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Member (Idle past 5480 days) Posts: 961 From: A wheatfield in Kansas Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Should we let Bill Frist & Co. change the rules of the senate ? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alexander Inactive Member |
Agreed. This was probably the best the Dems could swing. I was almost looking forward to a showdown-I don't think the Democrats could muster enough votes to keep the senate rules as they are, but it would have been close. And unfortunately I don't think the promised 'obstructionist ' tactics would have had much support.
Like Berb said, this is all about the Supreme Court, and I guess the democrats kept themselves in the game at least. 'Most temperate in the pleasures of the body, his passion was for glory only, and in that he was insatiable.'
Phat Member Posts: 18718 From: Denver,Colorado USA Joined: Member Rating: 4.2 |
Again, the issue is the Supreme Court--in the long run.
googlenews writes: The Supreme Court is crucial for future ideological showdowns.
Mark Peplowski, a political science instructor at the Community College of Southern Nevada, said the deal preserved the filibuster, which was most important to the Democrats. Peplowski invoked a chess analogy. "All those circuit court judges were pawns, and the real play will be on Supreme Court nominations," he said. "Taking away the filibuster would have stripped the Democrats of their queen."
Tal Member (Idle past 6003 days) Posts: 1140 From: Fort Bragg, NC Joined: |
Just an update. As of 2pm Eastern, Senator Frist hasn't approved the deal and according to his office, he still wants all of the nominees to get an up or down vote.
This message has been edited by Tal, 05-24-2005 02:05 PM I may not agree with what you say, But I will die defending your right to say it. No webpage found at provided URL: www.1st-vets.us
gnojek Inactive Member |
anyone see star wars, btw? there's a really good line it, by amidala, something to the effect of "so this is how the republic dies: with thunderous applause." Actually the line was: "So this is how LIBERTY dies - with thunderous applause." Here's an article about it.People will read whatever they want into things, I tell you. They think that Lucas is trying to send some message about 9/11. quote:
nator Member (Idle past 2496 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
George Lucas had the entire plot of Star Wars laid out 30 years ago, so Revenge of the Sith is not some kind of truth movie.
However, he also says that the comparison between current events is interesting, though unplanned.
nator Member (Idle past 2496 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
quote: Basically, if the filibuster had been lost, then Jim Dobson of the Family Research Council would have chosen the next supreme Court justice. Does anyone see cracks appearing in the great Republican stronghold that is Congress? First this filibuster thing, now the vote in the house on stem cell research. I think the extremists might be losing a bit of their stranglehold on the more moderate factions. I smell mutiny.
Monk Member (Idle past 4250 days) Posts: 782 From: Kansas, USA Joined: |
quote: That's better than Teddy Kennedy choosing the next Supreme Court justice. And it's not cracks in the Republican stronghold. It's called compromise, ever hear of that? That means putting ideology aside to further the people's business eventhough republicans have the power to move forward anyway. Democrats won't remember this compromise when they are in power.
berberry Inactive Member |
Monk writes:
quote: Really? At least Ted Kennedy wouldn't pick someone who'd deny rights to minorities, allow Alzheimer's patients to waste away unnecessarily, deny abortions to little girls who've been raped by their fathers and turn America into a fundamentalist theocracy.
quote: What are you on about here? The compromise was between moderate republicans and moderate democrats. Ever heard of moderates? Those are people who aren't extremists like James Dobson. The "cracks" schraf spoke of may exist among democrats just as well as among republicans, but it's the reactionary (that means 'conservative extremists', in case you've never heard the word) republicans who have all the power right now. Moderate republicans have now flexed a bit of muscle and stopped the power grab by the reactionaries - at least for the moment. Schraf seems to feel that this may be a harbinger of good things. I hope she's right. Keep America Safe AND Free!
Monk Member (Idle past 4250 days) Posts: 782 From: Kansas, USA Joined: |
quote: Ok, you want to play that game. Ted Kennedy would allow killing babies as they are being born, stuff more billion dollar pork barrel projects down his Massachusetts gullet, eliminate religious freedoms, destroy corporate America and turn the US into a communist dictatorship.
quote: Glad we agree that there was a compromise.
berberry Inactive Member |
Monk writes me:
quote: Sure, sounds like fun.
quote: Where the hell are all these women who are having late-term abortions for convenience reasons? Do you honestly believe it ever really happens? Have you ever known a very pregnant women who was suddenly no longer pregnant but who had no newborn child? Choosing a late-term abortion is not something most women could do on a whim. This is a silly non-issue promoted by the theocons because it's emotional and sounds very dramatic. Give a bit of thought to the matter and it should be obvious that there's no there there.
quote: What's that got to do with judicial appointments? I didn't say Kennedy'd make a great president, did I? I just said I'd prefer his SCOTUS appointments to those of Bush. But aside from that, how many senators are there that don't do pork? (Apologies to Lieberman, of course)
quote: My, my. Kennedy is a communist? I didn't realize. That's a pretty serious charge, Monk, perhaps you have a bit of evidence you could offer to back it up?
quote: Yep. Put some gravy on that sum-bitch! Keep America Safe AND Free!
