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Author | Topic: Defining GUToB | |||||||||||||||||||
Admin Director Posts: 13143 From: EvC Forum Joined: Member Rating: 4.8 |
This thread is just to hash out a concise and clear definition of Peter Borger's GUToB. What follows is Peter's first pass at a definition:
Hi Admin,A couple of months ago I posted my ideas about biology. Here is the updated version: The General and Universal Theory of Biology (GUToB) holds that organism are geared with multipurpose genomes (MPG) and can change within a limited range through non-random mutations (NRM). The GUoB does not exclude random mutations. For both MPG and NRM biological evidence has been presented on the EvC board. Why do we need a new biological theory? As demonstrated on several occasions evolutionary mechanism are questionable on the level of the genome and thus cannot be the right hypothesis to explain life on earth in all its variation. Why? Evolutionism supposed to have its foundations in molecular biology and genetics, and when the theory can be falsified at this level it lacks a proper foundation. Thus, it cannot be the right theory. Therefore, I introduced the GUToB. The pillars of GUToB are the multipurpose genome working in conjunction with non-random mutations. The concept of a multipurpose genome is not entirely new since a similar concept has been introduced by P. Scheele in his book ‘Degeneration’ (http://www.evolution-is-degeneration.com) and by L. Spetner in his book ‘Not by Chance’. In my opinion their hypotheses cannot explain all biological observations --like sequence similarities/shared mutations within related species-- and so it cannot be complete. Therefore, I also introduced and provided scientific evidence for non-random mutations (http://EvC Forum: molecular genetic proof against random mutation (1) -->EvC Forum: molecular genetic proof against random mutation (1)). The non-random mutations should be conceived as non-random with respect to nucleotide and position. At present they should not be conceived as deliberately introduced as a response to environmental change, since that cannot be scientifically proven (although such directed mutations have been found in Cone snails). NRM do have important implications for common descent, as explained in # 184 in ‘molecular genetic evidence against random mutation’ and here: http://EvC Forum: Dr Page's best example of common descent easily --and better-- explained by the GUToB -->EvC Forum: Dr Page's best example of common descent easily --and better-- explained by the GUToB). In conjunction with non-random mutation the idea of a multipurpose genome are able to explain all biological phenomena, including genetic redundancies and phylogenetics.For scientific back-up for NRM see also Dr Caporale's book 'Darwin in the Genome' (ISBN 0-07-137822-7). The concept 'multipurpose genome' holds that: 1) Functional DNA sequences —although plastic-- are stable throughout time, 2) organisms demonstrate genetic redundancies that reside in the genome without selective constraint, 3) mechanism for adaptive phenotypes and variation are preexisting and due to duplication and/or shuffling of preexisting DNA elements —either genes or other non-coding elements-- that affect gene expression, or due to loss of (redundant) genes, and through RNA editing, 4) the main function of natural selection is to remove degenerate organisms, and 5) there is/has been creation (=creaton interactions with matter in a morphogenetic field giving rise to genes and genetic programs in preexisting genetic programs) of multipurpose genomes. Predictions: 1) predicts that within species we do not see abundant variation with respect to genes, and usually such genetic alterations are neutral or degenerate (although distinct alleles can be expected through the principle of degeneration, which is in effect the action of entropy, the major mechanism is NRM).It also predicts that all organism --even the simplest-- have an elaborate and accurate mechanism to counteract mutations. 2) predicts that a considerable part of the genes of any organism can be knocked out without being lethal. 3) predicts that adaptive phenotypes of organism do never demonstrate new genes unrelated to preexisting genes. 4) predicts that organism lacking vital DNA elements are selected against. 5) could predict that there are organisms that have not undergone genetic changes (yet). Falsification: 1) The GUToB will be falsified by the observation of the evolution of new genes unrelated to preexisting genes. Of course, a novel theory is subject to changes. I invite everbody to think about it and to have constructive comments. Best wishes,Peter --------------------EvC Forum Administrator
Admin Director Posts: 13143 From: EvC Forum Joined: Member Rating: 4.8 |
First attempt to summarize:
GUToB (Grand Unifying Theory of Biology)- descent with modification within species boundaries through natural selection MPG (MultiPurpose Genome) - The genetic foundation of GUToB, the same MPG can be shared across many species, with minor variations to the MPG producing the variety of species. An MPG for a species cannot experience change sufficient to produce a new species. The cause of change in MPGs is random mutation, and morphogenetic fields and creaton waves that produce non-random mutations (NRMs). NRM (Non-Random Mutation) - ??? (The question marks are because the causes of your type of NRM are unknown to me, see next two items) Morphogenetic Fields - ??? Creaton Waves - ??? --------------------EvC Forum Administrator
Admin Director Posts: 13143 From: EvC Forum Joined: Member Rating: 4.8 |
This thread is for Peter and I to hash out a concise definition of GUToB. Can you repost this over at the Dr Page's best example of common descent explained from the GUToB thread? Thanks!
