td>Member ID:<td>356</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Admin</a></b><br><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15">Director</div><div style="padding: 13px"><center><a target=_blank href="Images/Avatars/00000356.gif"><img border=0 src="Images/Avatars/00000356.gif" class=avdefwidth></a></center></div><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15">Posts: 13140</div><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15">From: EvC Forum</div><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15">Joined: <nobr>06-14-2002</nobr></div><br><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15"><a href="dm.php?control=msg&m=424784&mlist=on&mbrid=356#m424784" onMouseOver="hb.on('Only display messages from this member. Messages from other members will not be displayed.', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Admin Posts Only</a></div> <br> <div class=nopm><table width=100% class=nopm cellspacing=0px cellpadding=0px> <tr class=nopm><td class="szs nopm" style="width: 1%"> </table></div> </td> <td> <table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0> <tr class=ms2> <td width=5%><a href="Threads.php?control=tmi&t=13351" onMouseOver="hb.on('Topic's mood, click for index of messages for the topic.', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)"> <img src="Images/Moods/mood1.gif" border=0 align=center> </a> </td> <td width=45% class=szmb style="line-height:11pt"> Message 9 of 312 <span class="sz-sml f-idtext">(424784)</span> <br> <span class=szsb> 09-28-2007 3:10 PM </span> </td> <td width=50% class=szs style="text-align: right; line-height:11pt"> Reply to: <a href="#m424745" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table><tr ><td colspan=2 style="padding: 0px 0px 3px 0px">Message information:<tr><td><nobr>Date/Time:</nobr></td><td class=ind>' + '09-28-2007 11:34 AM' + '<tr><td><nobr>From:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Taz<tr><td><nobr>Message 7:</nobr></td><td class=ind><i>Untitled</i><br>(Msg ID 424745)<tr><td><nobr>Thread 13351:</nobr></td><td class=ind>General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 13.0<tr><td><nobr>Forum 19:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Suggestions and Questions</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Message 7</a> by <a href="Threads.php?control=tml&mbrid=5154" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table class=hb><tr><td colspan=2>Click for list of threads participated in by Taz<tr><td>Status:<td>Member<tr><td>Aka:<td>gasby, Joe, Nemesis Jugqernaut, Tazmanian Devil, Tazmanius Devilus, True Believer<tr><td>Joined:<td>' + '07-18-2006 12:58 AM' + '<tr><td>Member ID:<td>5154</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Taz</a><br>09-28-2007 11:34 AM </td> <td width=0%> <p align=right valign=top> </p> </td> </tr> </table><hr> <div class=messagetext> If you want a test job, dBoard 3.0 will be entering the test phase somewhere around the end of this year.<!--B --><div>​</div><hr align=left color=gray width=200><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td class=df>--<td class=df>Percy<tr><td class=df> <td class=df>EvC Forum Director</table> </div> <hr><table class=sm><tr><td colspan=2>This message is a reply to:<tr><td width=10px> <td><a href="#m424745" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table><tr ><td colspan=2 style="padding: 0px 0px 3px 0px">Message information:<tr><td><nobr>Date/Time:</nobr></td><td class=ind>' + '09-28-2007 11:34 AM' + '<tr><td><nobr>From:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Taz<tr><td><nobr>Message 7:</nobr></td><td class=ind><i>Untitled</i><br>(Msg ID 424745)<tr><td><nobr>Thread 13351:</nobr></td><td class=ind>General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 13.0<tr><td><nobr>Forum 19:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Suggestions and Questions</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Message 7</a> by <a href="Threads.php?control=tml&mbrid=5154" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table class=hb><tr><td colspan=2>Click for list of threads participated in by Taz<tr><td>Status:<td>Member<tr><td>Aka:<td>gasby, Joe, Nemesis Jugqernaut, Tazmanian Devil, Tazmanius Devilus, True Believer<tr><td>Joined:<td>' + '07-18-2006 12:58 AM' + '<tr><td>Member ID:<td>5154</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Taz</a>, posted 09-28-2007 11:34 AM<td width=15px> <td>Taz has replied</table> <hr><table class=sm><tr><td colspan=2>Replies to this message:<tr><td width=10px> <td><a href="#m424791" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table><tr ><td colspan=2 style="padding: 0px 0px 3px 0px">Message information:<tr><td><nobr>Date/Time:</nobr></td><td class=ind>' + '09-28-2007 4:23 PM' + '<tr><td><nobr>From:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Taz<tr><td><nobr>Message 10:</nobr></td><td class=ind><i>Untitled</i><br>(Msg ID 424791)<tr><td><nobr>Thread 13351:</nobr></td><td class=ind>General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 13.0<tr><td><nobr>Forum 19:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Suggestions