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Author Topic:   How did animal get to isolated places after the flood?
Member (Idle past 424 days)
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Message 61 of 194 (384955)
02-13-2007 4:15 PM
Reply to: Message 60 by bluegenes
02-13-2007 4:07 PM

Re: What about the sloths?
That's why I wonder about the sloths, in particular. Even if we're generous with land bridges, at the rate these animals move I figure that, starting from the Middle-east 5000 years ago, they'd just about be reaching South America now. Can any YEC help me to understand the story of the sloths?
I don't understand what it is you don't understand. The Sloths had to flat hump it to get to South America, flat hump it.
Now they tired. Give them time to get a second wind and they'll flat hump it again.
Just watch out. Once they get rolling you don't whant to get caught in the route of a rampant sloth.

Aslan is not a Tame Lion

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Message 62 of 194 (384958)
02-13-2007 4:36 PM
Reply to: Message 61 by jar
02-13-2007 4:15 PM

Re: What about the sloths?
The Sloths had to flat hump it to get to South America
Don't forget that back then, South America wasn't all that far away as the continents had yet to separate. So they had a mere 2000 or so miles to amble, and then they surfed the rest of the way as South America catastrophically sped its way across the Atlantic... you can almost feeel the wind sweeping back their ears as they trembled at the sheer exhilaration of continent riding...
Edited by cavediver, : No reason given.

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Posts: 2290
From: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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Message 63 of 194 (384961)
02-13-2007 4:51 PM

On the subject of Sloths

Just a monkey in a long line of kings.
If "elitist" just means "not the dumbest motherfucker in the room", I'll be an elitist!
*not an actual doctor

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Message 64 of 194 (384963)
02-13-2007 5:02 PM

Seems to me that the easiest explanation is the most obvious.
As the flood waters receded, Noah et. al. simply did a whirlwind, around the Globe cruise, dropping each critter off where they were supposed to be. You gotta figure there were some big ass currents flowing as the water went, well, wherever it went.
It wasn't goddidit. It was GodEx.

Those who would sacrifice an essential liberty for a temporary security will lose both, and deserve neither. -- Benjamin Franklin
We see monsters where science shows us windmills. -- Phat

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 Message 65 by Archer Opteryx, posted 02-13-2007 7:21 PM subbie has not replied

Archer Opteryx
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Message 65 of 194 (384989)
02-13-2007 7:21 PM
Reply to: Message 64 by subbie
02-13-2007 5:02 PM

subbie saith:
As the flood waters receded, Noah et. al. simply did a whirlwind, around the Globe cruise, dropping each critter off where they were supposed to be.
Now why isn't this in the Bible? This is a great epilogue to the story. It's almost, well... not plausible, exactly...
You gotta figure there were some big ass currents flowing as the water went, well, wherever it went.
A mystery, isn't it? Seems we should still be dealing with a global mildew problem, at least.

All species are transitional.

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 Message 66 by Taz, posted 02-13-2007 7:46 PM Archer Opteryx has replied

Member (Idle past 3321 days)
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Message 66 of 194 (384997)
02-13-2007 7:46 PM
Reply to: Message 65 by Archer Opteryx
02-13-2007 7:21 PM

Re: GodEx
archer writes:
This is a great epilogue to the story.
Well, Magellan almost made it around the globe before he got killed and it only took 3 years to circumnavigate the globe... and that's with a lot more sailing know-how than what Noah had to work with...

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Archer Opteryx
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Message 67 of 194 (385000)
02-13-2007 7:53 PM
Reply to: Message 66 by Taz
02-13-2007 7:46 PM

Re: GodEx
Well, Magellan almost made it around the globe before he got killed and it only took 3 years to circumnavigate the globe... and that's with a lot more sailing know-how than what Noah had to work with...
So Noah, you'd figure what? At least ten? He'd be getting pretty cabin crazy by then... Maybe it's time to consider more speed data.
Jar, would these be the African or the European sloths?

All species are transitional.

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 Message 78 by subbie, posted 02-14-2007 9:28 AM Archer Opteryx has not replied

Member (Idle past 446 days)
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Message 68 of 194 (385054)
02-14-2007 12:27 AM
Reply to: Message 55 by nator
02-13-2007 9:48 AM

That a deer can swim 600 feet across the Arthur Kill is not surprising.
That a Platapus or a Koala or a Kangaroo could swim many thousands of miles to Australia is a different matter altogether.
Isn't that basically what I said?

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 Message 94 by nator, posted 02-15-2007 8:56 AM riVeRraT has not replied

Member (Idle past 446 days)
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Message 69 of 194 (385056)
02-14-2007 12:30 AM
Reply to: Message 56 by Taz
02-13-2007 11:57 AM

Of course I realize there is a big difference between swimming to Staten Island, and Hawaii, but it is amazing none the less. Makes you think.
Was what I said, how could you think that I meant they swam thousands of miles?
You guys amaze me.

