Topic: NEPHILIM mYsteries
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I have an opinion about that. I think they were angels.
This message is a reply to: | | Message 7 by LudoRephaim, posted 04-29-2006 11:51 AM | | LudoRephaim has replied |
Inactive Member
quote: There are some that think the Nephilim where angels or a race of demi-gods, though I dont believe either idea. I hold that they where angel/human giants, though others have their ideas.
I think that angels married earth girls, and the children were giants. Another thing, is why do those angels have to be bad? I think maybe most were good ones. What's wrong with sex and marriage and children?
This message is a reply to: | | Message 79 by LudoRephaim, posted 05-18-2006 4:28 PM | | LudoRephaim has not replied |
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Message 87 of 134 (313393)
05-18-2006 11:21 PM
Reply to: Message 86 by Faith 05-18-2006 9:50 PM
Well, a husband protects the wife. If they married our girls, they looked after them. What is so bad about that? Was Adam bad for biffing Eve?
This message is a reply to: | | Message 86 by Faith, posted 05-18-2006 9:50 PM | | Faith has not replied |
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Message 89 of 134 (313409)
05-19-2006 12:47 AM
Reply to: Message 88 by ReverendDG 05-18-2006 11:48 PM
quote: the problem was that the angels taught mankind things they shouldn't have, spells, war, etc
But this is not in the bible. Some angels had rebelled, yes, we know that. But having sex with women was no crime, I would contend.
This message is a reply to: | | Message 88 by ReverendDG, posted 05-18-2006 11:48 PM | | ReverendDG has replied |
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Message 106 of 134 (315216)
05-26-2006 12:06 AM
Reply to: Message 90 by ReverendDG 05-19-2006 3:13 AM
Says you. I see no indication at all the sex was somehow bad. The book of Enoch isn't bible. Part of inspiration comes in God helping man to pick what to put in the bible. He did. Enoch washed out. Sorry. Therefore it may be true, or it may be somewhat less than hotly inspired.
This message is a reply to: | | Message 90 by ReverendDG, posted 05-19-2006 3:13 AM | | ReverendDG has replied |
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Message 107 of 134 (315217)
05-26-2006 12:10 AM
Reply to: Message 86 by Faith 05-18-2006 9:50 PM
Why not? What was wrong with fooling around, where does this idea come from? Says who? Adam fooled with Eve. Every great man of God fooled with at least one woman, some with a lot more! Where do you get the idea angels marrying women was bad?
This message is a reply to: | | Message 86 by Faith, posted 05-18-2006 9:50 PM | | Faith has not replied |
Inactive Member
The things you mention are not in the 'holy bible'. No cherry picking needed, or adding cherries as you try to do. Other books are well and good perhaps. The inspired authority of the holy bible, as men were inspired to compile rules.
This message is a reply to: | | Message 108 by ReverendDG, posted 05-26-2006 12:56 AM | | ReverendDG has not replied |
Inactive Member
quote: there's nothing wrong with sex. in marriage.
The angels married women, so again, what was so wrong?
quote: to whom he was married. the story of adam and eve, in genesis 2, is the etiology for the origin of marriage.
Call it what you like. They had no marriage papers.
quote: they ate from a tree called "knowledge" and in biblical hebrew, "to know" is a euphemism for sex. they were kicked out of the garden for it. (i don't personally hold this belief, but i know some people read it that way)
A common misconception, I know. I have heard it lots. Mostly from churches that think sex is sin in some sad way, or evil.
quote: name a great man of god who was perfect. even david, who was called perfect, messed around bathsheba and fell from grace. the overwhelming message of the bible is that humans are imperfect, and fail repeatedly.
True. But their shortcomings are usually not sex. David did more than boff the girl, he had her husband killed.
quote: the only arguable case is sodom, but that seems to be more a treatment of guests issue
The guests were only there to see if the sodomy was so prevalent it needed wiping out!
quote: and so his daughters get him drunk and rape him. if rape was the issue in sodom, why not punish lots daughters too?
Female male sex was not the issue, forced or not. We know what the daughters did was wrong. Not as wrong as men with men.
quote: in genesis 6, the connection doesn't seem to exist. god destroys man because mankind if wicked. the bit about the nephilim need not be related -- it is the book of enoch that connects the two. not the bible. and even in enoch, it's not sex that does it. it's that azazel teaches mankind to make weapons to fight the nephilim.
OK. Great, then sex is fine, and what was going down was not because some man or angel got some. I agree.
Inactive Member
quote: yes, good eye. but again: the connection between the angels marrying human women and the flood is nonexistant in genesis. it never once said that there was anything wrong with it.
My point exactly.
quote: i think it's fairly safe to say they were married.
Of course they were. It was sex, and agreement to God, not some church that made it so.
quote: it's only a misconception because it can be read that way. — (ladat, or yada- conjugated) can be read as "to know" as in knowledge, or "to have sexual intercourse" as a common euphemism. i won't quote very many verses to demonstrate this; i'm sure you can find a ton. but here's one to further illustrate my above point:
Kind of like having phone sex with the devil. they listened to him. That was a crime.
quote: god kills onan because wasn't fulfilling his family duty, not because of the sexual issue.
He wasted the seed, I think, was the bad thing.
quote: or, "all the people for area." the word specifically refers to the people as a whole, including the women. so even presuming that the "yada" in this passage means sex, there is still very little way to read this passage as about butt-sex. rather, it's about treatment of guests. sodom was destroyed inhospitality, or even trying to rape visitors, if you like.
Well, women can be lesbians too. If they get this above normal desire for men, it is the same thing, really. Butts are not really the only end of the arguement here. Men working that which is unseemly with men, receiving in themselves the recompense of their reward seems to include more than that. It is a spiritual thing, which woman can do as well. The result of thiese demonic desires or unnatural if you will, is no kids, like Onan. But men with men seems particularly abhorant to God. No use argueing this. The new testament clinches the deal here.