and Questions</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Message 10</a> by <a href="Threads.php?control=tml&mbrid=5154" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table class=hb><tr><td colspan=2>Click for list of threads participated in by Taz<tr><td>Status:<td>Member<tr><td>Aka:<td>gasby, Joe, Nemesis Jugqernaut, Tazmanian Devil, Tazmanius Devilus, True Believer<tr><td>Joined:<td>' + '07-18-2006 12:58 AM' + '<tr><td>Member ID:<td>5154</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Taz</a>, posted 09-28-2007 4:23 PM<td width=15px> <td>Admin has not replied</table> <hr><table width=100%><tr><td align=left><button type=button class="custom szmb" onclick="'Profile.php?control=profilepresent&mbrid=356', '_blank')" onMouseOver="hb.on('Click for Admin\'s profile', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)"> Profile </button> <td align=right><button type=button class="custom szmb" onclick="'Peek.php?control=peek&f=19&t=13351&m=424784', '_blank')" onMouseOver="hb.on('View this message text with the dBCodes and HTML used by the author', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)"> Peek </button> </table> </td> </tr><tr class=ms1> <td id=m424791 width=18% valign=top> <b><a href="Threads.php?control=tml&mbrid=5154" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table class=hb><tr><td colspan=2>Click for list of threads participated in by Taz<tr><td>Status:<td>Member<tr><td>Aka:<td>gasby, Joe, Nemesis Jugqernaut, Tazmanian Devil, Tazmanius Devilus, True Believer<tr><td>Joined:<td>' + '07-18-2006 12:58 AM' + '<tr><td>Member ID:<td>5154</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Taz</a></b><br><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15">Member (Idle past 3612 days)</div><div style="padding: 13px"><center><a target=_blank href="Images/Avatars/5154.gif"><img border=0 src="Images/Avatars/5154.gif" class=avdefwidth></a></center></div><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15">Posts: 5069</div><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15">From: Zerus</div><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15">Joined: <nobr>07-18-2006</nobr></div><br><div class="sz-sml wt-norm hi15"><a href="dm.php?control=msg&m=424791&mlist=on&mbrid=5154#m424791" onMouseOver="hb.on('Only display messages from this member. Messages from other members will not be displayed.', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Taz Posts Only</a></div> <br> <div class=nopm><table width=100% class=nopm cellspacing=0px cellpadding=0px> <tr class=nopm><td class="szs nopm" style="width: 1%"> </table></div> </td> <td> <table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0> <tr class=ms1> <td width=5%><a href="Threads.php?control=tmi&t=13351" onMouseOver="hb.on('Topic's mood, click for index of messages for the topic.', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)"> <img src="Images/Moods/mood1.gif" border=0 align=center> </a> </td> <td width=45% class=szmb style="line-height:11pt"> Message 10 of 312 <span class="sz-sml f-idtext">(424791)</span> <br> <span class=szsb> 09-28-2007 4:23 PM </span> </td> <td width=50% class=szs style="text-align: right; line-height:11pt"> Reply to: <a href="#m424784" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table><tr ><td colspan=2 style="padding: 0px 0px 3px 0px">Message information:<tr><td><nobr>Date/Time:</nobr></td><td class=ind>' + '09-28-2007 3:10 PM' + '<tr><td><nobr>From:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Admin<tr><td><nobr>Message 9:</nobr></td><td class=ind><i>Untitled</i><br>(Msg ID 424784)<tr><td><nobr>Thread 13351:</nobr></td><td class=ind>General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 13.0<tr><td><nobr>Forum 19:</nobr></td><td class=ind>Suggestions and Questions</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Message 9</a> by <a href="Threads.php?control=tml&mbrid=356" onMouseOver="hb.on('<table class=hb><tr><td colspan=2>Click for list of threads participated in by Admin<tr><td>Status:<td>Director<tr><td>Aka:<td>Director<tr><td>Joined:<td>' + '06-14-2002 1:00 AM' + '<tr><td>Member ID:<td>356</table>', 500)" onMouseOut="" onMouseMove="mouseTracker(event)">Admin</a><br>09-28-2007 3:10 PM </td> <td width=0%> <p align=right valign=top> </p> </td> </tr> </table><hr> <div class=messagetext> <div class="qs qs1"><span class=szsb>Admin writes:</span><div>​</div>If you want a test job, dBoard 3.0 will be entering the test phase somewhere around the end of this year.</div> Sure, just tell me when. Do I get full coverage, including dental?<!--B --><div>​</div><span class=LI1><i>Edited by Tazmanius Devilus, <script language="Javascript">if (getCookie('UseUserTimeZone')) {printDateTime(1191012751000, 'US', '-', 4, 'AMPM');} else {document.write('09-28-2007 04:52 PM');}</script>: No reason given.</i></span><!--B --><div>​</div><span class=LI1><i>Edited by Tazmanius Devilus, <script language="Javascript">if (getCookie('UseUserTimeZone')) {printDateTime(1191112311000, 'US', '-', 4, 'AMPM');} else {document.write('09-29-2007 08:31 PM');}</script>:

