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Author | Topic: The Bible has no contradictions | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Coragyps Member (Idle past 1061 days) Posts: 5553 From: Snyder, Texas, USA Joined: |
I've seen that said, too, but they are incompatible accounts. Animals are before man in one story, and after in the second, for starters.
judge Member (Idle past 6770 days) Posts: 216 From: australia Joined: |
Hi funky,
this is the best explanation of the two accounts I have seen. http://www.trueorigin.org/tablet.asp All the best
John Inactive Member |
There is so much wrong with that article that I don't where to begin.
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Conspirator Inactive Member |
Ok...answering the two creation stories.
Genesis 1 gives the order of events; Genesis 2 provides more content about them. Genesis 2 does not contradict chapter 1, since it does not affirm exactly when God created the animals. He simply days he brought the animals (which he had previously created) to Adam so that he might name them. The focus in chapter 2 is on the naming of the animals, not on creating them. Genesis 1 provides the outline of events, and chapter 2 gives details. Taken together, the two chapters provide a harmonious and more complete picture of the creation events. The differences, then, can be summarized as follows: GENESIS 1-Chronological order, outline, creating animals. GENESIS 2-Topical order, details, naming animals.
Percy Member Posts: 23190 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
That's one possible interpretation. The other, of course, is the one already mentioned, that they are two separate accounts appended one to the other. The evidence indicates different authors, both stylistically, in choice of vocabularly, and the way in which God is referenced. This is consistent with the division of Israel into two kingdoms, the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern of Judah, not long after David. The same forces driving the political division combined with divergent religious views, especially in the northern kingdom of Israel which had to make theological adjustments since they now lacked free access to temple in Jerusalem, also caused a split in the religious stories. The two versions were later brought together after the Babylonian exile.
What evidence do you have that your interpretation is correct, especially in light of all the contrary evidence that creation did not take place as described in either Genesis 1 or Genesis 2? --Percy
ME2 Inactive Member |
i've noticed a trend in the people that creat these threads....on another board...a thread similar to this was created daring any non-believes to point out contradictions in the bible...and i've notice that these christians will answer any question that is vauge and contains ambiguity...and gives the a way out....but when faced with questions that don't contain any of that like the ones i posted...they tend to over look them or act as if they are not being addressed to them..
i just thought i would point this fact out..the thread starter was chomping at the bit to shoot down our posts of contradictions ....well i posted text of the book in chrono.order that clearly show two creations of man....and since he posed the challenge i expect an answer....no scratch that...i don't... he didn't answer it b\c he like the others can't.. they will talk of the KJV of the bible but not about adam's first wife.. this thread is just like the others.. i'm done..
funkmasterfreaky Inactive Member |
John what did you have against that article? I'm curious.
------------------Saved by an incredible Grace.
funkmasterfreaky Inactive Member |
Boy you sure give up easy Me2. Give me chapter verse on the Adams first wife and I will attempt to discuss this with you. I just read through the first 2 chapters in Genesis and I don't know what you're getting at.
Of course I can't guarantee I'll find the answer, but I'm willing to try. ------------------Saved by an incredible Grace.
Brian Member (Idle past 5285 days) Posts: 4659 From: Scotland Joined: |
These two myths are from different traditions.
Any luck with an explanation for the omission of Cain and Abel from Adam's generations? ------------------Remembering events that never happened is a dangerous thing!
Brian Member (Idle past 5285 days) Posts: 4659 From: Scotland Joined: |
Just a quick suggestion, Jewish tradition suggests that Adam's first wife was called Lilith, maybe you could investigate this?
Brian ------------------Remembering events that never happened is a dangerous thing!
ME2 Inactive Member |
it's not a matter of giving up..it's a matter of people creating threads like this and daring you to challenge them and as long as you post easy question that they can wiggle out of and around (i see them all do it) they will respond to you..post for post...if you take note...he answered me right off the bat...why..b\c ver 5 gave him a way out..as well as others post did..but as mine got harder he became invisable..he even showed arrogance with that "next" comment...
my take on the bible is this......there is nothing new under the sun...the same type of people that you have today ...you had back then...with all of the faults that we have...this is clearly seen and displayed in cain and his action twoard able....lets see: jealousyhate lying killing lust (he took a wife..didn't he) just to name a few... if they are going to take this stance...then maybe they shouldn't try and defend a book that his hard to defend... on one hand they will except carbon 14 dating to prove the age of the shroud of turin..with all of it's faults....but won't except the same method that proves the exsitance of people before adam and eve...
Conspirator Inactive Member |
ME2, what in the hell are you talking about? I did answer your "contradiction". I've answered every one of your little "contradictions" already and yet you still won't accept it. I don't have the time or the patience to deal with you if you say that I didn't answer you when I obviously did. And hey, if you can't accept that the Bible has no contradictions, then it's not my problem it's just something that you'll just have to work out for your little self. I'm not your parents. I DID answer you. Did you not understand that point of my post? Because if you don't, then you don't really belong here as it was painfully obvious that I did answer you. So...what is the problem?
And ohhhh woooow, I'm arrogant. Your point? [This message has been edited by Conspirator, 03-08-2003]
Satcomm Inactive Member |
quote: I did a little research on this, and nothing I read would indicate that this was "Jewish tradition". It more seems to be a form of pagan goddess worship stemming from the legacy of ancient Babylonian mysticism under Nimrod. ------------------What is intelligence without wisdom?
funkmasterfreaky Inactive Member |
What exactly are you trying to do here? If you are attempting to make Christians look aarogant, hypocritical jackasses, you're succeeding. ------------------Saved by an incredible Grace.
John Inactive Member |
Lilith does appear numerous times in the Talmud. That seems sufficient to qualify her as part of Jewish tradition, even if as a late addition.
The evidence points to Babylon as the origin of the creation myth anyway, so why exclude Lilith because she is Babylonian? ------------------
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