I was not instrucing anybody to do anything, I was just suggesting to check out a pretty cool thing. However, you are right, lets pick up the Good Book and see what we can dig up in there...
I the book of Proverbs (2800 years ago) King Solomon wrote:
"A word well spoken is like apples of gold in bowls of silver" (Prov. 15:11)
Maimonides (a gread Torah scholar, sort of like an Einshtein of theology) explains this passage like this:
Seen from a distance, only the silver bowl and its beauty are noticed. Whith closer inspection the more valuable apples of gold are discovered within. What is the bowl of silver about which Prov. speaks? It is the literal text of the Bible. Even with a superficial reading, seen from a distance, as it were, it is beautiful. But only close inspection, deep study of the text, reveals the golden apples, the subtleties, held within. As gold is more valuable, so these subtleties, the quite truths, expand the meaning far beyond a litteral reading.
Since the profecy was written 300 years after Proverbs could it be that Isaiah wrote down his vision in the style of the Bible according to Prov.? trying to conseal the true insight in litteral meaning?
But once again you are right. We can debate for eternity and not know for sure. It's all a matter of your belief.