Occasionally, owing to the deficiency of the English language, I have used he/him/his meaning he or she/him or her/his or her in order to avoid awkwardness of style.
He, him, and his are not intended as exclusively masculine pronouns. They may refer to either sex or to both sexes!

This message is a reply to:
 Message 9 by Admin, posted 09-28-2007 3:10 PM Admin has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 4248 days)
Posts: 4258
Joined: 05-24-2004

Message 11 of 312 (424827)
09-28-2007 8:25 PM

there is no logical or rational defense for creationism. this is repeatedly proven on this site. creationism is based solely on arguments of emotion from authority period. since buz can't deal with this blatant reality, he decided to shut jar up.
abuse of power 3.0.

Replies to this message:
 Message 12 by AdminBuzsaw, posted 09-28-2007 9:20 PM macaroniandcheese has replied

Inactive Member

Message 12 of 312 (424832)
09-28-2007 9:20 PM
Reply to: Message 11 by macaroniandcheese
09-28-2007 8:25 PM

Re: Jar
brennakimi writes:
there is no logical or rational defense for creationism. this is repeatedly proven on this site. creationism is based solely on arguments of emotion from authority period. since buz can't deal with this blatant reality, he decided to shut jar up.
abuse of power 3.0.
Brennakimi, no such claim relative to the Biblicalist creationist constituency at large has been proven on this site. Did you read my admin action on member jar? Surely both you and Jar are aware that Biblicalist creationist arguments have not all been conducted purely on emotion and they/we do use other aspects of creationism agenda such as what I itemized in my moderation action. Whether or not you agree with the arguments of your counterpart members is immaterial for the purpose of this discussion.
How about specifying why you think my action was an abuse of power. Btw, are you aware that it was Admin who administered the suspension on Jar and not AdminBuz?
AdminBuz action writes:
This thread is about Faith and her conduct and not member Jar's thread to insult and demean the creationist constituency of EvC. Creationists use such things as archeology, fulfilled prophecy, history, laws of science and other reason/logic/reality in the forum debates. Either cease and desist using these threads for your bash-creationist agenda or you get some time off yourself.
http://EvC Forum: Faith now has her own forum (pertaining to topics) -->EvC Forum: Faith now has her own forum (pertaining to topics)

This message is a reply to:
 Message 11 by macaroniandcheese, posted 09-28-2007 8:25 PM macaroniandcheese has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 13 by macaroniandcheese, posted 09-28-2007 9:44 PM AdminBuzsaw has replied
 Message 14 by Omnivorous, posted 09-28-2007 10:26 PM AdminBuzsaw has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 4248 days)
Posts: 4258
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Message 13 of 312 (424835)
09-28-2007 9:44 PM
Reply to: Message 12 by AdminBuzsaw
09-28-2007 9:20 PM

