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Member (Idle past 5048 days) Posts: 220 From: Secret Underground Hideout Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Don't turn my God-fearing kid gay! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dsv Member (Idle past 5048 days) Posts: 220 From: Secret Underground Hideout Joined: |
It comes down to how homosexuality is viewed by the Christian-right as a disease that plagues the sinful. Something that needs to be cured by the church. Apparently it's highly contagious as well.
Tusko Member (Idle past 425 days) Posts: 615 From: London, UK Joined: |
Maybe I'm steering this hideously off topic, but can we just focus on that view a moment? I know these are arguments that have been rehearsed a thousand times before.
What part of the gayness is the problem? Obviously if its anal sex then most lesbians are okay and loads of hetero couples are doomed. If its the non-productiveness, then infertile couples are equally doomed. If its the unnaturalness... well, that's just a useless argument - mainly because the idea of "naturalness" is so malleable. If I had my way, we'd all go and live on the savannah, clad in nothing but the simple virtues of the ruthless hunter-gatherer. If its loving someone whose the same sex as you, then the claim that gay people "choose" to be gay seems a mite harsh. Are people seriously saying that people choose to fall in love or lust with people of the same sex, especially in countries where it makes your life much more difficult, because they want to be naughty? It doesn't make any sense to me. I can't see how it can make any sense to others. And if its not any of those things, what is it? Okay. I feel better now. Sorry. Editted to add final thought... This message has been edited by Tusko, 04-22-2005 09:16 AM editted again to allow for the possibility of lesbians who enjoy anal sex. This message has been edited by Tusko, 04-22-2005 09:17 AM
dsv Member (Idle past 5048 days) Posts: 220 From: Secret Underground Hideout Joined: |
Well as far as the reasoning, I think it's the simple act of "laying with a man like you would a woman." I assume it is equally harsh to lay with a woman as you would a man, if you're a woman. To my understanding this is the only specifically anti-homosexual comments that Christians use against them. I'm sure someone knows the specifics better than I do.
As for the actual reason why it's such a big issue, I believe it's just the xenophobic nature of faith-based initiatives. This message has been edited by dsv, Friday, April 22, 2005 09:56 AM
contracycle Inactive Member |
quote: Heres how it works:- what they are doing is sinful, says the bible - if its a sin, then it is indicative of your moral failings - therefore, being gay must be a "lifestyle choice" of the immoral - therefore, any acknowledgement of homosexuality is "promoting" it, and - it can presumably be "taught", or people can be seduced into it Why? Because we know its a sin, and therefore you had must have had a choice to do the godly thing but chose not to. Mad I know but thats roughly how the analysis is constructed. And this does mean that people think of it as an affectation, like wearing a safety pin through your nose, and something you could give up if you were truly moral. IMO, this is becuase most religion is about saying "me good them bad". This message has been edited by contracycle, 04-22-2005 10:00 AM
coffee_addict Member (Idle past 191 days) Posts: 3645 From: Indianapolis, IN Joined: |
http://EvC Forum: The bible and homosexuality
http://EvC Forum: Homosexuality and the bible: Round 2 - morality. EvC Forum: The bible and homosexuality: Round 3 Written by moi:
Stuco Inactive Member |
We have all heard the old saying if you play with fire you will get burned. Homosexuality is the same way. First the spritual facts. Sodom and gomorrah.
Sodom & Gomorrah And an interesting link if you wish to look at it. And read chapter 19 verses 1-25 of Genesis if you will. Now for the scientific. Sucide rate for homos is 20 times higher and they die 30 years younger on average.And we have all heard of stds. Over 90% of homos that die die from aids.And they can have sex with 100 to 1000 diffrent partners a year. If we let it spread to other people and teach that it is ok and safe (wich is a lie) then we wont have much of a country left after a while. And then you can all say "Hail Wen Jiabao!"(chinese premier). And he treats everyone fairly. He makes sure everyone gets there one bowl of rice, glass of water, couple shakes of salt, and 1/12 cup of sugar daily. And you will never get bored cause he will allways find something for you to do 16 hours a day. This message has been edited by Stuco, 04-22-2005 07:46 PM
jar Member (Idle past 163 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Hi Stuco, welcome to EvC.
By the way, you're post is simply crap amd nonsense. signed. A Christian. Aslan is not a Tame Lion
Stuco Inactive Member |
Allright, let's see you do better.
By the way did you look at the others that where filled with crap and nonsense or did you decied to be bias and skip to mine(it must be pick on newwcomers day). I know the last part was kinda sarcastic but it could happen. Plus it made a point.
dsv Member (Idle past 5048 days) Posts: 220 From: Secret Underground Hideout Joined: |
All I can say is wow.
