doctrbill to Coragyps writes:
Correct me if I am wrong but couldn't he counter this argument by suggesting that those rocks which didn't meet the velocity requirements simply fell back to earth or became otherwise lost in space?
Well, he's already abandoned naturalistic causality by supposing a divine providence of geyser-powered mantle launching--so what if some of the pieces must once have moved (or move now) in a fashion incompatible with naturalistic causality?
It is useful and necessary to debunk abuses of science, but this particular sort of abuse is like a fractal one-trick pony: the closer you look, the more you see the same pattern, endlessly unfolding. Faith supposedly has no need of science, but the supposedly faithful cannot leave it alone, acknowledging its power by seeking to subvert it, thereby creating bad science and worse theology.
I'd say the OP site and author are remarkable not so much because of the near-delusional ignorance, but rather the total ineptitude--not just wacky, stupid wacky.
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What I refuse to accept is your insistence that your beliefs about your beliefs constitute evidence in support of your beliefs.