Thank you for your efforts, but I've come to realize that we're covering too many prophesies for one topic.
I recommend that you save a copy of this page for future reference, or perhaps you've already done via some sort of text file.
Then we need to cut message 1 down to just one prophesy or area of prophesy. You can perhaps move on to other prophesies later.
Please edit down message 1 per above suggestion. Another topic title change is also needed, to reflect the greater focus. Then post another message saying the edit has been done.
By the way - You seem to have flip-flopped you designations of your original input and your quotes. What is as a quote shouldn't be, and what isn't should be.
Sorry about not making these suggestion in my first message, but such is life. Just think of it this way - I critique because I care

Added by pre-post edit:
one of your sources, I see this is a lot of cut and paste, which we generally frown upon. This material mixes quoting scripture and interpretation. I find this problematic - I offhand would prefer that data and interpretation be kept separate.
Tell you what. Post a more focused message (per above suggestions) as a new message in this topic. It may need further editing, but as I see it, that's that best way to go.
Input from other admins certainly welcome.