Why would god create humans?
We were supposedly made in his image.
But what kind of god would make a species as sick and twisted as human beings? Would that make god sick and twisted?
I mean seriously why would god create an animal that does this to other life?
Bears - Bear Bile Farming - 13 - Animal Exploitation Photo Journal and Gallery
from All-Creatures.org
If god were actually inteliigent and could still "poof" he should probably "poof" us out of existence and keep us from killing the rest of his wonderful creations.
If god were a highly intelligent being he wouldnt allow one species to destroy so many of his other creations. At least not any god that I could possibly concieve of. If I were god and had created so much life, I wouldnt let one species of them kill the rest off just because the killers actually knew I existed.
Edited by carini, : No reason given.
Edited by carini, : No reason given.
Edited by AdminFaith, : No reason given.