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Author | Topic: Drum's list of prophecies :) | |||||||||||||||||||
John Inactive Member |
You are using a modern English dictionary to define what was meant by an author writing in another language 2500 or so years ago. Does this really make sense to you?
And in fact, you are arguing over the word chosen by Percy rather than the words actually used in the Bible. Weren't you the one instructing us to grab a Hebrew copy of the Good Book? Well... why don't you?
quote: Lets see... it doesn't matter how the guy writing it meant it? hmmm... You can't be serious?
quote: It is possible to come to some conclusions based on context. However, once we leave that narrow vien of inquiry...
quote: Ah... thanks for illustrating what is wrong with this approach to prophecy. It is too fuzzy. Hundreds of real world outcomes could be interpretted as having fulfilled the prophecy. You may as well predict that "something will happen eventually." ------------------
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THEONE ![]() Inactive Member |
I was not instrucing anybody to do anything, I was just suggesting to check out a pretty cool thing. However, you are right, lets pick up the Good Book and see what we can dig up in there... I the book of Proverbs (2800 years ago) King Solomon wrote:"A word well spoken is like apples of gold in bowls of silver" (Prov. 15:11) Maimonides (a gread Torah scholar, sort of like an Einshtein of theology) explains this passage like this: Seen from a distance, only the silver bowl and its beauty are noticed. Whith closer inspection the more valuable apples of gold are discovered within. What is the bowl of silver about which Prov. speaks? It is the literal text of the Bible. Even with a superficial reading, seen from a distance, as it were, it is beautiful. But only close inspection, deep study of the text, reveals the golden apples, the subtleties, held within. As gold is more valuable, so these subtleties, the quite truths, expand the meaning far beyond a litteral reading. Since the profecy was written 300 years after Proverbs could it be that Isaiah wrote down his vision in the style of the Bible according to Prov.? trying to conseal the true insight in litteral meaning? But once again you are right. We can debate for eternity and not know for sure. It's all a matter of your belief.
drummachine Inactive Member |
Brian Johnston,
Yeah your write. Actually it was about 300-400 BC by the Persians. The Romans perfected it. And that prophecy from that site I added the crucifixion part. Thanks for the correction.
John Inactive Member |
quote: Yep, and could be not. That is the whole problem. Drum set out a list of presumably fulfilled prophecies. I replied by explaining why these are not adequate examples of fulfilled prophecy. When the best one can do is conclude that 'maybe or maybe not' it is best not to hold that example as evidence of a fulfilled prophecy, yes? Btw, are you a native speaker of English? ------------------
No webpage found at provided URL: www.hells-handmaiden.com
THEONE ![]() Inactive Member |
quote: Yes, without a doubt.But evidence is a subjective thing here. In this case, evidence is based on one's perception of the world and interpretation of the Bible which can't be the same across the board. So what's solid evidence for me, is jibberish to you and both of us are right at the same time... go figure... As I said before, it depends on your belief.
quote: ![]() [This message has been edited by TheOne, 04-14-2003]
John Inactive Member |
quote: But then you equivocate.
quote: It is just this subjectivity that makes this prophecy a bad one to use as evidence.
quote: Not really. This particular prophecy fails either way. Taken literally, the Jews do not fill the world, making up only a fraction of the global population. Taken metaphorically, as you wish, the prophecy is too fuzzy to be meaningful. Chance alone virtually guarantees that it be fulfilled assuming we get to interpret things as we please.
quote: Your spelling is atrocious. I take it that you are pretty young and don't much care about such things. I didn't. I have undergraduate philosophy and anthropology papers covered with notes like "this is well written overall but if you don't start paying attention to your spelling I am going to stop grading these things." Trust me, you'd be well served by paying attention. ![]() ------------------
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Brian Member (Idle past 5278 days) Posts: 4659 From: Scotland Joined: |
Hi Drum,
You are very welcome, and thankyou very much for the reply. I am very happy that you are looking deeper into these things and remember that your opinion is every bit as valid as any professor's, as long as you support it with some good evidence. Good luck for the future. Best Wishes Brian
THEONE ![]() Inactive Member |
Taken metaphorically, as you wish, the prophecy is too fuzzy to be meaningful.
In your perception. Your spelling is atrocious. Sorry. Sometimes I'm at work and in a hurry to reply, sometimes I'm at home but smoked too much pot, sometimes it's my ESL (English as a Second Language) classes failing on me. ![]()
John Inactive Member |
quote: A prophecy is a statement like any other. It is specific or it isn't. "It will rain tomorrow" is specific. "It will rain eventually" isn't. Would you consider me a prophet if I made the later claim? Suppose we were in the desert in Africa when I made the statement. Well, at the the end of the next day, you point out that it hasn't rained. I point out that somewhere it did rain and that "I didn't say it would rain where we were." Would you take this seriously? Suppose I decide that snow is made of water and so are raindrops and thus by "rain" I could have meant "snow" or any other form of water falling from the sky? Would you take this seriously? I hope not, sincerely. Yet you appear to be willing to make these same convoluted interpretations where the Bible is concerned?
quote: That is why I asked. Can't be too hard on you if it is a second language. ![]() ------------------
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Coragyps Member (Idle past 1054 days) Posts: 5553 From: Snyder, Texas, USA Joined: |
Give a peek to worthyboards.com, particularly their Prophecy forum. I found
Since that time I have sought the Lord and finally came to the conclusion that it indeed was the Holy Spirit talking to me about a massive quake happening in the "bootheel" of Missouri on May 7, 2003. I have written a book about this prophecy and there have been copies sent to many states.
Testable prediction, if you don't live too close to Memphis.
In the last two weeks I have come across two other ministers who have publicly prophesied that next year there will be a massive earthquake or shaking happening in the United States. One of the brothers talked with me on the telephone comparing notes. We both have the same location and approximate size. |
drummachine Inactive Member |
So God preserved all the Jews who died in German concentration camps?
The Holocaust was performed by the hand of Nazism but just because that happened doesn't mean God hasn't preserved them still. All through the Old Testament we see destructive things like this. Ever since Christ's prophecy about the temple destruction Israel has been desolate. There's the proof that the texts were written before 70AD and thats when the temple was destroyed. So since the rejection of the Messiah Israel has been desolate. But today things are different. Israel coming back into their land is different today than then is because it has been over 1,900 years since they have been in their land. God said He would gather Israel from the four corners of the world and we see this today. The analogy of prophecy about your wife is not even in the same category as God because His prophecies have been events fulfilled that have changed history.
The re-establishment of Israel appears over and over, but it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I prophesized that my wife would make me a cup of tea, and she heard this and promptly did so, am I a prophet? The Zionists have been battling to fulfil this prophecy for ages. That they finally succeeded does not prove that prophecy was inspired. Many prophecies about Jesus cannot be trusted, because the gospel writers may have adapted the 'facts' to fit the prophecies, just to 'prove' that their Jesus was the predicted messiah.
What is your evidence for this?
Of course, each prophet would have known all the prophecies of the previous prophets. So many of these cannot be listed as independent cases, but just as repetition.
Would you please shed some light to this statement? [This message has been edited by drummachine, 04-21-2003]
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