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Author | Topic: Drum's list of prophecies :) | |||||||||||||||||||
John Inactive Member |
This list deserved it own thread. Originally, Drummachine posted it here.
My response will have to wait until tomorrow. ABRAHAM lived about 4000 years ago. He is the patriarch of many nations of people, including the Jews. He is the father of Isaac and the grandfather of Jacob.Genesis 12:2-3 The Jews would have a worldwide impact Genesis 15:5 Counting Abraham's descendants would be like counting the stars Genesis 15:18 AMOS prophesized in Israel sometime around 750 BC - about 2750 years ago.The Jews would have their own country Amos 1:9-10 Tyre's fortresses would fail Amos 9:11, 13 The ruins of Israel would be rebuilt Amos 9:14-15 The Jews would regain control of Israel DANIEL was among the Jews who were taken captive into Babylon about 2600 years ago. He rose to a high position in the Babylonian government. Daniel saw and described the great world empires that were to come. He also prophesied about a Messiah.Daniel 2:32-33 Daniel predicted the four great kingdoms Daniel 9:24-26 Daniel predicted when an anointed one would be rejected Daniel 9:26 Daniel foretold the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple EZEKIEL preached to Jews of the Babylonian captivity from 593 BC to 563 BC, according to the Bible's book of Ezekiel. The book discusses the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC and contains many oracles of warning. He sometimes symbolically acted out his prophecies. He spoke about the restoration of Israel and the destruction of empires that sought to destroy Israel. Those empires, by the way, have been destroyed, and Israel today is being restored.Ezekiel 4:3-6 Ezekiel predicted when Israel would be re-established Ezekiel 11:17 The Jews would have Israel as their country, again Ezekiel 20:34 Ezekiel said the Jews would return to Israel Ezekiel 22:14-15 The Jews would be scattered to other countries Ezekiel 25:14 The Jews would avenge the Edomites Ezekiel 26:3 Tyre would be attacked by many nations Ezekiel 26:4 Tyre would be scraped and made bare Ezekiel 26:7-9 Tyre's mainland would be destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar Ezekiel 26:12 Tyre's stones, timber and soil would be cast into the sea Ezekiel 26:21 Tyre would never again be found Ezekiel 29:15 Egypt would never again rule over nations Ezekiel 34:13 The Jews would return to "their own land" Ezekiel 36:8-10 Israel would be restored and repopulated Ezekiel 36:11 Ezekiel prophesied prosperity for a restored Israel Ezekiel 36:24 Israel would be re-gathered Ezekiel 36:33-35 Israel would be rebuilt and resettled Ezekiel 37:10-14 Israel would be brought back to life Ezekiel 37:15-19 The Jews again would be a united people Ezekiel 37:21-22 Israel would be re-established as a united nation HOSEA prophesied about 2750 years ago, during the reigns of the last two kings of Israel, shortly before Israel was conquered by the Assyrian Empire. Hosea prophesied of the desolations that would result from being unfaithful to God, and of God's promise to restore Israel.Hosea 3:4-5 The Jews would live many days without a king Hosea 9:17 The Jews would be like wanderers in other nations ISAIAH lived in Jerusalem about 2700 years ago, during the time in which the Assyrian Empire conquered the northern part of the Jewish homeland. The book of Isaiah contains many prophecies that are interpreted by Christians (including us at this web site) as being about the Messiah Jesus Christ. Today, we can see with our own eyes that many of Isaiah's prophecies have found fulfillment with the worldwide dispersion of Jews, the worldwide persecution of Jews, the recent worldwide migration of Jews back to Israel during the past century, the recent re-establishment and restoration of Israel, and the worldwide impact that Jews have had on the world.Isaiah 11:1-10 Nations would seek the counsel of Jesse's descendant Isaiah 13:17Babylon would be attacked by the Medes Isaiah 13:19Babylon's kingdom would be overthrown, permanently Isaiah 14:23Babylon would be reduced to swampland Isaiah 27:6Isaiah said Israel's fruit would fill the world Isaiah 27:12-13God promised to restore the Jews Isaiah 35:1-2Isaiah foretold the restoration of Israel Isaiah 40:3The Messiah would be preceded by a messenger Isaiah 41:18-20Trees again would grow in Israel Isaiah 42:1-9Jesus' life was foreshadowed by the prophet Isaiah Isaiah 43:5-6Isaiah foretold of the worldwide return of Jews to Israel Isaiah 45:1Babylon's gates would open for Cyrus Isaiah 49:6God's salvation would reach the ends of the earth Isaiah 51:3Israel's deserts will become like the Garden of Eden Isaiah 53:3The Messiah would suffer