Most of the fundamentalists are followers of radical islam and I see you are afraid to say the word "islam". That's what is going in much of the world today. People are afraid to voice their opinion that most radical religious movements are islamic. Why are you afraid?
I'm not. I simply see no intrinsic difference between Islam and many other religions. Islam very closely resembles Christianity several hundred years ago, given explosive devices and a wider acceptance of suicide missions.
Do you fear that you would angry the muslims? If yes, where is the freedom you so vehementally stand up for? Why do you keep blaming the christians for radicalism when I have never spoken of christians? There are cetain sects outside radical islam - like the Scientology, etc. which should be banned altoghether with radical islam, or radical whatsoever religion.
I see no intrinsic difference from one faith-based belief system to another - I find the damaging aspect to be the detachment from objective reality, not necessarily the physical death and destruction they can cause. It's the detachment from objective reality that causes the irresolvable difference of worldview people of
any religion squabble over. The fact that certain sects of Islam consider violence to be an acceptable course of action to continue that squabble is immaterial - Christianity used to do the same thing.
Let me be clear: those who you or I would likely identify as an "Islamic Radical" would be those who are actively fomenting violence. I fully support the
existing laws that make such activities illegal. If you instruct your followers to blow themselves up to kill a market full of people, you
should be arrested, and then barred from communicating with the outside world to prevent further violence. I don't care
what religion you are a member of - you can be Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, or anything else - if you actively support murder, destruction of property, harassment, terrorism, or anything of the like, you should be arrested and tried in accordance with the law.
The problem we get into is with the more
moderate members of any given religion. Let's take teen4christ as an example, here. He's a Christian. If we make Christianity illegal because of the actions of Fred Phelps or one of the abortion clinic shooters, t4c is now criminalized
by association, not for anything he's done himself. This sort of injustice breeds resentment and
hightens conviction! Remember, most religions rightly or wrongly have a persecution complex - like our friend Ray here at evc, they see opposition from outsiders as
confirmation of their beliefs.
So outlawing even a violent branch of a religion is not only unethical, it also fails to solve the problem - it even makes the problem
Again, the
only way to reach your ideal world without religion either ethically or even
effectively is by winning the argument through education.