Monk Member (Idle past 4250 days) Posts: 782 From: Kansas, USA Joined: |
quote: They are everywhere. Women having late term abortions on a whim, doctors eager to kill babies, it’s all chaos and mayhem. I’m giving as much thought to these statements as you are. This is your game remember.
quote: Many do fight for constituent pork. But Teddy is the pork grand daddy, the walking talking rotund representative of largess, he is stuffed pork du jour.
quote: Now you know. Glad I could educate you. BTW, I’ll start posting links when you begin to substantiate your claims.
EZscience Member (Idle past 5480 days) Posts: 961 From: A wheatfield in Kansas Joined: |
monk writes: ...eliminate religious freedoms, destroy corporate America and turn the US into a communist dictatorship. What a pile of hypocritical tripe. You can't really believe all that drivel unless you have been completely brainwashed by Republican propaganda. First of all, it is the Republicans NOT the Democrats, who are continously eroding our 'freedoms'. Democrats are not trying to 'eliminate religious freedoms', just ensure that your psychotic theo-crats don't step on the freedoms of others as they pander to all their bible-thumping supporters. Secondly, CORPORATE AMERICA IS THE ENEMY. They are NOT your friends. They are manipulating and using all the phony Republican 'values' issues to try and secure an eternal flow of unending wealth at the expense of the common people in this country. I wish you could have heard John Kenneth Galbraith interviewed on Jim Lehrer's News hour last night. He said words to the effect that corporate interests now dominate the entire democratic system in this country, determining both policy and candidacy. Thirdly, ' a communist dictatorship '? It always amazes me that Republicans have the unmitigated gall to call any one else 'dictatorial' while we have a little pea-brain in the White House who doesn't know the first thing about bipartisan consultation, who listens only to his closest circle of right-wing hack advisors, and is the closest thing this country has come to a 'dictator' since it was founded.
Monk Member (Idle past 4250 days) Posts: 782 From: Kansas, USA Joined: |
quote: More extreme liberal blather. You don’t know me. How do you know corporate America isn’t my friend? In fact, they are the friend of most Americans whether you like it or not. They provide jobs, security, health insurance, pensions, 401k’s, among others. But we don’t recognize any of those benefits do we. No, in your mind they are big bad capitalist who only want slave labor. Is there corruption in corporate America? Sure, as is the case in every enterprise involving humans. But if you hate America so much, move to Cuba.
quote: The sky is falling chicken little and the end of civilization has arrived!
quote: No, what amazes me is how idealistic political hacks such as yourself choose to dream about a fantasy world where all resources are equally distributed to everyone who wants something and in proportion to their need. There's a name for that, it’s called communism. Don’t like Cuba?...move to China.
Tal Member (Idle past 6003 days) Posts: 1140 From: Fort Bragg, NC Joined: |
First of all, it is the Republicans NOT the Democrats, who are continously eroding our 'freedoms'. What freedoms have you, personally, lost since 911? I may not agree with what you say, But I will die defending your right to say it. No webpage found at provided URL: www.1st-vets.us
zyncod Inactive Member |
What freedoms have you, personally, lost since 911?
Wellnow, that's the thing, isn't it. We're all of us here free right now, or we wouldn't be wasting time on online forums. None of us were vaguely Muslim-looking people that were, say, taking pictures of a reservoir on vacation, got arrested, and are now looking at deportation or Guantanamo. If there's anything that fascism has taught us (not that Bush is yet a fascist), it is those that are still relatively free must speak out for those that are not. And on another note, pregnancy is not easy. Why would you carry a baby to term only to kill it at the last possible minute unless there was a compelling medical reason? Most states have "No questions asked" laws regarding unwanted live babies dropped off at hospitals. Almost all third trimester abortions are for medical reasons - the mother's health is actually jeopardized by a third-trimester abortion, so, lacking concrete figures, I would really have to doubt that most partial-birth abortions were the result of an arbitrarily chosen abortion date.
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