and be rejected Isaiah 53:5God's servant would be wounded and whipped Isaiah 53:7God's servant would be silent before His accusers Isaiah 53:9God's servant would be buried in a rich man's tomb Isaiah 53:12God's servant would be crucified with criminals Isaiah 66:7-8Isaiah spoke of a Israel being reborn in one day Isaiah 66:22Isaiah said God would preserve the Jews JACOB was the grandson of Abraham and the father of the 12 Tribes of Israel. He was given a vision by God of Israel's future that proved to be accurate - that the Jews would establish their own nation, that they would be scattered like dust to the ends of the earth, that they would have a worldwide impact, and that they would one day return to their homeland. All of these things have happened since.Genesis 28:10-15 Jacob saw a vision of Israel's future Genesis 35:9-12Jacob's descendants (the Jews) would inherit the land of Israel Genesis 49:10The Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah This is just a few. ------------------
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John Inactive Member |
quote: And his history was written many hundreds of years after his ( supposed ) life. That is, historical fiction is not prophecy. Or, if you prefer, history is not prophecy.
quote: You can find these kinds of predictions all over the place. It is part and parcel to mythology-- kinda like psyching up the home team at a pep rally. Three thousand years ago, you could have made this assertion about any of a hundred cultures and it would have been true.
quote: And Abe's descendants number in the hundreds of hundreds of hundreds of trillions? ![]() Seriously, this is a typical claim made about the mythological founders of many cultures. It doesn't mean much. And lets not forget that it is just a claim. How do we know that it has in fact turned out to be true? We don't. We don't have any evidence tracing millions of people back to one man a few thousand years ago. We don't know, even, that this man actually existed.
quote: I think your citation is incorrect. I can't find anything about the Jews having a country.
quote: Tyre has been discussed at length in another thread. Perhaps you'd be interested in reading through it?
EvC Forum: What Science is NOT quote: I don't recall that the Jesus of the NT was ever described like that. In other words, you've got to be joking. Or maybe this was about the four great kingdoms? It is really hard to tell with the way you have this formatted. But what four great kingdoms? Between then an now, I could name a couple of dozen.
quote: Actually, this appears to be a case of a prophecy that was decidedly not fullfilled. There is a strict timeline and it is long before Jesus ever walked the streets. There is also this bit about a flood, which never happened.
quote: And? The same is true for tens of thousands of people. Representatives of religion always council people in government-- not that this is a good thing.
quote: I believe that a perusal of history will show that this was happening all the time anyway. In other words, this is a no-brainer.
quote: ummm.... it isn't. We are fighting a war in the general vicinity of what used to be babylon. Does that look like swamp to you?
quote: What percentage of the world populatin do you think Jews account for? I found an estimate at 13 million. That works out to somewhere between .00216 and .0026 of the global population. Do you truly consider this to be "filling the world?" Come on, think about this stuff.
quote: Pretty sure they never stopped growing in Isreal.
quote: How do we know this is talking about Babylon? And Babylon didn't simply open the gates anyway.
[url]No webpage found at provided URL: http://www.art-arena.com/cyrus2.htm[/b]http://www.art-arena.com/cyrus2.htm[/b][/b]http://www.art-arena.com/cyrus2.htm[/b][/b]http://www.art-arena.com/cyrus2.htm[/b][/quote] quote: That was a barren garden then. Granted, massive use of technology has greened the place up, but the Garden of Eden? Come on...
quote: Do you think the writers of the NT were not aware of Isaiah? And do you think they were not concerned with the status of their messiah? It is quite reasonable to assume that the account is tainted. You'd agree if the prophecy concerned any but your own god. Gotta go... hasta la vista ------------------
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John Inactive Member |
quote: Paulk addressed this one nicely, but my objection is much more simple. Given that 2530, plus or minus, years have passed since Daniel was written, there are dozens of 'great kingdoms' from which to choose. Thus, Daniel can't loose with this one. It is a bit like saying, "You'll roll a six on that die-- eventually." You can't loose, but it hardly proves anything.
