I will start putting a link. No problem.
The only reason I cut and paste is because its what I believe. I'll try to think on my own now. Psalm 22 is where it talks about crucifixion and Isaiah 53. King David wrote Psalm 22 3,000 years ago. Christ was crucified almost 2,000 years ago. Around 30 AD. And about Israel becoming green and trees growing. If you look at the history of Israel before 1948 it was a barren wasteland. Since they were declared a nation things have radically changed. They sale flowers to Holland for example. They have skyscrapers. In fact they have started going back to the ancient ways of gardening. Scientists have reasearched this and have shown that it is more productive. In case Schrafinator is still here this is my conclusion about creation/evolution plain and simple. Have a good day.
Divine Creation or Spontaneous Generation
Purposeful Design or Random Accidental Order
Intricate Order or Chaotic Mistakes
Infinite God or Infinite Odds
Life from Life or Life from Non-life
God=Creator or Time=Creator
Entropy or Evolution
Catastrophe or Gradualism
True Bible or True Theories
God's Purpose or No Purpose
Absolutes Exist or Everything Is Relative
Mutations Are Harmful or Some Mutations Are Beneficial
Relatively Young Earth or Extremely Old Earth
Civilization from Start or Slow Development of Civilization
Degenerate Man or Man Getting Better
A Future Hope or Hopelessness
[This message has been edited by drummachine, 04-03-2003]
[This message has been edited by drummachine, 04-03-2003]