WJ already hit on this, but I cannot resist:
"The US population is 90+ million greater than Australia's. Similar if you exclude math from the equation I guess. What is the homicide by boomerang or poisoned tip blow dart statistics there?"
Conservatives seem to have a VERY hard time either understanding math or using it in anhonest way.
I have heard right wingers form Rush to George Will conflate rates with absolute numbers (Will being a Harvard grad, well....).
A typical misuse of numbers is something like this:
Conservative: There is a clear connection between prayer in school and the amount of crime committed in this country - Look! Back before the Supreme Court banned it in 1962, there were only X-number of murders in the country. Today, there are largerX-number! Clearly, this higher amount of murder is because our chidrin can't pray in school!
Rational person: Well, for one thing, the Court did not ban prayer in school in 1962. It banned administration-led prayer, because it amoiunts to coercion. As of 1962, many individual states had already banned such activities, starting with Minnesota in 1910. Does Minnesota demontrate the largest crime rate in the country? No.
But back to the math.
Yes, there are more murders today than in 1961. But there are lots more people, too. Indeed - when we look at the murder RATE, we see that it is about the same.
Conservative: No, wait, I mean. Libral! Can't you see - the guy is a Liberal! Don't listen to him! The Court made it illega;l to bew a Christian in public gubment schools! Its the truth! Rush said so!
And it is also true that there are more murders today, so it is also true about the connection between prayer and violence! Even Cal Thomas agrees with this! You cannot deny it!
Rational person:
Lets look at this again:
You said there were X-number of murders pre-1962.
Today there are largerX-number.
You say that this is the result of prayer being removed form the schools.
But the entire population grew by Y-amount since then, so the largerX-number of murders today is proportional to the X-number of murders seen pre-1962.
You see?
Let me put it another way -
If there are 100 people, and 10 of them have red hair, then 10% of them have red hair.
If we have 100,000 people, and 10% of them have red hair, then how many have red hair?
Rational person:
What is 10% of 100,000?
*tick tock.... tick tock...
Oh my - well it is 10,000.
So there are more red heads. Just like I said.
Rational person:
More total, yes, but they occur at the same RATE.
It is still 10%, but we have a larger population, so there is a
larger number...
But still the same rate....
Oh, I see....
Two weeks later
Same conservative:
There is adirect connection between the banning of prayer in 1962 and the amount of murder in this country......