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Author Topic:   Drum's list of prophecies :)
Inactive Member

Message 4 of 26 (36110)
04-02-2003 2:57 PM

Here are a few examples that are more in depth.
[Lengthy excerpt from deleted. --Admin]
[This message has been edited by Admin, 04-02-2003]

Inactive Member

Message 5 of 26 (36111)
04-02-2003 3:24 PM

Lets talk about the flood after this if thats okay?
[Lengthy excerpt from deleted. --Admin]
[This message has been edited by Admin, 04-03-2003]

Replies to this message:
 Message 7 by PaulK, posted 04-02-2003 4:45 PM drummachine has not replied
 Message 8 by John, posted 04-02-2003 7:58 PM drummachine has not replied
 Message 9 by Brian, posted 04-03-2003 3:28 AM drummachine has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 6 of 26 (36112)
04-02-2003 3:27 PM

What is the problem? That post was not that long. John is asking questions about these things. What if others post things like this. Will you delete those?

Replies to this message:
 Message 10 by Brian, posted 04-03-2003 3:46 AM drummachine has replied
 Message 11 by Admin, posted 04-03-2003 7:35 AM drummachine has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 12 of 26 (36215)
04-03-2003 2:20 PM

I will start putting a link. No problem.
The only reason I cut and paste is because its what I believe. I'll try to think on my own now. Psalm 22 is where it talks about crucifixion and Isaiah 53. King David wrote Psalm 22 3,000 years ago. Christ was crucified almost 2,000 years ago. Around 30 AD. And about Israel becoming green and trees growing. If you look at the history of Israel before 1948 it was a barren wasteland. Since they were declared a nation things have radically changed. They sale flowers to Holland for example. They have skyscrapers. In fact they have started going back to the ancient ways of gardening. Scientists have reasearched this and have shown that it is more productive. In case Schrafinator is still here this is my conclusion about creation/evolution plain and simple. Have a good day.
Divine Creation or Spontaneous Generation
Purposeful Design or Random Accidental Order
Intricate Order or Chaotic Mistakes
Infinite God or Infinite Odds
Life from Life or Life from Non-life
God=Creator or Time=Creator
Entropy or Evolution
Catastrophe or Gradualism
True Bible or True Theories
God's Purpose or No Purpose
Absolutes Exist or Everything Is Relative
Mutations Are Harmful or Some Mutations Are Beneficial
Relatively Young Earth or Extremely Old Earth
Civilization from Start or Slow Development of Civilization
Degenerate Man or Man Getting Better
A Future Hope or Hopelessness
[This message has been edited by drummachine, 04-03-2003]
[This message has been edited by drummachine, 04-03-2003]

Inactive Member

Message 18 of 26 (37023)
04-14-2003 9:46 PM
Reply to: Message 10 by Brian
04-03-2003 3:46 AM

Brian Johnston,
Yeah your write. Actually it was about 300-400 BC by the Persians. The Romans perfected it. And that prophecy from that site I added the crucifixion part. Thanks for the correction.

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 Message 10 by Brian, posted 04-03-2003 3:46 AM Brian has replied

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 Message 22 by Brian, posted 04-15-2003 10:20 AM drummachine has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 26 of 26 (37478)
04-21-2003 7:27 PM
Reply to: Message 2 by Mike Holland
04-02-2003 4:41 AM

So God preserved all the Jews who died in German concentration camps?
The re-establishment of Israel appears over and over, but it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I prophesized that my wife would make me a cup of tea, and she heard this and promptly did so, am I a prophet? The Zionists have been battling to fulfil this prophecy for ages. That they finally succeeded does not prove that prophecy was inspired.
The Holocaust was performed by the hand of Nazism but just because that happened doesn't mean God hasn't preserved them still. All through the Old Testament we see destructive things like this. Ever since Christ's prophecy about the temple destruction Israel has been desolate. There's the proof that the texts were written before 70AD and thats when the temple was destroyed. So since the rejection of the Messiah Israel has been desolate. But today things are different. Israel coming back into their land is different today than then is because it has been over 1,900 years since they have been in their land. God said He would gather Israel from the four corners of the world and we see this today. The analogy of prophecy about your wife is not even in the same category as God because His prophecies have been events fulfilled that have changed history.
Many prophecies about Jesus cannot be trusted, because the gospel writers may have adapted the 'facts' to fit the prophecies, just to 'prove' that their Jesus was the predicted messiah.
What is your evidence for this?
Of course, each prophet would have known all the prophecies of the previous prophets. So many of these cannot be listed as independent cases, but just as repetition.
Would you please shed some light to this statement?
[This message has been edited by drummachine, 04-21-2003]

This message is a reply to:
 Message 2 by Mike Holland, posted 04-02-2003 4:41 AM Mike Holland has not replied

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