Fallacycop writes:
Is that what's bothering you? Monica Lewinsky? I have to say I couldn't care less. And I'm not alone. Bill's ratings were much more favorable at the end of his presidency the Bush's now. If the constitution had alowed him to run a third time, he would probabily have been re-elected.
That's because everybody was out to get a BJ in that pre-911, Clinton decade. You could afford one on Clintonomics. Clinton took one of the four pillars of Reaganomics”deregulation”and he ran with it. And he flubbed the Balkan War. His administration in few ways prepared us for this decade, except for good ol' Al Gore and his greenhouse gas.
Let me ask you this, fallacycop. If you found out that Barack Obama got a BJ from an intern in the hallway leading to the Oval Office, would you be disappointed in him? You'd be crushed, and you know it. Well, so was I with Clinton.
How could he have been so stupid?
I don't think that even stupid ol' Sarah Palin is
that stupid.
I can see Lower Slobovia from my house.