I think I have lurked on these forums for years and although I have only recently started actively posting, I think I can tell you, Stuco, your ignorance isn't appreciated from either side of the great debate. What you're preaching is pure hate and it's disgusting. Your numbers are pure nonsense as Jar mentioned, and your attitude is bullshit. I have the upmost respect for Christians on these forums and any organized religion follower that has respect for science and is open to discussion but you sir are exactly the kind of person that is not only giving your faith a bad name but also your country. You are exactly the kind of individual that supports this kind of legislation in the OP. Your lie-soaked propaganda precedes you. I can't imagine any God or smarter-than-human being wanting you in their kingdom of eternal life, get a clue. Pfft! ON EDIT: To be fair, I suppose I should mention (since this IS a forum of debate), if you have any actual evidence and real numbers you would like to bring up, I'd be happy to prove them wrong. This message has been edited by dsv, Friday, April 22, 2005 08:20 PM
Stuco Inactive Member |
O Casear----
Hince wilt thou lift up mount Olympus? Great Ceaser----Does not Brutes bootless kneel? Speak hands for me! [Ceaser stabed] Et tu, Brute? Then fall Ceaser. If Jar is a true Christian he will defend me because he knows what is rghit cause the Holy Spirit of Jesus would have told him. A true Christian belives that Jesus is the only way to Hevan and would beleive the things that all the bible says and would not deveate from it. If they beleive they affirm that God is truthfull and are givin the right to become the children of God. The things that God teaches are only foolish to those who are fools. The fool has said in his heart "There is NO God". He shall not inherit the kindom of Heaven. But Jesus came to save us from are sin and wrong doing so that the fool will turn away from being a fool and will be with him in Heaven. Love so great no one in the world could match it then or now. I do not hate. I love my enemy cause that is what God teaches(Mathew5:44). And Jesus came to fufill the law not to abolish it. If Christians can not stand up for each other no one in this world will. But we have a freind in Jesus who will never turn his back on us cause he loves us and cares for us for that is why he came. If God be with us who can be aginst us. You have thrown good stones for no good reson. I know that I will enter the Kingdom of Heaven with everyone else that belives that Jesus is God and came to save us from are sins. But there is one who wants you to enter his kingdom and he does not love you but hates you. Yet you serve him and his purpose. He will be your father ONLY if you let him(John8:40-44). And you got me! My facts where wrong. Instead it is 100%, 50 times and 40 years. There you happy! I didnt want to give away all the facts away. Wanted to leave some for a surprise ending. By the way did you even look at the stuff I put on there(the link the verses). They have even goten the Turkish goverment to agree with there findings on the arc. This message has been edited by Stuco, 04-22-2005 10:08 PM
coffee_addict Member (Idle past 191 days) Posts: 3645 From: Indianapolis, IN Joined: |
This looks like the return/revenge of desdamona. Right off the bat, I can point out at least 3 logical fallacies that he/she just used. Except, I'm staying out of this one. Finals are approaching and I don't want to have high blood pressure during study hours. Peace!
Stuco Inactive Member |
Im sure you can it will probly be something to the tune of your an idiot hateful and a knownothing just about like dsv said.
Stuco Inactive Member |
I can't imagine any God or smarter-than-human being wanting you in their kingdom of eternal life, get a clue. But yet he does because he loves me because he says so and he loves you to and has given the same gift to you if you so choose to take it. I was once like you but I was turned and saved by the grace of God.
arachnophilia Member (Idle past 1668 days) Posts: 9069 From: god's waiting room Joined: |
let's face some spiritual facts, then. i've posted this before, i will post it again.
quote: want some more goodies?
quote: quote: oh, and side point. there's nothing in genesis 19 to indicate homosexuality at all. you're confused over this point:
quote: men in both verses is אַנְשֵׁי, which is entirely non-gender specific. it usually referes to groups of people of indeterminant gender, or the whole human race (or everyone in a city). so when it says "men" in both cases, it has nothing to do with whether the people are male or female. and "know" in this sense does not seem to be referring to sex, either, but that point is arguable. in other words, genesis 19 is not a case for supporting gay-bashing. This message has been edited by Arachnophilia, 04-23-2005 02:01 AM
coffee_addict Member (Idle past 191 days) Posts: 3645 From: Indianapolis, IN Joined: |
You know, for a newbie you are acting like you know all of us really well. Mind telling us where this anger is coming from?
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