We moved to the city when I was six. My dad always said he gave up the farm because of the symphony and the library.
We used to go to the public library every Saturday morning, mom and dad upstairs and us kids downstairs. We could borrow four books for two weeks, so we'd have two batches going at once.
I read
Treasure Island in French and about forty times in English. I read a prequel called
The Adventures of Ben Gunn and a sequel called
Back to Treasure Island.
(Years later, I read Rien Poortvliet's books in Dutch. My parents had spoken Low German to each other when they didn't want us to know what they were saying. I never learned to speak it, but I could understand more than they thought - and Dutch is a lot like Low German.)
I read
Kidnapped and
The Black Arrow. I read
The Treasure Hunt of the S-18 and
The Return of the Alaskan and
Master of Morgana - I always liked boats. My little brother liked Freddie the Pig, so I read that whole series too.
I especially liked Edwin Tunis' books about colonial living and craftsmen, etc. I liked books on how to make things. (My other passion is tools, but I'll leave that for another chapter.)
Today I have an extimated seven hundred books in my living room, and many more hidden away in cupboards and closets.
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