Whether you like it or not, the tolerance experiment has failed. And so did the experiement for the integration of people of different religions into one society. Both have failed miserably in the EU and the US.
No they haven't. Not from where I'm sitting. (Leicester, UK.)
If we continue to turn a blind eye to the growing islamic threat, the civilisations clash is inevitable. If we want a successor, a total ban on religions is a must before they get hold of nuclear weapons and wack us in the name of god.
I still think that you haven't thought this through.
First, the people who wish to ban religion are a minority. They are a minority even among the irreligious. How are "we" meant to ban religion? Some sort of un-Holy War? But "we" are outnumbered. And I, for one, despite my lack of belief, would fight on the other side.
Secondly, any such attempt would precipitate exactly the sort of crisis you wish to avoid.
Finally, your proposition is grossly immoral, for exactly the same reason that the worst excesses of religion are immoral: because you wish to introduce compulsion into matters of conscience. What, pray tell me, are "we" meant to do with the believers who do not respect "our" ban on religion? Burn them at the stake? Stone them to death? Do explain.
N.B: I notice that this has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of the thread.
Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.