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 Message 56 by Taz, posted 02-13-2007 11:57 AM Taz has not replied

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 Message 71 by iceage, posted 02-14-2007 12:42 AM riVeRraT has replied

Member (Idle past 446 days)
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Message 70 of 194 (385057)
02-14-2007 12:33 AM
Reply to: Message 57 by iceage
02-13-2007 12:11 PM

Re: Earthworms swam to Australia?
I don't know how you can equate deer swimming across a river to crossing thousands of miles of open ocean.
I wasn't equating nothing, its magic that you think so.

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 Message 57 by iceage, posted 02-13-2007 12:11 PM iceage has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 5945 days)
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Message 71 of 194 (385059)
02-14-2007 12:42 AM
Reply to: Message 69 by riVeRraT
02-14-2007 12:30 AM

Blind Cave Fish
OK fine and dandy, i apologize, if i (we) misconstrued your point.
Now can you provide your explanation for the animals in Australia?
What about the uniqueness of life in isolated places? (biogeography)
What about mobility challenged and specialized life like blind and earless moles or blind cave fish?
Edited by iceage, : No reason given.

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 Message 73 by riVeRraT, posted 02-14-2007 12:58 AM iceage has not replied

Member (Idle past 446 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
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Message 72 of 194 (385061)
02-14-2007 12:53 AM
Reply to: Message 58 by Archer Opteryx
02-13-2007 1:55 PM

Re: there's nothing like a good refreshing swim
another retarded reply.
Even though I printed my point, people in here seem to be stuck on rebuking a point, that I did not make, I was very specific.
If you can't see that, and you guys are the "experts" in supposedly trying to find out how an animal could have possibly got there, then it always makes me question the abilities of the so called "smart people", since I am just dumb. I do not sit and ponder how the anilmals got there, the whole flood thing, was obviously a GodDunnit event anyway, why try to figure it out? Does it mean that God desn't exist for you or something?

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 Message 58 by Archer Opteryx, posted 02-13-2007 1:55 PM Archer Opteryx has not replied

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 Message 74 by iceage, posted 02-14-2007 1:04 AM riVeRraT has replied

Member (Idle past 446 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 73 of 194 (385063)
02-14-2007 12:58 AM
Reply to: Message 71 by iceage
02-14-2007 12:42 AM

Re: Blind Cave Fish
OK fine and dandy, i apologize, if i (we) misconstrued your point.
Apology accepted, thank you very much, your a good man.
Now can you provide your explanation for the animals in Australia?
No I can't, but I can tell you how to install geothermal heating and A/C in your house.
What about the uniqueness of life in isolated places? (biogeography)
No, again, but I am amazed by life, and how it gets anywhere. I watch mostly National geographic channel, and PBS in HD, and I always get amazed at just what life can accomplish, given some time, even short amounts of time.
What about mobility challenged and specialized life like blind and earless moles or blind cave fish?
I am not convinced that they evolved that way, or were just designed to do become that.

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 Message 71 by iceage, posted 02-14-2007 12:42 AM iceage has not replied

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 Message 95 by nator, posted 02-15-2007 8:59 AM riVeRraT has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 5945 days)
Posts: 1024
From: Pacific Northwest
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Message 74 of 194 (385065)
02-14-2007 1:04 AM
Reply to: Message 72 by riVeRraT
02-14-2007 12:53 AM

Re: there's nothing like a good refreshing swim
RiverRat writes:
people in here seem to be stuck on rebuking a point, that I did not make, I was very specific...If you can't see that, and you guys are the "experts" in supposedly trying to find out how an animal could have possibly got there, then it always makes me question the abilities of the so called "smart people"
You stated that it "makes you think" and was "amazing" that deer are repopulating Staten island. We replied no it is not but perfectly understandable. No mystery at all.
I for one, am not an "expert" in animal migrations. However it does not take an expert to understand the implications of biogeography and the impossibility of a kangaroo or kola bear swimming or rafting transoceanic.

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 Message 76 by riVeRraT, posted 02-14-2007 1:16 AM iceage has replied

Member (Idle past 446 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 75 of 194 (385066)
02-14-2007 1:07 AM
Reply to: Message 59 by Taz
02-13-2007 3:33 PM

Re: there's nothing like a good refreshing swim
how the hell did they know which way to swim so to combine with ocean currents would take them to a land thousands of miles away?
How do animals know a storm is coming, how did certain animals know that a tsunami was coming, how do pigens know which way to fly home?
I know you can explain all these things, maybe, but thats not my point. It's obvious that the kangeroos got there in the mouth of a big whale.

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 Message 59 by Taz, posted 02-13-2007 3:33 PM Taz has not replied

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