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Author Topic:   Your position in five lines
Andya Primanda
Inactive Member

Message 1 of 27 (18188)
09-24-2002 11:40 PM

Just for curiosity, how do you describe your position here in five short lines?

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 Message 2 by acmhttu001_2006, posted 09-25-2002 1:52 PM Andya Primanda has not replied
 Message 5 by TrueCreation, posted 09-25-2002 5:31 PM Andya Primanda has not replied
 Message 6 by Brad McFall, posted 09-26-2002 11:52 AM Andya Primanda has not replied
 Message 8 by nator, posted 09-27-2002 11:41 AM Andya Primanda has not replied
 Message 9 by compmage, posted 10-08-2002 3:05 PM Andya Primanda has not replied
 Message 10 by Tranquility Base, posted 10-13-2002 3:45 AM Andya Primanda has not replied
 Message 11 by Delshad, posted 10-13-2002 6:22 AM Andya Primanda has not replied
 Message 12 by Delshad, posted 10-13-2002 7:07 AM Andya Primanda has replied
 Message 14 by Jeff, posted 10-15-2002 1:33 PM Andya Primanda has replied
 Message 19 by Syamsu, posted 12-03-2002 12:03 PM Andya Primanda has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 2 of 27 (18277)
09-25-2002 1:52 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by Andya Primanda
09-24-2002 11:40 PM

talented [read signature]
very skeptical
And one more word - open-minded
Anne C. McGuire
Cell and Molecular, Mathematics, Piano and Vocal Performance Majors
Chemistry and Physics minors
Thanks and have a nice day

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 Message 1 by Andya Primanda, posted 09-24-2002 11:40 PM Andya Primanda has not replied

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 Message 3 by Dr_Tazimus_maximus, posted 09-25-2002 2:04 PM acmhttu001_2006 has replied

Member (Idle past 3537 days)
Posts: 402
From: Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Joined: 03-19-2002

Message 3 of 27 (18278)
09-25-2002 2:04 PM
Reply to: Message 2 by acmhttu001_2006
09-25-2002 1:52 PM

OK, this one is really all that I have time for today.
Slightly Nuts and Definitely Out of Kilter with most of "societies" views (OK, you can put me back in my nice, long sleeved white coat now )
"Chance favors the prepared mind." L. Pasteur

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 Message 2 by acmhttu001_2006, posted 09-25-2002 1:52 PM acmhttu001_2006 has replied

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 Message 7 by acmhttu001_2006, posted 09-27-2002 12:47 AM Dr_Tazimus_maximus has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 4 of 27 (18280)
09-25-2002 4:42 PM

AI R&D / Product Development
Liberal Christian
Zen Philosophy
Hobby Machinist/Modelmaker

Inactive Member

Message 5 of 27 (18286)
09-25-2002 5:31 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by Andya Primanda
09-24-2002 11:40 PM

pervasive inquiry
vernal scientist
Young Earther

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 Message 1 by Andya Primanda, posted 09-24-2002 11:40 PM Andya Primanda has not replied

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 Message 16 by graedek, posted 11-22-2002 10:18 PM TrueCreation has not replied

Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5352 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 6 of 27 (18352)
09-26-2002 11:52 AM
Reply to: Message 1 by Andya Primanda
09-24-2002 11:40 PM

