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mikehager Member (Idle past 6786 days) Posts: 534 Joined: |
A couple of things...
1. No one who accepts science is saying what you claim. Your claim is an insulting strawman and a downright scurrilous lie. Now, either present support for your claim or withdraw it and, if you have any honor whatsoever, apologize immediately. I expect neither support or an apology to be forthcoming, but perhaps you will surprise me. I am aware that you did not say who you were feebly mocking, but I and everyone here knows your intention, so don't try and weasel out by denying what you clearly meant. Put up or shut up! Support or apologize! 2. There is no evidence that refutes evolution. 3. If your definition of "fair" includes giving the same regard to the air headed nonsense of creationism and "Intelligent Design" that is accorded the well founded facts of science, then I must question your grasp of the English language.
Trump won ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1559 days) Posts: 1928 Joined: |
I think Lam is turning into everything hates.
He generalizes. And says angry words. I strongly disagree with my brothers response however. God would never ask me to kill someone. God doesn't call for sin.
AdminJar Inactive Member |
so I am closing this thread. I'll reopen it when Lam is once again able to reply.
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AdminJar Inactive Member |
Welcome back sir.
coffee_addict Member (Idle past 187 days) Posts: 3645 From: Indianapolis, IN Joined: |
I admit that what I said earlier was a useless burst of emotion. Here is why I have been cranky lately.
I found out that a friend of mine, who hasn't even finished high school, got kicked out of the house to fend for himself. His christian parents with their superior christian morals gave him an ultimatum: either stop being gay or get out of the house. This is not the first time something like this has touched me personally. One of my ex was put through 2 years of therapy before he was "cured". A high school friend got beaten up by some christian thugs. Even my campus has had such beating incidences. I've been thinking about this a lot. Debating with logic and reason have never worked and will never work. Why? Right now, some people who are reading this are thinking "fags deserve what's coming to them." Some think "I understand your problem, but... you're a fag." And some think that the only way to beat them is to take a superior moral stand ground. I don't agree. Anyway, there's my rant. Take it or leave it. My position on christianity and christians haven't changed. The only thing that's changed is I'm not sane enough not to say what I said again. Hey christians, you can't get me. Na na na na na....
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2812 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
For our European friends...
"fag" here doesn't refer to cigarettes. There's no excuse for violence by any group against any other group. I suppose this balances out all that Gay on Christian violence I've read about over the years.... oh wait
Trump won ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1559 days) Posts: 1928 Joined: |
I'm disappointed that you've come out of your experience of discrimination to only discriminate.
The Hutu may have had a right to discriminate against Tutsi because before they were the downtrodden by the Tutsi, but does that make it right? Is hating christians because of hateful, basic "christians" right? When their own religion contradict the hate they attempt spread that means it's not christianity, it's bigotry.
coffee_addict Member (Idle past 187 days) Posts: 3645 From: Indianapolis, IN Joined: |
I don't think you understand what I am saying. I am saying that I don't care if it's right or not. I'm tired of being the bleeding heart, tolerant liberal.
The following is my attitude right now. This is an ultimatum to ALL christians. I'm not just referring to the loving christians (if there are any) or the hating christians. I'm referring to all. 20 won't do. 30 won't do. 100 million won't do. All or nothing. Stop acting so gay and leave us alone or total war between me and all of christianity. Is this a bit extreme and unreasonable? Sure it is. But I think it's the only way to get the "loving christians" to stop being silent and actually do something for a change. Silence is another way of supporting the hate. Do we immoral satan worshipping, baby eating, sissy atheists have to do everything ourselves? If I remember correctly, you're a homophobe yourself.
Trump won ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1559 days) Posts: 1928 Joined: |
If I remember correctly I'm not a homophobe.
