And hang on second, you and Contra already presupposed that you could tell me what atheists do or don't believe so get off you're high horse.
Actually, I corrected Rubystars, and you presumed to correct me.
You may, if you wish, assert that you BELIEVE there are no invisible monkeys tap-dancing on your monitor.
I, however, prefer to not even consider the proposition that there might be invisible tap-dancing monkeys, because I have no means to determine whether it is true or false.
If you are confonted by a theist who claims that your belief is indistinguishable from theirs, you will have to admit this is so, because you cannot provide a rational explanation for your belief.
If I am confronted by such a theist, however, I can offer a rational response, and decline to even consider the proposition until they can indicate a reason to do so.