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Author Topic:   Origin of Asteroids
Member (Idle past 191 days)
Posts: 4001
From: Adirondackia
Joined: 07-21-2005

Message 31 of 36 (278679)
01-13-2006 1:15 PM
Reply to: Message 30 by doctrbill
01-13-2006 12:49 PM

Why bother?
doctrbill to Coragyps writes:
Correct me if I am wrong but couldn't he counter this argument by suggesting that those rocks which didn't meet the velocity requirements simply fell back to earth or became otherwise lost in space?
Well, he's already abandoned naturalistic causality by supposing a divine providence of geyser-powered mantle launching--so what if some of the pieces must once have moved (or move now) in a fashion incompatible with naturalistic causality?
It is useful and necessary to debunk abuses of science, but this particular sort of abuse is like a fractal one-trick pony: the closer you look, the more you see the same pattern, endlessly unfolding. Faith supposedly has no need of science, but the supposedly faithful cannot leave it alone, acknowledging its power by seeking to subvert it, thereby creating bad science and worse theology.
I'd say the OP site and author are remarkable not so much because of the near-delusional ignorance, but rather the total ineptitude--not just wacky, stupid wacky.
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What I refuse to accept is your insistence that your beliefs about your beliefs constitute evidence in support of your beliefs.

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 Message 30 by doctrbill, posted 01-13-2006 12:49 PM doctrbill has not replied

Member (Idle past 1051 days)
Posts: 5553
From: Snyder, Texas, USA
Joined: 11-12-2002

Message 32 of 36 (278683)
01-13-2006 1:26 PM
Reply to: Message 30 by doctrbill
01-13-2006 12:49 PM

Correct me if I am wrong but couldn't he counter this argument by suggesting that those rocks which didn't meet the velocity requirements simply fell back to earth or became otherwise lost in space?
I'm sure you're correct - the ones launched "backwards" could have all fallen into the sun, for instance. And yup, the rest would pretty much all fall back to earth after an orbit or so, just when ol' Noah was sending out ravens and such. They'd fall hard, too.

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 Message 30 by doctrbill, posted 01-13-2006 12:49 PM doctrbill has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 33 by RAZD, posted 01-15-2006 7:19 AM Coragyps has not replied

Member (Idle past 1721 days)
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From: the other end of the sidewalk
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Message 33 of 36 (279112)
01-15-2006 7:19 AM
Reply to: Message 32 by Coragyps
01-13-2006 1:26 PM

The problem for Walt is the specific distribution of the asteroids and meteors versus the "global" distribution of his launch mechanism.
To get them into stable orbits that match current positions and speeds and orbits, there can only be a small segment of the earth where a vertical launch could achieve it.
All the rest would be wasted (would not contribute to the observed distribution), and this would be about 99% ...
Rocks launched vertical to the plane of earths orbit, and rocks lauched along the line of the earth/sun, and any others launched in the plane of these two lines, would have the same orbital inertia as the earth, which means that they would all have intersecting orbits with the earth.
Now we could calculate the energy needed to launch the rocks into those stable asteroid orbits and then use that same energy to calculate when the returning perpendicular plane rocks would impact ...
And I'll bet that one could also find some curious orbits that should have asteroids in them if this model were true (retro-grade, eccentric, etc) that do not exist...
If we were really interested in such nonesense.
{edit typo}
This message has been edited by RAZD, 01*15*2006 07:21 AM

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 Message 32 by Coragyps, posted 01-13-2006 1:26 PM Coragyps has not replied

Posts: 1815
From: Ontario Canada
Joined: 08-04-2010

Message 34 of 36 (722541)
03-22-2014 9:33 AM

Seriously though
I have a few questions about what we think really happened.
Apparently, there are 3 main types of asteroid distinguished by composition. Carbonaceous, silicate and metallic types. These types are largely distributed in distinct bands in the asteroid belt. Do we know why that happened?
Is it possible for a small asteroid to accrete into a rock? Doesn't it take a lot of pressure and/or temperature to form rock which would only come after a pretty large size has been reached? Does this mean that all of the small hard rocky asteroids are a result of collisions between much larger bodies?

Suspended Junior Member (Idle past 3680 days)
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Message 35 of 36 (746886)
01-10-2015 3:08 PM

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Edited by Admin, : Kill the links.

Arkangel Daniel
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Message 36 of 36 (843735)
11-20-2018 1:25 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by doctrbill
12-06-2005 1:24 PM

Water is not capable of putting rocks into space, asteroids and comets were deliberately created by God. The process involves the particles of material combined and then melted to fuse them together to form rock. Comets are tethered to the sun through gravity and have their own orbital path that is not random and can be observed. The Tungaska comet was intercepted by Heaven sending a spaceship carrying a nuclear bomb. After detonation the remaining debris was teleported to another dimension preserving the planet. This was done deliberately in order for people to know an intervention had taken place by another race which was from Heaven. The Tungaska comet was capable of destroying the planet, it could move the planet away from the sun which would cause an Iceage and kill everything and also its impact would have killed everything as well. Other asteroids that have fallen to Earth have been intercepted by Heaven and destroyed in order to protect Earth although not as big as the Tungaska comet.e.g. The asteroid over Moscow a few years ago if that object had hit would have wiped out Europe.(and we would have had to start again) I am the Arkangel Daniel and I am from Heaven.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 1 by doctrbill, posted 12-06-2005 1:24 PM doctrbill has not replied

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