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Author | Topic: The Bible has no contradictions | |||||||||||||||||||||
John Inactive Member |
Satcomm seems to be equating 'tradition' with 'holy writ' and this is where are missing each other. I think my last post should clear that up.
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PaulK Member Posts: 18055 Joined: Member Rating: 5.0 |
Well if we're going to ask for *evidence*.
Matthew puts Jesus' birth during the reign of Herod the Great. Luke puts Jesus' birth during a Roman census held while Quirinius was Governor of Syria for the purpose of taxation, this happened after the Romans deposed Herod's son Herod Archelaus, in the tenth year of his reign (starting with the death of Herod the Great). (See Josephus, _Antiquities of the Jews_ XVII.13 for the deposition of Archelaus and XVIII.1 for the census) There is no evidence placing Qurinius as Governor of Syria prior to this (indeed we know that Quintilius Varus was Governor when Herod died and Saturninus before him), nor is there any evidence that a Roman census of Judaea for tax purposes was held prior to that - nor even a good reason to suppose that the Romans would hold such a census (Judaea under Herod paid tribute to Rome, a sum agreed between the Roman government and Herod so the Roman tax system did not apply).
Brian Member (Idle past 5281 days) Posts: 4659 From: Scotland Joined: |
Hi Conspirator
Could you clear something up for me? It is regarding your earlier posts. Post 1. ‘Go ahead and post a supposed "contradiction" and I'll tell you how it isn't a contradiction. This should be fun.’ Post 2 ‘Next’ Post 3. ‘I know you people want to post...’ What I would like to ask is why are you not acknowledging the contradiction that I have asked you to explain several times? Can you at least acknowledge that you have read my request? I understand that you could be busy and don’t have time to reply, but you appeared to have time to reply to other people. I am truly interested in your reply, as you seem very confident of clearing up any ‘contradiction’ that people may post, and this is one that should stretch you a little. But, I maintain that if anyone thinks that the Bible is error free then they haven’t studied the Bible. Finally, do you have any intention of addressing the contradiction I posted, or can I stop checking this thread for your reply? ------------------Remembering events that never happened is a dangerous thing!
nator Member (Idle past 2491 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
I know it has only been a day, but I posted a contradiction about the timing of Jesus' crucifiction in message #51 of this thread.
I understand that you are busy with other subjects at the moment, Conspirator, I just don't want it to be skipped over. Thanks.
ME2 Inactive Member |
ok...even though you are twisting words and ignoring simple and plain written text...i'll go you way... now it is your stance that man and animals were created at the same time and they are the samething...even though the bible clearly lays out in order that the whale,fowl,etc...was created first.. (which by your actions is showing contradictions in the bible) anyway..you take this stance for the fact that a mammal is anything that nourish their young with milk secreted by their breasts glands and have skin covered with hair....like humans.. ok fine...but.....you still have a problem because not every animal nurse their young this way... quick examples...egg laying fowls..lizards...etc.. and since god created evreything that crawled ,slithered,swim,and flew before he created man... you are still left with two seperate creations of god... sorry...but man and animals are not the same
ME2, the Bible may not define humans as animals, but WE do. Here: we = mammals and mammals = animals. Mammals are animals so WE are animals. we=mammals...ok..."we" are..mammals=animals...yes..but not all types...some lay eggs. WE are animals...by your logic...no...we don't lay eggs and only female nurse their young.. the problem is ...is that you are using blanket terms to prove you stance and like with all blanket statements...they have many holes and flaws.. as i just pointed out.
Conspirator Inactive Member |
I don't really have time to post now...but I'll reply to a couple things anyway.
The problem for you is demonstrating that your interpretation is the correct one. I realize that. Can you at least acknowledge that you have read my request? Yeah, I read it. Finally, do you have any intention of addressing the contradiction I posted, or can I stop checking this thread for your reply? I'll see what I can do...but I don't know if I'll have an answer for you. ok...even though you are twisting words and ignoring simple and plain written text No, actually, I'm not. (which by your actions is showing contradictions in the bible) How? ok fine...but.....you still have a problem because not every animal nurse their young this way... And this is irrelevant to the discussion because we're talking about humans. And since humans nurse their young the way that you said....I guess that makes us animals by your logic huh? you are still left with two seperate creations of god... No...we aren't. sorry...but man and animals are not the same Explain how humans are not animals. WE are animals...by your logic...no...we don't lay eggs and only female nurse their young.. Just because we don't lay eggs doesn't mean we're not animals.
Conspirator Inactive Member |
I don't really have time to post now...but I'll reply to a couple things anyway.
The problem for you is demonstrating that your interpretation is the correct one. I realize that. Can you at least acknowledge that you have read my request? Yeah, I read it. Finally, do you have any intention of addressing the contradiction I posted, or can I stop checking this thread for your reply? I'll see what I can do...but I don't know if I'll have an answer for you. ok...even though you are twisting words and ignoring simple and plain written text No, actually, I'm not. (which by your actions is showing contradictions in the bible) How? ok fine...but.....you still have a problem because not every animal nurse their young this way... And this is irrelevant to the discussion because we're talking about humans. And since humans nurse their young the way that you said....I guess that makes us animals by your logic huh? you are still left with two seperate creations of god... No...we aren't. sorry...but man and animals are not the same Explain how humans are not animals. WE are animals...by your logic...no...we don't lay eggs and only female nurse their young.. Just because we don't lay eggs doesn't mean we're not animals.
Conspirator Inactive Member |
I don't really have time to post now...but I'll reply to a couple things anyway.
