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Fosdick  Suspended Member (Idle past 5821 days) Posts: 1793 From: Upper Slobovia Joined: |
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Author | Topic: The Palin Mistake | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fosdick ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 5821 days) Posts: 1793 From: Upper Slobovia Joined: |
From the get go we all knew that Sarah Palin was a Hail Mary, and it was obvious to many even beyond America's borders. With judgment like that McCain probably would have lobbed one into Iran, while humming an old Beach Boys song. I'll give the American people credit for seeing the knee-jerk tactics of an old war hero, who had to be a gambler just to survive it.
The first lesson of philosophy is that we may all be mistaken. ”Will Durant
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Hoot Mon writes: From the get go we all knew that Sarah Palin was a Hail Mary, and it was obvious to many even beyond America's borders. With judgment like that McCain probably would have lobbed one into Iran, while humming an old Beach Boys song. I'll give the American people credit for seeing the knee-jerk tactics of an old war hero, who had to be a gambler just to survive it. No hail Mary there given here success as mayor and governor of the great state of Alaska including oversight of the National Guard, gas pipe line project and a host of other complex responsibilities. Hey, she couldn't do worse than some of the presidents such as Carter and Johnson, etc if circumstances ended her as president. Once in office multitudes of advisors are in place for orientation and help. The concern should be more so with Obama who had to be corrected on the number of states in the union and his shady past. Palin's risk would have been nothing compared to the slick shady Kenyanisque fellow we're stuck with. BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The immeasurable present eternally extends the infinite past and infinitely consumes the eternal future.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Double post error]
Edited by Buzsaw, : noted BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The immeasurable present eternally extends the infinite past and infinitely consumes the eternal future.
Deftil Member (Idle past 4776 days) Posts: 128 From: Virginia, USA Joined: |
I agree with your sentiment Hoot. It seems to me that selecting someone who was more well-known, and someone who would have represented a move to the middle, rather than the right(wing), would have been more popular, and helped to at least make the race closer.
RAZD Member (Idle past 1726 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
Hey, she couldn't do worse than some of the presidents such as Carter and Johnson, etc Yes she could - she could be as bad as Shrubya, or Reagan, if not worse. She had no idea how incompetent she was, and would not take advice from anyone, and is convince that she is right: all bad traits in a leader (see shrubya). The economy doesn't need more fools that don't know what they are doing. Republican "economic theory" is invalidated - the economic failure trickled UP from the bottom, after years of neglect of the economic base through the FAILURE of the trickle economics plus deregulation plus tax breaks for the rich.
The concern should be more so with Obama who had to be corrected on the number of states in the union and his shady past. Palin's risk would have been nothing compared to the slick shady Kenyanisque fellow we're stuck with. Rather than the risk we HAD from trigger happy Shrubya, who is still without a clue what to do to repair the damage he did to the economy? We are in the economic trouble we have because of the total unquestionable FAILURE of trickle-down economics. If the people at the bottom could have continued to afford the mortgages we would not have any of this problem. But they finally ran out, after waiting 8 years for a drop to trickle down. Instead FAILURE trickled up - the true path of economic flow.
Once in office multitudes of advisors are in place for orientation and help. Curiously you don't apply the same standard to Obama. So Buz, ol friend, quit yer bichin - you've had 8 years of totally unreasonable run, with what many people consider the worst, most incompetent, president ever, and it is time for some repair work, not any more of the same failed programs and narrow solutions. It's time for America to return to her values of equality, justice, freedom and the pursuit of happiness. Enjoy. Edited by RAZD, : n Edited by RAZD, : by our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. • • • Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click) • • •
fallacycop Member (Idle past 5841 days) Posts: 692 From: Fortaleza-CE Brazil Joined: |
Obama who had to be corrected on the number of states in the union
The fact that the right wing nuts kept repeating inane attacks such as that one come to show that they knew they couldn't defeat Obama on issues alone
Rrhain Member (Idle past 328 days) Posts: 6351 From: San Diego, CA, USA Joined: |
Buzsaw writes:
quote: Huh? She took a city that had a surplus and despite snagging millions of dollars in federal earmarks for the city, left it in debt. Under her watch, Wasilia tried to charge rape victims for their rape kits in direct contravention of federal law. How is that "success"?
quote: Huh? She lobbied for the bridge to nowhere from its inception all the way to its death. At no point did she ever say, "Thanks, but no thanks." Instead, she pushed and pushed and pushed and only dropped the measure when it became clear that no more federal money was ever going to come and that Alaska was unable to come up with the money on its own. And she kept the money that had already been given for the project. How is that "success"?
quote: She never had anything to do with the National Guard. It was never called out for service during her tenure, she never had any meetings with any of the Commanders, and she never gave them a single order. According to an interview given to the Associated Press by Maj General Craig Campbell, adjutant general of the Alaska National Guard, "he and Palin play no role in national defense activities, even when they involve the Alaska National Guard. The entire operation is under federal control, and the governor is not briefed on situations."
quote: Palin was in office for nary 18 months before being pulled away from the state in order to campaign for McCain. Regarding the gas pipeline, the project has stalled. Yes, she has managed to talk with TransCanada Alaska Co., but there has been no talk with the actual gas producers meaning that even if the pipeline were built (which it hasn't been and isn't even in process), it would be useless as there is nothing to put in it. Basically, you're praising her for championing a pipeline to nowhere.
