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Author Topic:   Don't turn my God-fearing kid gay!
Administrator (Idle past 2629 days)
Posts: 2073
From: The Universe
Joined: 10-11-2003

Message 46 of 196 (201453)
04-23-2005 1:15 PM
Reply to: Message 45 by Stuco
04-23-2005 1:07 PM

Re: As a Texan and Christian I find this appalling
Actually Stuco, it is up to YOU to provide proof for your claim. You made assertions of fact, you need to provide evidence.
If there are others making factual claims and you want evidence, please let them know. If they refuse to supply it yet want to continue making the claim, let ME know.
To help you in your time here, please read our Forum Guidelines You agreed to follow them when you registered at this site. Also, in my signature box are some links that will be of benefit to all newbies to read.
By the way, welcome to EvC.

AdminAsgara Queen of the Universe

This message is a reply to:
 Message 45 by Stuco, posted 04-23-2005 1:07 PM Stuco has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 47 of 196 (201454)
04-23-2005 1:16 PM
Reply to: Message 45 by Stuco
04-23-2005 1:07 PM

Who's picking on the newcomer?
You made three untrue statements:
Sucide rate for homos is 20 times higher and they die 30 years younger on average.And we have all heard of stds. Over 90% of homos that die die from aids.
You made another statement that is misleading:
And they can have sex with 100 to 1000 diffrent partners a year.
Finally, you made a bizarre linkage:
And then you can all say "Hail Wen Jiabao!"(chinese premier).
What can anyone say? It is not picking on someone to point out the factual errors and lack of logic in their argument.

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 Message 45 by Stuco, posted 04-23-2005 1:07 PM Stuco has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 49 by Stuco, posted 04-23-2005 1:36 PM Chiroptera has replied

Inactive Member

Message 48 of 196 (201459)
04-23-2005 1:32 PM
Reply to: Message 44 by Chiroptera
04-23-2005 1:06 PM

Re: Kids spread homosexuality!
What i was trying to say is "If you cant keep up with the conversation and make a simple deduction then dont get involved!"
Look at the title read what wrote cause im not going to explain everything. But for once I will.
They are talking about hommosexuals adopting children. There habits will spread to them and possibly to those kids freinds thus making a much higher homosexual population and a much higher death rate. Look at Africa. People there are dying of aids alot because people cant keep there zipper zipped. Adultery with a man and women is as bad as being homosexual cause neither quite usually never keep one mate.
And China well that was somewhat sarcastic. But the Chinese dont like us at least the ones who have the power cause we are stronger than them but if our population goes down to the point where defensless then they will come. And that is not sarcastic. They would do Kruschev proud("Your children shall grow up under communism").

This message is a reply to:
 Message 44 by Chiroptera, posted 04-23-2005 1:06 PM Chiroptera has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 50 by Chiroptera, posted 04-23-2005 1:38 PM Stuco has replied
 Message 83 by crashfrog, posted 04-23-2005 3:12 PM Stuco has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 49 of 196 (201460)
04-23-2005 1:36 PM
Reply to: Message 47 by Chiroptera
04-23-2005 1:16 PM

Re: Who's picking on the newcomer?
prove they are untrue. plus i got the infomation from a christian web site but i cant remeber wich one.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 47 by Chiroptera, posted 04-23-2005 1:16 PM Chiroptera has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 51 by AdminAsgara, posted 04-23-2005 1:41 PM Stuco has not replied
 Message 52 by Chiroptera, posted 04-23-2005 1:41 PM Stuco has not replied
 Message 53 by CK, posted 04-23-2005 1:41 PM Stuco has replied

Inactive Member

Message 50 of 196 (201461)
04-23-2005 1:38 PM
Reply to: Message 48 by Stuco
04-23-2005 1:32 PM

Re: Kids spread homosexuality!
Look at the title read what wrote cause im not going to explain everything. But for once I will.
Actually, the problem was your attempt to respond with a cute one-word answer. I suggest that you don't try to be cute. If you have something to say, then take the time to make a reasonable argument for it. If you don't feel that your opinions are worth the effort of writing a reasoned argument for them, then don't blame me if I don't feel your opinion is worth taking seriously.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 48 by Stuco, posted 04-23-2005 1:32 PM Stuco has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 54 by Stuco, posted 04-23-2005 1:42 PM Chiroptera has replied

Administrator (Idle past 2629 days)
Posts: 2073
From: The Universe
Joined: 10-11-2003

Message 51 of 196 (201463)
04-23-2005 1:41 PM
Reply to: Message 49 by Stuco
04-23-2005 1:36 PM

Re: Who's picking on the newcomer?
Stuco, please read Message 46. Then please reply to it or to this message and let me know that you have read and understood it.

AdminAsgara Queen of the Universe

This message is a reply to:
 Message 49 by Stuco, posted 04-23-2005 1:36 PM Stuco has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 52 of 196 (201464)
04-23-2005 1:41 PM
Reply to: Message 49 by Stuco
04-23-2005 1:36 PM

Re: Who's picking on the newcomer?
I don't have to prove anything, especially since they are not important to any argument that I am making. My opinions do not rely on the truth or falsity of these "statistics". I can explain why I think that they are irrelevant, but I don't want to waste my time if these "facts" are not true. You are the one who made these assertians, you are the one who thinks that they are relevant to the conclusions that you want us to reach, therefore it is up to you to demonstrate that these data are correct.

