Humans do not use just 7% (usually stated as 10%) of their brains. Like the worldwide flood of Noah this is myth.
If you are not just a troll, you may actually believe that the science achievements of the "antediluvians" far surpass anything we know today. This seems totally ridiculous to me and I suspect to any other people who haven't fallen for whatever scam you have apparently fallen for. First there was no worldwide deluge so there were no antidulivians and second I don't really think the Bronze Age sheep herders who borrowed Babylonian flood mythology and incorporated it into their origin myths had science that surpassed anything we know today. You seem to have gotten Atlantis myths mixed in with Genesis myths. I would think that anyone who used even 5% of their brain could figure out that this claim is total nonsense.
I suppose that God could have recreated the earth to look as if it were billions of years old and that there never was a worldwide flood but that seems a bit deceptive to me. Of course we are talking about a Supreme Being who allegedly destroyed nearly all life on earth with a big flood in a fit of pique because his botched creation didn't turn out quite the way he wanted it to so I suppose deception is not out of bounds.
Added in Edit: If you really want to discuss antediluvian science myths I suggest opening another thread somewhere. The subject of this thread is the conflict properties YECs attribute to the flood.
[This message has been edited by Randy, 03-09-2003]