Ms. Palin has refused to commit to limits on oil and gas production tax rates. And ConocoPhillips and BP have launched a competing pipeline company, called Denali, the native name for Alaska's Mount McKinley, the highest mountain in North America. Last month, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission told Congress there had been "substantial progress" toward development of an Alaska natural gas pipeline. But it was "very unlikely" that more than one would be built, the report said, and the FERC suggested the commission might be the best forum for all parties to work together. "We are ready to work with the State of Alaska, TransCanada, ConocoPhillips and BP to advance a successful gas pipeline project that provides maximum benefits to the people of Alaska, the producers, and energy consumers," ExxonMobil said in a prepared statement to The Dallas Morning News. -- Sarah Palin's Alaska pipeline dream not yet a reality, Gary Jacobson, The Dallas Morning News quote: Carter and Johnson were some of the better presidents we've had when it comes to the economy. The economy did better under Carter and Johnson than it did under Reagan, but then again, the economy has always done better under a Democrat than it has under a Republican. In fact, it did better under Johnson than it did under Carter. For example, job growth under Johnson was 3.8% per year, which is the largest the modern economy (meaning going back to the end of WWII) has seen. Number two? Carter with 3.1%. Reagan (2.1%) couldn't even beat Nixon (2.3%). Despite what you may have heard, the economy did better in the 70s than it did in the 80s.
quote: Then why not put the advisors into office and eliminate the middleman?
quote: What shady past? Be specific.
quote: Um...Obama was born in Hawaii. You're thinking of McCain, who was born in Panama. Rrhain Thank you for your submission to Science. Your paper was reviewed by a jury of seventh graders so that they could look for balance and to allow them to make up their own minds. We are sorry to say that they found your paper "bogus," specifically describing the section on the laboratory work "boring." We regret that we will be unable to publish your work at this time.
Wounded King Member (Idle past 353 days) Posts: 4149 From: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Joined: |
How is that "success"? Haven't you kept up with the Republican 'Opposite day' approach to reality? To remind you, see this prophetic article from the Onion in 2001. TTFN, WK
mark24 Member (Idle past 5516 days) Posts: 3857 From: UK Joined: |
Palin was a gift to Democrats & comedians alike.
Huntard Member (Idle past 2616 days) Posts: 2870 From: Limburg, The Netherlands Joined: |
I'll relate my experiences of Palin.
When I first heard McCain had chosen her, I thought "smart move!" As I was sure that would draw many people who wanted to vote for Hillary his way. Then I saw her first interview.... And wow was I ever wrong, I mean seriously! If a politician over here would pull an interview like that, he/she would be BUTCHERED by the media, very possibly even forced to resign because of public pressure. I'm still amazed McCain could make such a bad choice. Didn't he have lengthy interviews with the candidates BEFORE he made his choice? Surely it would've shown through that she wasn't the brightest of the lot. Further interviews she gave only strengthend that image. Still amazed at how she could ever be chosen. By the way, are there seriously people who want her to run in 2012? I hunt for the truth
Fosdick ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 5821 days) Posts: 1793 From: Upper Slobovia Joined: |
Speaking as a frothing-at-the-mouth liberal, I happen to like Sarah Palin. She didn't call up John McCain and say: "Hey, why not me? I'm a hockey-mom reformer." She had it loaded on her back like a pack mule, and yet she was gracious about her multi-challenges. I don't know of anyone who could have mustered the needed wherewithal fresh out of the box and do as well as Sarah. She's authentic, even if she is on the wrong end of the political spectrum. It was McCain's mistake, and he could have done a lot worse by selecting just another drab Republican, like Elizabeth Dole, as his running mate.
The first lesson of philosophy is that we may all be mistaken. ”Will Durant
fallacycop Member (Idle past 5841 days) Posts: 692 From: Fortaleza-CE Brazil Joined: |
By the way, are there seriously people who want her to run in 2012?
You have no idea. She did indeed unite the righ wing of the party (losing the centrists and independents in the interin). The republican party will go through an autophagic process. The infight between the right and the center of the republican party will be very interesting to watch. It had alredy started before the election. It will intensify now.
Coragyps Member (Idle past 1055 days) Posts: 5553 From: Snyder, Texas, USA Joined: |
I saw a conspiracy theory expounded elsewhere that's almost plausibly Rovian enough to be true:
Palin was picked by the Repubs as a way to throw the election. Even in August, any moron could see that the general state of affairs in the US was headed for the crapper. If the Rethuglicans make sure that the Democrats are firmly in power from 2009 to 2010 or 2012, they can put all the blame for the shitbath we'll be taking on the Dems, and so promote a big backlash to get themselves back into power in '10 and/or '12. Given that the memory span of an average US voter is less than 15 minutes, this could work for them. Fascinating, huh? Edited by Coragyps, : typo
Fosdick ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 5821 days) Posts: 1793 From: Upper Slobovia Joined: |
Rovian, indeed! But Rove counted on all the people to be as stupid as we were when GBW led us into Iraq. Times have change. Public stupidity has slipped a notch. Just look at California.
The first lesson of philosophy is that we may all be mistaken. ”Will Durant
fallacycop Member (Idle past 5841 days) Posts: 692 From: Fortaleza-CE Brazil Joined: |
As I said in another thread, What a diabolically machiavelical bunch the republicans are, uh?. May be the democrats chose to lose the 2004 election just so they could win everything now. Siriously...
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