Re: Jar
are you aware that it was Admin who administered the suspension on Jar and not AdminBuz?
no, because it wasn't posted in the suspensions and bannings thread.
no such claim relative to the Biblicalist creationist constituency at large has been proven on this site.
maybe you're right. but it doesn't have to be. it's an argument based on authority. it's from a book that claims to be the word of god. argument from authority, period.
How about specifying why you think my action was an abuse of power.
you used the word lie. i think that's a bit strong for moderator action, no? i'd wager you decided to add a little of your own authority to your whine against jar because you can't accept the fact that your beliefs are based on a book and nothing else. regardless of the truth of that book, there is not a rational or logical argument to be made, rather only the "god said it; i believe it" argument.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 12 by AdminBuzsaw, posted 09-28-2007 9:20 PM AdminBuzsaw has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 15 by AdminBuzsaw, posted 09-28-2007 10:40 PM macaroniandcheese has replied

Member (Idle past 196 days)
Posts: 4001
From: Adirondackia
Joined: 07-21-2005

Message 14 of 312 (424839)
09-28-2007 10:26 PM
Reply to: Message 12 by AdminBuzsaw
09-28-2007 9:20 PM

Two half wrongs aren't half right.
AdminBuzsaw writes:
Btw, are you aware that it was Admin who administered the suspension on Jar and not AdminBuz?
I see only half of my complaint to you was accurate. I apologize for the error.
But it still seems evident to me that a moderator who argues a personal position--and in an insulting manner, to boot--has been provocative, and an in-thread reply does not deserve a suspension.
Nor were Jar's comments off-topic. But if they were, so were most of those that came before, including mine and Admin's.
As to whether they were a lie: the truth or falsity of his comments is one facet of our debate. It would be reasonable for you--as Buzsaw, not as AdminBuzsaw--to declare them false, but not to call them a lie. Folks get suspended for that.
So shame on both of you.

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This message is a reply to:
 Message 12 by AdminBuzsaw, posted 09-28-2007 9:20 PM AdminBuzsaw has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 16 by AdminBuzsaw, posted 09-28-2007 10:57 PM Omnivorous has replied

Inactive Member

Message 15 of 312 (424841)
09-28-2007 10:40 PM
Reply to: Message 13 by macaroniandcheese
09-28-2007 9:44 PM

Re: Jar
brennakimi writes:
no, because it wasn't posted in the suspensions and bannings thread.
Next time all you need do is place your curser on the red suspension dot of any message of a suspended member and it gives the reason for the suspension as well as the one who administered the suspension is given. This has been the case for quite some time now. Thus there is no longer a necessity of informing regarding suspensions in separate thread by moderators as I understand it.
no such claim relative to the Biblicalist creationist constituency at large has been proven on this site.
brennakimi writes:
maybe you're right. but it doesn't have to be. it's an argument based on authority. it's from a book that claims to be the word of god. argument from authority, period.
Both you and jar have debated creationists long enough to know full well that I'm right and that not all Biblicalist creationists debate on emotion alone as the statement clearly implied. Thus the rare usage of the "L" word which I rarely ever apply to anyone. I don't see how this can be brushed off as a mistake when it was quite obviously a deliberate lie, given the messenger knew full well that it was a meanspirited falsehood aimed at Biblical creationists.
How about specifying why you think my action was an abuse of power.
brennakimi writes:
you used the word lie. i think that's a bit strong for moderator action, no? i'd wager you decided to add a little of your own authority to your whine against jar because you can't accept the fact that your beliefs are based on a book and nothing else. regardless of the truth of that book, there is not a rational or logical argument to be made, rather only the "god said it; i believe it" argument.
1. I would appreciate it if you would stop describing my action as whining when in fact it was Admin himself who obviously agreed with it by his action and his reason for the action. I have learned to be thick skinned here but you have admitted that perhaps I was right and I think you are being quite disrespectful and disingenuous, not to mention that you are by doing so implicating Admin as a whiner as well.
2. Just like Jar, you are lumping all of the Biblical creationist input here at EvC in one lump and all such members in one lump which in fact includes two moderators. A number of Biblical creationists over the years including myself have applied a whole lot more to many debates than simply god did it, emotion and Biblical authority. Surely you have been aboard long enough to be fully aware of that fact.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 13 by macaroniandcheese, posted 09-28-2007 9:44 PM macaroniandcheese has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 17 by macaroniandcheese, posted 09-28-2007 11:02 PM AdminBuzsaw has not replied

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