--------------------EvC Forum Administrator
Admin Director Posts: 13143 From: EvC Forum Joined: Member Rating: 4.8 |
Peter, here's your message from the other thread:
1) Non-Random Mutations type 1 (NRM1). This type of NRM introduces mutations on the same positions and the position where they are introduced depends on the DNA regions where it is part of. NRM1 are also known as ‘positional NRM’. NRM1 has been described for T4 virus. NRM1 is likely to be present in the ZFY region and in mtDNA. Semi-Random positional mutations are a special form of NRM, i.e. semi-random with respect to nucleotide, but non-random with respect to position (=when mutations occur in the region they are always introduced at the same spot). Implications: NRM1 will line up and give the illusion of common descent in phylogenetic analysis. Since phylo-geneticists cannot exclude NRM1, this type of mutations question the evolutionary conclusions that the alignment of genes and shared mutations is proof for common descent. 2) Non-Random Mutations type 2 (NRM2). This type of NRM is mediated by protein and/or RNA driven mechanism that translocate preexisting DNA elements, or vary nucleotides in genes in a similar fashion as observed for immunoglobulins. NRM2 also plays a pivotal role in parasite-host interactions, and are likely to be abundant in other interactions between organisms where ‘evolutionary armsrace’ is ongoing. They have been demonstrated in the 1G5 gene in Drosophila, and in cone snail toxin genes.Implications: NMR2 may give alignment of mutations (‘shared mutations’) in related MPGs. Variation is limited and preexistent. This is more a discussion of NRM than a definition, since it also includes evidence, implications and conclusions. How about this:
GUToB (Grand Unifying Theory of Biology)- descent with modification within species boundaries through natural selection MPG (MultiPurpose Genome) - The genetic foundation of GUToB, the same MPG can be shared across many species, with minor variations to the MPG producing the variety of species. An MPG for a species cannot experience change sufficient to produce a new species. The cause of change in MPGs is random mutation, and morphogenetic fields and creaton waves that produce non-random mutations (NRMs). NRM (Non-Random Mutation) - There are two types. The first is often referred to as hot-spots, regions of the genome where mutational change is more common than usual, possibly related to DNA structure. The second is due to genetic mechanisms which serve as a causative force behind mutation. Morphogenetic Fields - ??? Creaton Waves - ??? --------------------EvC Forum Administrator
Admin Director Posts: 13143 From: EvC Forum Joined: Member Rating: 4.8 |
Hi Peter,
Thanks, this is looking better. Here's what we have so far, with my comments interspersed: GUToB - Descent with modification within boundaries determined by the MPG through natural selection.
I'd like to change this to: Descent with modification within MPGs through natural selection. Is okay? MPG (MultiPurpose Genome) - The genetic foundation of GUToB. The same genetics (genes, (regulatory) DNA elements to induce variation) are shared across many species, with minor variations to the MPG producing variation within the species (although species is not the appropriate term, since I propose to replace 'species' and probably 'genus' by 'MPG'). An MPG cannot induce change sufficient to produce another MPG. The variation observed within MPGs is caused by non-random mutation specified by mechanisms in the MPG itself.
In other words, you want to group species into larger subgroups determined by their MPGs. How do you determine what the various MPGs are? How do you tell what MPG a species belongs to? What distinguishes one MPG from another? In other words, species are divided from one another by reproductive boundaries. What forms the boundary between MPGs? Also, you don't mention random mutation. I would like to rephrase a bit. Species is a well understood term with true meaning, I don't think you want to abandon it, and you can't exclude random mutation. How is this: MPG (MultiPurpose Genome) - The genetic foundation of GUToB. The same MPG is shared across many species, with variations to the MPG producing the different species. An MPG cannot induce change sufficient to produce another MPG. [insert description of boundary between MPGs here] The variation observed within MPGs is caused by both random and non-random mutation. NRM (Non-Random Mutation) - There are two types. The first is often referred to as hot-spots, regions of the genome where mutational change is more common than usual, possibly related to DNA structure. The second is due to genetic mechanisms specified by the MPG which serve as a causative force behind mutation.
Would like to rephrase in a very minor way to: NRM (Non-Random Mutation) - There are two types. The first is often referred to as hot-spots, regions of the genome where mutational change is more common than usual, possibly related to DNA structure. The second is due to genetic mechanisms within the MPG which serve as a causative force behind mutation. --------------------EvC Forum Administrator
Admin Director Posts: 13143 From: EvC Forum Joined: Member Rating: 4.8 |
Hi Mammuthus!
There will be opportunities to respond to the GUToB definition once it is complete, and probably to refine and improve the definition, too. But this thread is just for me and Peter Borger to hash out a definition that I can put on a webpage for easy reference. Could you please keep a copy of your post, which I think contains some important points that need to be addressed, for use in another thread when the time comes, but delete the body of your message in this thread? Thanks! By the way, though this thread isn't for discussion of GUToB, anyone who thinks they can improve the definition as it develops here (independent of whether you agree with it) please suggest away! --------------------EvC Forum Administrator
Admin Director Posts: 13143 From: EvC Forum Joined: Member Rating: 4.8 |
Hi Peter Borger,
I'm afraid I don't know what this means:
MPG = any group of organisms with compatible DNA (genomes) that is able to produce offspring through mixture --either natural or artificial-- of their DNA. What does "mixture of their DNA" mean? Also, the change in the sentence that you requested from this:
The variation observed within MPGs is caused by both random and non-random mutation. to this:
The variation observed within MPGs is mainly caused by non-random mechanisms, but random mutations are not excluded. doesn't feel consistent with the definitions of RM and NRM. Unless there is some very simple reason why RM belongs in a less likely category, the original wording seems better, and you can address the relative contribution to change within MPGs in discussion. --------------------EvC Forum Administrator
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