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Author Topic:   A YEC living in an Amish Paradise
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Message 1 of 1 (12666)
07-03-2002 6:03 AM

As I walk through the streets meditating on my scripture, I glace at a church and look forward to the rapture.
But that’s just perfect for a YEC like me; you know I shun fancy things like pagan technology.
At 10:30 on Sunday morning I’m on my knees begging please, Jacob gets the holy water, while Joseph collects the fees.
And I’ve been ranting and raving for so long, even TrueCreation thinks my mind is gone.
I’m a man of God; I’m in true discipline, got a Bible in my hand and some beads in the other. If I finish my chores and you finish yours, then tonight we’re going to party like the Earths 6,000 years old.
We’ve been spending most our lives living in a creationists’ paradise, I rant and rave once or twice, living in a creationists’ paradise. It’s hard work and blind faith, living in a creationists’ paradise. We sell bad science at discount price, living in a creationists’ paradise.
A Darwinist kicked me in the butt last week, I just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek, I really don’t care in fact I wish him well, cause I’ll be laughing my head off when he’s burning in Hell. I’ve never punched an Evolutionist, even if he deserved it - a creationist with an attitude; you know that’s unheard of.
I never listen to scientific experts, but I got a cool theory and my friends all agree that I look really good in front of a pulpit. If you come to visit, you’ll be board to tears; we haven’t even updated our theory from 6,000 years. We’re not really quaint, so please don’t point and stare, we’re just religiously impaired.
There’s no other belief or theory or life not a single deviation, like the Spanish Inquisition, it’s as primitive as can be.
We’ve been spending most our lives living in a creationists’ paradise, we’re just pain and simple Christians living in a creationists’ paradise. There’s no time for sin and vice, living in a creationists’ paradise. We don’t fight we’re always nice, living in a creationists’ paradise.
Spewing out the scriptures, churning lots of hogwash, raised a church on Monday; soon I’ll raise another. Think you’ll really righteous, think your pure in heart? Well I know I’m a million times more humble then thou art. I’m just really pious and I’ll I want to do is be on my knees day and night, scoring points for the afterlife. So don’t be vain and don’t be whiny, or else my Darwinist friend I might have to get Creationist on your hinny.
We’ve been spending most our lives living in a creationists’ paradise. We’re all crazy creationists, living in a creationists’ paradise. There’s no challenging theory or contradicting thoughts, living in a creationists paradise. But you’d probably think it bites living in a creationists’ paradise.
The End

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