Gramite is an igneous rock - it's formed directly from magma. From the posted diagram it intrudes into the Vishnu schist. So veins of magma have worked their way through the schist (or, IMHO more likely, the rocks that became the schist).
This must hav e happened after the rocks that became the Vishnu Schist were deposited. From the diagram, it looks as if it happened before the fault, and I would guess before the Bass limestone was deposited (but that latter is just a guess). If the magma reached the surface it has been eroded away.
THe intruison of igneous rck is probably part of the event - or one of the events - that produced the metamorphism that transformed the surrounding rock to schist.
To answer yor questions directly.
1) Schist is matamorphic and grantie is igneous - they are very different rocks
2) The granite was formed from magma that welled up underneath, and broke through, the schist.
3) The granite has to be younger thna the schist- and we know that because it intrudes into the schist.e
This message has been edited by PaulK, 03-15-2006 02:56 AM