Evengelicals are against abortion to a degree which is not mainstream. They are against stem cell research in a way which is not mainstream.
I disagree. Abortion on demand with public funding is an extreme position. Instead of distancing himself from NARAL, which advocates this, Kerry publicly threw his lot in with them, appearing onstage with their director.
Contrary to your assertion, I watched Kerry in all three debates very attentively. His remarks to the effect that poverty should not be a bar to abortion in the second, townhall debate were transparent code for public funding of abortion - an extreme NARAL position.
You seem to keep thinking I am Michael Moore. I am not. I had quite a conservative background, and am conservative fiscally to some degree and definitely in military matters.
We don't know each other personally. I don't think you are Michael Moore. Obviously you are to my left somewhat. If I am center-right, perhaps you're center-left. I do think you are an intelligent, good debater, although given to occasional flights of invective, although I confess to this vice as well.
Bush is an evangelical, and it is that wing of evangelicals (the falwells and roberts) which are being appealled to. That was the numbers that were being courted.
I heard Bush speak at a campaign event. One question was from a clearly fundamentalist woman to the effect of "what are we going to do about these unchurched people". His response was quite negative. It was to the effect of "Maam, you must understand that in America, everyone is free to practice whatver religion they choose, or no religion at all. We are fighting groups like the Taliban because they impose their distorted view of religion with whips in the public square. This is not what America is about".
This answer was a key factor in my decision to vote for Bush.
It was the Republicans selling out their traditional values and courting far right votes just to secure an election win.
Again, I disagree. I see many of these positions as center-right positions.
YECs tried to pack local school boards during the Clinton years, and they'll try again. And I'll be there opposing it, as before. If the right pushes too hard, the Schwarzenegger Republicans and the moderate Democrats will become the majority party. The system will work.