quote: The US will be conquered by a foreign power sometime after a great president dies. Give this enough time and circumstances will prove me a prophet. But does it prove anything? Nope. This is another one that cannot be wrong. That is problem with most of the prophecies you present. They are fuzzy.
quote: Pick a couple of neighboring countries, predict that one will attack the other-- particularly when they have a history of conflict-- and wait. You too can be a prophet!!!! It means nothing.
quote: ummm.... Babylon is not swampland. I mentioned this in my previous post to you. Did you not read it? Babylon was located in what is now Iraq, or thereabout. Watch the news. Does that look like swampland? It appears that the mention of a high water table is meant to validate the "swampland" bit. Think about it. How deep is the water table where you live? Where I live, it isn't all that terribly far down, but it does not follow that I live in a swamp.
quote: Pick any chunk of the world, wait 2000 years, and "its fruits will have filled the world" in some arguable sense or other. This is too fuzzy and the time-frame is too broad. The same with the rest of the predictions about Israel. Now lets talk about self-fullfillment. If you were to read a book, and work to make the events outlined in the book come true, does that make the book prophetic? Not hardly. Think of the communist manifesto. Was that prophetic? Or Mein Kampf? Prophecy or just books that people believed in and made, in a sense, come true. ------------------
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John Inactive Member |
You are using a modern English dictionary to define what was meant by an author writing in another language 2500 or so years ago. Does this really make sense to you?
And in fact, you are arguing over the word chosen by Percy rather than the words actually used in the Bible. Weren't you the one instructing us to grab a Hebrew copy of the Good Book? Well... why don't you?
quote: Lets see... it doesn't matter how the guy writing it meant it? hmmm... You can't be serious?
quote: It is possible to come to some conclusions based on context. However, once we leave that narrow vien of inquiry...
quote: Ah... thanks for illustrating what is wrong with this approach to prophecy. It is too fuzzy. Hundreds of real world outcomes could be interpretted as having fulfilled the prophecy. You may as well predict that "something will happen eventually." ------------------
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John Inactive Member |
quote: Yep, and could be not. That is the whole problem. Drum set out a list of presumably fulfilled prophecies. I replied by explaining why these are not adequate examples of fulfilled prophecy. When the best one can do is conclude that 'maybe or maybe not' it is best not to hold that example as evidence of a fulfilled prophecy, yes? Btw, are you a native speaker of English? ------------------
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John Inactive Member |
quote: But then you equivocate.
quote: It is just this subjectivity that makes this prophecy a bad one to use as evidence.
quote: Not really. This particular prophecy fails either way. Taken literally, the Jews do not fill the world, making up only a fraction of the global population. Taken metaphorically, as you wish, the prophecy is too fuzzy to be meaningful. Chance alone virtually guarantees that it be fulfilled assuming we get to interpret things as we please.
quote: Your spelling is atrocious. I take it that you are pretty young and don't much care about such things. I didn't. I have undergraduate philosophy and anthropology papers covered with notes like "this is well written overall but if you don't start paying attention to your spelling I am going to stop grading these things." Trust me, you'd be well served by paying attention. ![]() ------------------
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John Inactive Member |
quote: A prophecy is a statement like any other. It is specific or it isn't. "It will rain tomorrow" is specific. "It will rain eventually" isn't. Would you consider me a prophet if I made the later claim? Suppose we were in the desert in Africa when I made the statement. Well, at the the end of the next day, you point out that it hasn't rained. I point out that somewhere it did rain and that "I didn't say it would rain where we were." Would you take this seriously? Suppose I decide that snow is made of water and so are raindrops and thus by "rain" I could have meant "snow" or any other form of water falling from the sky? Would you take this seriously? I hope not, sincerely. Yet you appear to be willing to make these same convoluted interpretations where the Bible is concerned?
quote: That is why I asked. Can't be too hard on you if it is a second language. ![]() ------------------
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