The problem for you is demonstrating that your interpretation is the correct one. I realize that. Can you at least acknowledge that you have read my request? Yeah, I read it. Finally, do you have any intention of addressing the contradiction I posted, or can I stop checking this thread for your reply? I'll see what I can do...but I don't know if I'll have an answer for you. ok...even though you are twisting words and ignoring simple and plain written text No, actually, I'm not. (which by your actions is showing contradictions in the bible) How? ok fine...but.....you still have a problem because not every animal nurse their young this way... And this is irrelevant to the discussion because we're talking about humans. And since humans nurse their young the way that you said....I guess that makes us animals by your logic huh? you are still left with two seperate creations of god... No...we aren't. sorry...but man and animals are not the same Explain how humans are not animals. WE are animals...by your logic...no...we don't lay eggs and only female nurse their young.. Just because we don't lay eggs doesn't mean we're not animals.
ME2 Inactive Member |
what you are doing is using words in the literal sense of words...ok..lets play your game.. animal..which means any living single cell or complex celled organizism...on this is what you base your point that we are all animals and that we were all created at the same time...meaning one occurance of creation.. well first off..this is wrong...there were several times that ANIMALS were created..
001:021 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth,and every winged fowl after his kind 001:023 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 001:024 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creatureafter his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. 001:025 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind 001:026 And God said, Let us make man in our image 001:031 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it wasvery good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. 002:001 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the hostof them. 002:002 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made;and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. so lets play you word game.. kind..meaning a group united by common traits or interests...we are not like the fowl or the whale,etc...and if that the case...why did the bible go thur all of that explaining..if we are the same.. creature..meaning a lower animal..like a farm animal...tell me...do you eat from a troff...like pigs beast..meaning a four-footed mammal as distinguished from a human being...tell me...are you a cow,horse,or hog...which is it.. ok..get the point... the bible went through the process distinguishing the different kinds of creation because it is simply that...a diffent kind of creation.. under your blanket term ANIMAL yeah...we all fall into that pot..but take note..this is your interpretation of it and it's wrong... in math...do you follow the order of operation when solving a problem when counting...do you start from 1 or the number 5...no you follow the sequencial order of counting.. well the book of genesis was written in a sequencial order of events and creation...and if you follow them (which you don't want to)...you will see that whales,cattle fowls,etc..was created of the 5TH DAY.. man and MORE animals were created on the 6THDAY... now..to me..1+1 =2...meaning two diff.days....not one...and not the same 'KIND' of creations.. either the book of genesis is wrong or you are...which is it [This message has been edited by ME2, 03-13-2003]
Brian Member (Idle past 5281 days) Posts: 4659 From: Scotland Joined: |
Thankyou for replying Conspirator, I thought you hadn't read my contradiction, it is a good one isn't it?
There is one thing you posted that I agree with, 'this should be fun'. Good Luck! Brian ------------------Remembering events that never happened is a dangerous thing!
nator Member (Idle past 2491 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
Just mentioning my contradiction in message #51 of this thread so it isn't overlooked.
Conspirator Inactive Member |
ME2, ok, I'll go through each verse one by one.
001:021 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth,and every winged fowl after his kind Yes, he created every living creature here. 001:023 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. So he goes and makes evening and morning. 001:024 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creatureafter his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. I think this is the problem that you seem to have trouble dealing with. "Bring forth" simply means to come to life. He created every living creature in verse 21, but were they alive? No, they didn't have to be and it didn't say they were. It simply says he created them. he didn't say if they were alive or not. In this verse they come to life, they weren't being created again. 001:025 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind This is probably on the same day, so repeating it doesn't mean he created them twice. creature..meaning a lower animal.. No it doesn't. Creature could mean ANY animal. under your blanket term ANIMAL yeah...we all fall into that pot..but take note..this is your interpretation of it and it's wrong... Then would mind telling me how my interpretation of it is wrong instead of just saying it is without clarifying your point? well the book of genesis was written in a sequencial order of events and creation...and if you follow them (which you don't want to)...you will see that whales,cattle fowls,etc..was created of the 5TH DAY.. Amd as I explained, they weren't created on the fifth day. They were brought to life on the fifth day. Big difference. man and MORE animals were created on the 6THDAY... No they weren't. They were brought to life on the 6th day. It says let us make man in our image. That means they had to have been alive before that. And could an Admin or someone else delete 2 of my messages in my posts? Thanks. Anyway, more later.
compmage Member (Idle past 5475 days) Posts: 601 From: South Africa Joined: |
Conspirator writes: "Bring forth" simply means to come to life. You have got to be joking? How the **** do you get 'come to life' from 'bring forth'? This I have got to hear. ------------------He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife. - Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy
ME2 Inactive Member |
do you have any shame? i'm at a lost from your lame word games and interpretations.. i'm gonna stop for a moment so you can answer post #51 b\c you seem to be avoiding him/her.. once again...is there any shame in you that says... man...i'm full of it....
So he goes and makes evening and morning. and you are forgeting something...god already has created day and night.. so the days are already changing...which means that it's the fifth day...not the same day... heres proof..
001:005 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. take note..."first day...so there is an sequencial order for the days and if thats the case...you can discount the 7th day...since it's all one day... and lets be real....your replies are not realy explaing anything.... if there is a problem...it is with you not being able to prove your interpretations... they are becomming increasingly lame,weak,and baseless... in one instance you are taking words in the literal sence when they fit your purpose and disguard them when they don't... look up the word cearture in webster's dictionary...it is the same dictionary you used to define animal and mammal in order to prove your point... well i used the same book...so by right you have to except my meaning..also... [This message has been edited by ME2, 03-14-2003] [This message has been edited by ME2, 03-14-2003]
ME2 Inactive Member |
he/she has a point...if you can find time to answer mine you can answer his.... just apply your same wild, far out in left field mis-interpretations as you have been doing all along... and also answer compmage... i gotta hear this.... [This message has been edited by ME2, 03-14-2003]
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