If I remember correctly (I could find the thread) You insinuated I was. You were suspended. And I was outraged. You don't remember correctly. You're a bigot. Leave me alone and stop posting about me I don't care about your struggle. I'm hated by the "enlightened" and the fundamentalists. whatever I'm not silent. I talk about tolerance and I'm fairly unpopular in a few christian circles. You're an uncaring, inconsiderate person congratulations. to put it lightly. I have nothing against any group or people. You don't realize your hate of christians is the same hate against gays. I speak of tolerance and love. remember that. This message has been edited by Chris Porteus, 09-01-2005 01:31 AM
arachnophilia Member (Idle past 1663 days) Posts: 9069 From: god's waiting room Joined: |
Stop acting so gay you know, for someone who's complaining about intolerance and hatred among other camps, you sure have a very positive way of using the word gay.
leave us alone or total war between me and all of christianity. psst. there are more of us. and a lot of the ones in this country are also gun nuts, nra members, kkk, aryan nation, armed forces, and politicians. not the greatest crowd, i agree, but certain the group with influence and firepower.
Is this a bit extreme and unreasonable? Sure it is. But I think it's the only way to get the "loving christians" to stop being silent and actually do something for a change. Silence is another way of supporting the hate. Do we immoral satan worshipping, baby eating, sissy atheists have to do everything ourselves? yes. part of being a proper "loving" christian is being a sissy and a pushover. you didn't know that? what did you think "turn the other cheek" meant?
coffee_addict Member (Idle past 187 days) Posts: 3645 From: Indianapolis, IN Joined: |
CP writes:
It's always possible I remember wrong. The thing is I specifically remember having a short conversation with you and that you thought being gay was an abomination or something like that.
If I remember correctly I'm not a homophobe.If I remember correctly (I could find the thread) You insinuated I was.
I have only been suspended twice on this forum. The first was for the B ULLS HIT signature. The second was for a rant 2 days ago.
You were suspended. And I was outraged. You don't remember correctly.
You're a bigot.
I think it's pretty tough to get anymore obvious than that.
Leave me alone and stop posting about me I don't care about your struggle.
But it's fun to reference you. Remember your definition of "wise"? Because I do.
I'm hated by the "enlightened" and the fundamentalists.
Noone hates you. It's your imagination. I used to be a teenager, too, you know.
I'm not silent.
I suppose not.
I talk about tolerance and I'm fairly unpopular in a few christian circles.
So, you do admit that christian circles are intolerant?
You're an uncaring, inconsiderate person congratulations.
I have pointed this out many times in the past. I used to be caring and considerate. I used to believe that christianity has some good to it. I used to believe that it was possible for the moral right to realize how wrong they were about persecuting others who were different than them. I used to believe all of that. Thanks to some uncaring, inconsiderate christians, I'm a convert!
I have nothing against any group or people.
You should becareful with such a statement. Do you still want to spread the "good news"? If so, then you still have something against groups of people who are not like you. Think about it.
You don't realize your hate of christians is the same hate against gays.
I don't think I have ever tried to deny this fact. My dislike for christianity is just as intense, if not more.
I speak of tolerance and love.
Does that include your definition of "wise"?
remember that.
The thing is I'm not convinced. Just a few months ago, you had a completely different attitude than right now whether you realize it or not. How do I know this love and tolerance isn't another one of your mood swings? This message has been edited by GAW-Snow, 09-01-2005 01:50 AM
coffee_addict Member (Idle past 187 days) Posts: 3645 From: Indianapolis, IN Joined: |
arach writes:
Well, the turn the other cheek can be interpreted two different ways. (1) All christians should be gay and sissy. (2) All christians should be firm in their beliefs. In other words, turning the other cheek could mean that you are telling your opponent that you stand firm where you are.
what did you think "turn the other cheek" meant?
psst. there are more of us. and a lot of the ones in this country are also gun nuts, nra members, kkk, aryan nation, armed forces, and politicians. not the greatest crowd, i agree, but certain the group with influence and firepower.
You'd be amazed to how much a single person could do. All I need to do is get my hands on a couple of alien mother ships then I'm all set.
you know, for someone who's complaining about intolerance and hatred among other camps, you sure have a very positive way of using the word gay.
Haven't you heard of this tactic? If they hate you for something, just acuse them of being that and are certain to make them crap in their pants.
AdminPhat Inactive Member |
Lam, I am almost ready to give you suspension #3.
In further thought, I am closing this thread. Lams issues are forgiven. Lets all get back to posts that are fun and educational and quit throwing shit at each other! This message has been edited by Phatboy, 08-31-2005 11:56 PM
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