steeley42 writes:
Well, I gotta' say I can relate. My old high school been going down hill more and more over the years too. No one knows what to do. It's not the teachers, they are pretty much the same ones when I was there and everything was great; multiple validictorians going to major colleges, lots of kids passing the standarized tests for colleges, and full classes passing the tests for high school classes that counted towards college.
I went to High School in Morro Bay, CA in the early 70s where biology was taught by the formidable Mr. Boudreau. Here are a few select quotations from the best of my memory:
This is a college prep class, therefore I am going to teach it as a college class. College is for adults. If you don't act as adults, you are out.
In this class, I teach evolution. If you disagree with evolution you don't belong in this class.
Or words to that effect. I took both general and marine from the guy and over 15 years later when I took general biology in college (for HS teacher certification, of all things) it was a breeze.
My concern is for this community and the quality of education the average HS student receives.
As an aside, that is the god-awfullest newpaper website I've ever seen. How anyone can actually read the news with all the damn ads changing every 2 seconds... hurt my eyes just reading the one piece.
You think the online presence is bad, you should see it in print. Actually the local newspaper is a large part of the problem as they do not allow any letters to the editor that say anything more than how great Big Spring is, and how everyone here is far 'above average.'
At least if the community was allowed to express their feelings and opinions in this matter via the local newspaper as in the rest of the free world, there would be an opportunity for dialog. As it is, evidently the
Big Spring Herald exists to
tell the community what to think and
not to ask what they think.
Read not to contradict and confute, not to believe and take for granted, not to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider - Francis Bacon
The more we understand particular things, the more we understand God - Spinoza