THEORY (adapted from Clerk Maxwell's hypothetical discussion edited)
822. The consideration of the action of magnetisim on polarized light leads, as we have seen, to the conlcusion that in a medium under the action of magentic force (something) belonging to the same mathematical class as an angular velocity, whose axis, is in the direction of, Wright's landscape (the magnetic force forms), a part of the Ur phenomenon.
This angular velocity cannot be that of any portion of the medium of sensible dimensions rotating as a whole but could be a heritable organismic property across a population. We must therefore conceive rotation (to be) that of Darwinian circumutation by bioentropism or not very small for any other heterogenity of the medium, each rotating on it own axis. This is the hjypothesis of molecular vortices.
The motion of these vortices, though not necessarily all the difference between mitosis and meiosis, as we have shewn (Art. 575), it does not sensibly affect the visible motions large bodies, may be such as to effect energetically insignificant behaviors that vibratory motion on which the propogation of light (through the skin etc), according to the undulatory theory depends. The displacements of the medium, during the propogation of light, will produce a disturbance of Newton's "transient" the vortices,. and the vortices when so disturbed may react on Newton's solar bodies connected by rod, the medium so (as eddy etc) as to affect, the mode, of??? propogation, of the ray Newton saw.
APPLICATION The reason that ionizing vs nonionizing affect of radiation is that any health effect by definition would be some distortion else the negativity would not be under investigation so that a formation could be dissolved but not distorted in the positiveness yet this still could not be clearly the result of ionizing or non-ionizing special effects that ornament a false positive as what is decomposed need not be considered to exist BIOLOGICALLY in the horror of a vacuum so to say but rather with potential for other material expression (genetically) before it and in the instance manifested "behind" it ( in the so-called back ground) and sitll if this something negative that tends to deface any natural repose the redeposition -+ dissolveability +- decomposition can be minimal such that affect being a symptom indeed, is not cause to believe the opposition is either polarized or true.
Of course, if more is understood genetically this sentence could be modified but to not reverse of the benefits laid at the feet of ionization changes in morphgenicaly replaced morphology(edited) footnotes to society possibly infected some change of shape COULD occurr BIOLOGICALLY by being dissolved, deposited or decomposed etither by addtion or 0 add of ions to the chems ilu of the cells involved - - without any comparative contrast to have been available .
The difference rather contributes at least to different layers of kinematic measureables. Why can not compolementarity be but the the spinng Chinese product of Pascal's triangle with Cantor's transfinites translating??? per Steady motion vs undulation?? OR multple basises of the kinematics involved frameworked by any means available (not merely "susspended") in any-->all dynamism at most as infinite component ability is not - infinite division no matter {} the Quantum Mechanical constriction in the same narrowed space due to ill-health which still needs some support, grant or funds.
I do not say here that Jesus healed people nor do I contain the thought of how to benefit even more healthy tissue but only to the beyond how to identify those dying and declined bodies that man-made stuff inhibits (one can not breath with an plastic bag on head etc) if not prohibiting and yet clearly this ability +--+=== is within the law, legal and should power of the people be not simply 1st Bill was not extant ought to have been not merely proprietarily retained such in removal by neglignece (dead beat galvanometer =/= dead beat D d.) torted contractually from the contractor not contractee in good faith not be making judgements, judgements that appeared to be those of a doctor of psychiatry. Disabling this work is no excuse to prevent access to the data!! The philosophical work to expunge this recordable medium/middle philosophy frpom it's operational existence in our public schools is not over for any privitazation already undergone may rather again be single physical resistence that is not to be simply steped over on a no news day in the name of who controls the court room either by excessive spending (not purchasing) or work at law in writing that did not click and paste the bird's noise as many times before this was printed. A fax is not a fact is not a fract, in all this case every reformations under any scope in the house that Jack built. Jesus was told me a carpenter he was Aufhebung in English he is not J DOE as a department but something with writing nonetheless calculable.
[This message has been edited by Brad McFall, 09-27-2002]
[This message has been edited by Brad McFall, 09-27-2002]

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 Message 1 by Andya Primanda, posted 09-24-2002 11:40 PM Andya Primanda has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 7 of 27 (18388)
09-27-2002 12:47 AM
Reply to: Message 3 by Dr_Tazimus_maximus
09-25-2002 2:04 PM

Anne C. McGuire
Cell and Molecular, Mathematics, Piano and Vocal Performance Majors
Chemistry and Physics minors
Thanks and have a nice day

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 Message 3 by Dr_Tazimus_maximus, posted 09-25-2002 2:04 PM Dr_Tazimus_maximus has not replied

Member (Idle past 2489 days)
Posts: 12961
From: Ann Arbor
Joined: 12-09-2001

Message 8 of 27 (18429)
09-27-2002 11:41 AM
Reply to: Message 1 by Andya Primanda
09-24-2002 11:40 PM


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 Message 1 by Andya Primanda, posted 09-24-2002 11:40 PM Andya Primanda has not replied

Member (Idle past 5473 days)
Posts: 601
From: South Africa
Joined: 08-04-2005

Message 9 of 27 (19336)
10-08-2002 3:05 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by Andya Primanda
09-24-2002 11:40 PM

*Creationist, with a healthy dose of "we can not know for sure"
*Don't really care that much, since God created it either way. Really not going to break my head over this. This is just interesting/entertaining reading, really.

