intelligent design is a funny concept, really. evolution allows for it, actually, through artificial selection. humans are able to "design" features in animals, etc.
i think the basic theistic-evolution stance is that natural selection is really super-natural selection some or all of the time. it is, admittedly, a religious belief and completely unfalsifiable. but it's not claiming to be anything else, really.
but yes, most theistic evolutionists would contend that natural selection and other natural process are perfectly sufficient to produce life as we know it today. it's not even god-of-the-gaps so much as it is god-as-a-bonus for me.
i've read your post-of-the-month a few times. it's a classic one. i think i'll read it again. out of curiousity, what is your current stance? are you a theistic evolution person?
This message has been edited by Arachnophilia, 07-21-2004 07:17 AM