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Author | Topic: gun control | |||||||||||||||||||||||
nator Member (Idle past 2491 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
Funky, this is from one of your articles:
"Guns were used in 9,974 reported crimes in the year to April 2002, up from 7,362 the year before, the Home Office said. The number of people shot dead jumped 32 percent to total 23." The total number of gun deaths "jumped" to 23. Can you imagine any state in the US having a comparable population to the UK having a gun death toll of only 23? We would think that was miniscule, yet the Brits are freaking out. Seems they take the death of their citizens much more seriously than we do. As for your other link, I notice that it makes a bunch of claims but provides no references or sources for the information. So, I have no way of checking if their claims are accurate or not. I tend to pay little attention to articles like this because they could be pulling anything out of their ass. [This message has been edited by schrafinator, 02-23-2003] [This message has been edited by schrafinator, 02-23-2003]
nator Member (Idle past 2491 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
quote: I don't think that either. I do think that our love afair with guns is an integral part of our violent society. Guns are the very symbol of power with their potential for violence. That's why people like them.
quote: However, we make it a lot harder to actually DO a lot of violence if so very many guns are not around. It's a lot easier to do violence to yourself or to others with a gun.
quote: Also depression. More people take their own lives with guns than are murdered with them. Also domestic violence. There are plenty of perfectly sober husbands/boyfriends who murder their wives/girlfiends.
quote: Considering statistical analysis is what all of science is based upon, you would have to discount all of science if you discount all stats. The stats just have to be good ones.
quote: ...and it was much more difficult to do so without lots of guns around.
quote: In the mean time, everyone should have easy access to guns, so the death rate remains high and the answer to people's anger and frustration can always be to get a gun? If you have a depressed child in your house, do you keep a loaded gun in the house, or do you get the gun out of the house until the depression is cured?
quote: If we stop producing cheap handguns and armor-piercing sniper rifles, and eliminate the loophole of not requiring background checks when a priovate seller sells a gun, things would get much better. Right now anybody can go a few miles down the road here to a big trade center, which is a lot like a giant flea market, and buy any kind of gun or kife they want, no questions asked, because the sellers are not dealers, but private citizens.
quote: Then you are part of the problem of gun death.
quote: I don't want to stop people from owning legitimate sport firearms. I ask again; If you had a person in your house who was obviously violent or depressed, would you keep a loaded gun in a place where they could get it easily? Yes or no? [This message has been edited by schrafinator, 02-28-2003]
nator Member (Idle past 2491 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
![]() [This message has been edited by schrafinator, 03-03-2003]
nator Member (Idle past 2491 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
quote: That's why we have to stop producing cheap handguns in the copious numbers we have been. Also, if we imposed stricter laws about how people must store their guns and ammunition we might make it harder for the crimials to steal them out of nightstands and garages. IOW, requiring all gun owners to be much more responsible with their weapons, and hold them liable if they did not secure them properly. You know, we regulate every other consumer product in this country, but not guns.
quote: Any major city? I have walked in London, Paris, Bern and a couple of German cities at that time of night and felt perfectly safe. All of those countries have strict gun control, too. To drive a car, you have to study and take a test, you have to pay to register it every year, you have to purchase insurance in case you do damage to people or property with your car, if you sell your car, you have to pass on the registration to the new owner so the vehicle can be tracked, etc., etc. We don't have to do any of this for guns, and guns are manufactured espressely to kill. You have also ignored the fact that more people use guns to kill themselves than are used to kill others.
nator Member (Idle past 2491 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
quote: If your wife was severely depressed and suicidal, would you keep a loaded handgun in your house where she could get it easily? My point is not that guns cause violence. My point is that the ready availability of cheap handguns and military-style guns make suicides and impersonal, long-distance, very quick violence and death very, very easy to do. If we have this problem with violence, WHY in the world do we make the things that make it easy to do violence to ourselves or each other so ridiculously easy to get? It's like making an alcoholic sit in a room surrounded by dozens of bottles of liquor, and then saying, "Alcohol doesn't cause alcoholism, alcoholics do." It goes against all reason and sanity. [This message has been edited by schrafinator, 03-12-2003]
nator Member (Idle past 2491 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
quote: We do hold them responsible. But a gun is not a toy. It is a highly specialized device designed to kill living things at a distance. Please give me one good reason why there shouldn't be some pretty stringent laws in place for how they should be secured from people who might want to steal them? Why should people who decide they want to own a extremely dangerous (yet highly portable and concealable) devide such as this bear no responsibility whasoever for keeping out of the hands of people who might misuse it? No comment on my car analogy?
nator Member (Idle past 2491 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
quote: I never said that. I said that having lots of guns around makes the kind of violence done to each other more likely to be gun violence than if so many guns weren't around.
quote: Do you really know if this is true? How many americans use corporal punishment with their children compared to other countries? How do we compare with other cultures in verbally abusing one another? How many people drive aggressively or are dangerous on the roads? How many people support the death penalty when they wouldn't ever lift a hand to anyone personally?
quote: But we are all part of the culture, and those who aren't prone to violence still live in the culture with those who are. Who is to say how many people are more prone to violence because they live here than they might have been if they lived in Japan, let's say? I don't think, IOW, that the groups are that easily separated.
quote: No kidding. You are taking what I said out of context. I have never advocated banning all guns.
quote: Except we don't regulate gun manufacture and ownership at anywhere near the level that we regulate alcohol manufacturing and consumption. Also, there is a lot more at stake with gun ownership than with alcoholism.
quote: You are taking my analogy too literally. The important part about it was the illustration of the alcoholic being surrounded by bottles (we surround violent people with easily-gotten guns) and then the play on the NRA bumber sticker. My point is that we currently have a system of nearly non-regulation of guns which makes it very easy for the most vulnerable to doing gun violence to get the firearms.
quote: I disagree. It is clear that having guns in the house increases by many times the liklihood that people will commit suicide at all. This is the data.
quote: I am not sure what you mean.
quote: So, why then do you reject the evidence of the fivefold risk of suicide in homes with guns compared to those without guns?
quote: I disagree. I very much do think that guns make the choice easier, just as the choice to shoot someone rather than stab or strangle them is made because it is safer and easier to kill from a distance if you can, rather than in a one on one struggle.
quote: Agreed, basically.
quote: The irony in this statement is amazing. [This message has been edited by schrafinator, 03-13-2003]
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