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 Message 1 by Andya Primanda, posted 09-24-2002 11:40 PM Andya Primanda has not replied

Tranquility Base
Inactive Member

Message 10 of 27 (19758)
10-13-2002 3:45 AM
Reply to: Message 1 by Andya Primanda
09-24-2002 11:40 PM

YE creationist
Scientist (struc biol, protein folding, genomics, nucl physics)
View point: the data is split. Our consciences and messengers tell us of creation.
'Spare' time: family, hiking, Aust football, old books, programming, inventions, archeology, geology
[This message has been edited by Tranquility Base, 10-13-2002]

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 Message 1 by Andya Primanda, posted 09-24-2002 11:40 PM Andya Primanda has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 11 of 27 (19759)
10-13-2002 6:22 AM
Reply to: Message 1 by Andya Primanda
09-24-2002 11:40 PM

Evolutionist (with divine intervention)

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 Message 1 by Andya Primanda, posted 09-24-2002 11:40 PM Andya Primanda has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 12 of 27 (19761)
10-13-2002 7:07 AM
Reply to: Message 1 by Andya Primanda
09-24-2002 11:40 PM

Salam o aleikum Andya
Brother, I have a sincere question to you.
During the last few months I have developed an interest of Harun Yahya`s work, because of his eloquenct and informative books about things I before hadn`t thought about.
However, I am not really convinced that the information in his books are reliable, or if they represent views held by most of the higher educated muslims.
And since you come from Indonesia (I believe that his books have many readers there), how do you consider his works through a scientifical perspective?
Sincerely Delshad

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 Message 1 by Andya Primanda, posted 09-24-2002 11:40 PM Andya Primanda has replied

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 Message 13 by Andya Primanda, posted 10-13-2002 11:05 AM Delshad has not replied

Andya Primanda
Inactive Member

Message 13 of 27 (19776)
10-13-2002 11:05 AM
Reply to: Message 12 by Delshad
10-13-2002 7:07 AM

Wa alaikumussalam brother Delshad.
While many Muslims praised Harun Yahya for inquiring into something most of us do not have any idea about, few are bothered to check into the details. My major is Biology; I happen to be able to do such checking, and I find that some of his scientific conclusions are incorrect. He even falls into the same trap as the Christian creationists: misquoting and distorting conclusions. However, I agree with him in his political views.
I am building a website to evaluate his claims in 'The Evolution Deceit' here:
So far I have only finished the evaluation of Chapter 9 (Human Evolution) but this work is still in progress, and I have been greatly helped by the guys here.
Umm, Delshad, you're a scientist?
[This message has been edited by Andya Primanda, 10-13-2002]

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 Message 12 by Delshad, posted 10-13-2002 7:07 AM Delshad has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 14 of 27 (19936)
10-15-2002 1:33 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by Andya Primanda
09-24-2002 11:40 PM

Rock Musician/Artist/Chess player
Computer Network Administrator ( read: Geek )
Sarcastically honest ( in the same breath, no doubt )
...also a son, brother, uncle & father.
( oh yeah, I forgot.... and a virgin ) ;0)
"Freedom of Religion" equates to Freedom -FROM- those religions we find unbelievable.

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 Message 1 by Andya Primanda, posted 09-24-2002 11:40 PM Andya Primanda has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 15 by Andya Primanda, posted 10-16-2002 6:32 AM Jeff has not replied

Andya Primanda
Inactive Member

Message 15 of 27 (20008)
10-16-2002 6:32 AM
Reply to: Message 14 by Jeff
10-15-2002 1:33 PM

A virgin father? How do you get your child? Immaculate conception?

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 Message 14 by Jeff, posted 10-15-2002 1:33 PM Jeff has not replied

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 Message 21 by zipzip, posted 12-05-2002 12:20 AM Andya Primanda has not replied

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