I don't think I've posted this one here ... enjoy.
The Cuttlefish And The Flying Pig: An Aureate Amphigory
By way of prologema, I should explain to the less sagacious of the maculate multitude the appearance of order Sepiida in the rubric of these dithyrambic versicles. It is an allegorical figure, signifying those sophistical sciolists who, like the cuttlefish, expend superfluous quantities of tenebrous fluid in order to obscure their own position.
I'll not obnubilate my views by waxing metaphorical;
eschewing all hyperbole, I'll state as categorical:
a supermundane altitude's a feat that's quite prosaic for
domestic Ungulata deemed uncleanly by Mosaic law.
When acephalic aolists aver that I'm erroneous
I'll ply my polysyllables and won't be parsimonious.
My argument's bromidical, that just as every pigeon is
the genus
Sus is volant and ascends to heights vertiginous.
When hireophants of orthodoxy prate that I'm heretical
I postulate a syllogism wholly anthetical;
with words sesquipedalian and vatic as a Druid I
explain the airy element's not alien to Suidae.
When obscurantists obfuscate, whatever my opponent says
I'll get quite logorrheic and in sundry altitonant ways
point out the airborne habits and the aviform taxonomy
of suiforms explicitly condemned in Deuteronomy.
I'll answer every eroteme with marvels of magniloquence
and show my view's veridical with erudite consilience.
With plethorae of syllables and logic that is Boolean
I'll prove that porcine genera inhabit the cerulean.