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 Message 49 by Stuco, posted 04-23-2005 1:36 PM Stuco has not replied

Member (Idle past 4454 days)
Posts: 3221
Joined: 07-04-2004

Message 53 of 196 (201465)
04-23-2005 1:41 PM
Reply to: Message 49 by Stuco
04-23-2005 1:36 PM

Re: Who's picking on the newcomer?
You seem to be confused (which I suspect is your normal state of mind) - the standard practice in ANY debate is for the person making the claim to provide the evidence. NOT for the other people in the debate to provide evidence to disprove it.
Let's make this nice and simple:
Sucide rate for homos is 20 times higher and they die 30 years younger on average.And we have all heard of stds. Over 90% of homos that die die from aids
I think those claims are 100% horseshit, pure rubbish. Please provide some supporting evidence.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 49 by Stuco, posted 04-23-2005 1:36 PM Stuco has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 55 by Stuco, posted 04-23-2005 1:44 PM CK has replied

Inactive Member

Message 54 of 196 (201466)
04-23-2005 1:42 PM
Reply to: Message 50 by Chiroptera
04-23-2005 1:38 PM

Re: Kids spread homosexuality!
I suggest that you try to be less of a pin head sir.

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 Message 50 by Chiroptera, posted 04-23-2005 1:38 PM Chiroptera has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 56 by Chiroptera, posted 04-23-2005 1:46 PM Stuco has replied
 Message 57 by jar, posted 04-23-2005 1:51 PM Stuco has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 55 of 196 (201467)
04-23-2005 1:44 PM
Reply to: Message 53 by CK
04-23-2005 1:41 PM

Re: Who's picking on the newcomer?
People do not dissprove it becuase they cant. ANd i can show you no information that you would believe.

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 Message 53 by CK, posted 04-23-2005 1:41 PM CK has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 60 by CK, posted 04-23-2005 2:03 PM Stuco has replied

Inactive Member

Message 56 of 196 (201470)
04-23-2005 1:46 PM
Reply to: Message 54 by Stuco
04-23-2005 1:42 PM

Boo hoo hoo!
Stuco called me a name!

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 Message 54 by Stuco, posted 04-23-2005 1:42 PM Stuco has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 58 by Adminnemooseus, posted 04-23-2005 1:53 PM Chiroptera has not replied
 Message 59 by Stuco, posted 04-23-2005 1:56 PM Chiroptera has not replied

Member (Idle past 166 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 57 of 196 (201472)
04-23-2005 1:51 PM
Reply to: Message 54 by Stuco
04-23-2005 1:42 PM

A kindly admonition to Stuco
You have personally attacked me and other posters.
One of the groundrules here is to address the content of messages and not the poster.
Take this as a kindly admonition from an old Orang. Such behavior will not be tolerated. I do not question that you are a Christian. But the views you have posted are ignorant, uninformed, incorrect, unsupported, unsupportable and bigoted.
Do NOT question whether or not I am a Christian.
Support your specific statements that you have made, specifically the following:
Sucide rate for homos is 20 times higher and they die 30 years younger on average.
Over 90% of homos that die die from aids
There habits will spread to them and possibly to those kids freinds thus making a much higher homosexual population and a much higher death rate.
Don't bother posting again until you can provide specific back up for those points.
And don't piss off the Orang!

Aslan is not a Tame Lion

This message is a reply to:
 Message 54 by Stuco, posted 04-23-2005 1:42 PM Stuco has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 58 of 196 (201473)
04-23-2005 1:53 PM
Reply to: Message 56 by Chiroptera
04-23-2005 1:46 PM

Re: Boo hoo hoo!
Shouldn't you (as a long time member) know better, than to post replies like this?
Did that recent suspension make no impression on you?
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This message is a reply to:
 Message 56 by Chiroptera, posted 04-23-2005 1:46 PM Chiroptera has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 59 of 196 (201476)
04-23-2005 1:56 PM
Reply to: Message 56 by Chiroptera
04-23-2005 1:46 PM

Re: Boo hoo hoo!
and you didnt.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 56 by Chiroptera, posted 04-23-2005 1:46 PM Chiroptera has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 61 by AdminAsgara, posted 04-23-2005 2:07 PM Stuco has not replied
 Message 62 by Adminnemooseus, posted 04-23-2005 2:08 PM Stuco has not replied

Member (Idle past 4454 days)
Posts: 3221
Joined: 07-04-2004

Message 60 of 196 (201477)
04-23-2005 2:03 PM
Reply to: Message 55 by Stuco
04-23-2005 1:44 PM

Re: Who's picking on the newcomer?
I suspect the actual case is that you have been caught out and know that you cannot provide any supporting evidence. This is very poor stuff, I suggest that you go away and do some basic research.
Can I suggest you have a quick look at this?
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 Message 55 by Stuco, posted 04-23-2005 1:44 PM Stuco has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 64 by Stuco, posted 04-23-2005 2:14 PM CK has replied

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