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Author Topic:   Rather than...
Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5354 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 2 of 17 (10118)
05-21-2002 12:14 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by RedVento
05-08-2002 3:00 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by RedVento:
[b]I was wondering has anyone challanged the historical accuracy of the bible? Or used it inaccuracies or the biases of the authers to discredit the source of creationism? I am not scientific, and while I can grasp the theories from both sides the major flaw I always come back to is that creationism is rooted in a document[/QUOTE]
i CAME to C/E not as to further my decision on Sundays whether to attend Cornell's ecumenical service and listen to the organ or not but rather with understanding from personal experience that flaw or no as you note, not only do the evolutionists keep a closed shop as had been prior alledged but that there is resistence beyond social acceptance within the discussion of evolution on evolution terms itself. My grandfather had passed on the AMerican view of genetics to me and I avoided the issue of evolution and creation as so far as my mother had it passed on by detailing my interest in a taxononmy that with changes due to baramins could go either way as to the comptuer support used to co-ordinate the subjective expert taxogeny. But even talking about these origins apparently sounds more religious than the coast of audibles and visibles that Newton noted between lizards and fish. Go gish f.
[QUOTE][b]that was put together by a group of people who's main goal was to further a religion.
Documents from the time of Christ that could set the record straight are no longer around. Stored in the Library of Alexandria an early christian destroyed it. The only document we have(the Dead Seas Scrolls) are under Vatican control. The few pieces that were translated by 3rd parties [/QUOTE]
What happened to the offspring as opposed to the parent was that techonology (the micro-recorder was hidden from know use) was used to insert a third party into the parent-child relation causing untold harm that can not today be brought back no matter the transiton to objects for any subject.
If one wishes to understand this it is not necessary to go to jail.
[This message has been edited by Brad McFall, 05-21-2002]

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 Message 1 by RedVento, posted 05-08-2002 3:00 PM RedVento has not replied

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