Hi Rubistars. This is my first post so be gentle! I am a Christian - converted from the 70's drug culture. Recently a friend who is a science teacher got me onto Creationism. I downloaded alot of hovind mp3 talks who in spite of his rhetoric seemed to talk alot of sense. I have never had a problem with evolution but it was nice to hear someone make the Bible sound so literal. I guess the main thing to me is that God is at the origin of all things as Creator and He sustains all he has created whether by natural law or miraculous power. I have recently been studying the idea of ID reading "Science and evidence for design in the universe" (Behe; Dempski; Meyer) so i have hit upon this thread. What has impressed me so far is that our search for Intelligence in outer space has developed a scientific system for such recognition which, if accepted, by the scientific community should also be an accepted means of detection of ID in creation. I haven't got any further so cannot say much more.
I read your other post and some things perturbed me.
"I saw Carl Baugh on tv with a human footprint that supposedly had a trilobite embedded into it."
You say he was lying - in what way?
"He was also kind of appealing in some ways cause he talked about how he had evidence that dinosaurs might have been around as recent as 4000 years ago and he even claimed there were eye witnesses of dinosaurs more recent than that. Lies, dirty lies ..."
I understood that Creationists are not asserting these things to be true but possibilities.
"I didn't really fully understand the scientfic method nor did I understand that eye witness testimony is not considered to be a good source of information."
Some people may lie or fabricate but not all lie. Do you dismiss all reports re dinosours - incl photos. I think you have come across the usual stuff Hovind etc come up with.
"One thing I had a serious problem with was that they firmly declared that there were two kingdoms, plants and animals. I knew from my earlier class that this was wrong. I knew that bacteria and protists and fungi were in different kingdoms. This was my first dose of skepticism regarding creationists."
I'm not a scientist. Could you make it a little clearer what the problem is?
"and then chose the first hominid that was fully human to be Adam and then the story went from there."
at what point does one decide true "hominidity" and is there not a theological problem in that death came through the sin of the first man whereas in this case death existed before Adam?
Sorry to bombarde you with questions. You don't have to answer them all - and they are open to anyone to answer - also sorry if I have used quotes in the wrong way