You along with several posters to lesser or greater degree appear to REMOVE humans from your natural scene.
Any ideas about why people are doing that?
Sure, because humans have the unique ability to manufacture. We make drastic changes to the earth that no other species could accomplish, so we make the distinction between natural things and man-made things. Nature can also refer to the universe in its entirety, but for the sake of this thread I'm using the definition that excludes man-made things.
Do you think it represents a hatred of others?
Not at all, it's just a simple way to distinguish between man-made things and (non-man-made?) natural things.
No smog, no noise, no bossy, irritating or pushy people...
True, those are factors I would definitely consider, but I'm curious about how the very act of observing natural scenery affects us.
Consider this: If you were given four hours to relax, and you could choose to spend your time in one of these two places, which would you pick?
a) A big, luxurious hotel, all to yourself, completely isolated from society. Maybe it has a gym inside it, or a spa. However, there are no windows and no depictions of natural scenery whatsoever.
b) A place in nature. Maybe an empty beach, or some place in the wilderness.
I'd like to hear everyone's answer to this hypothetical situation. Please share your thoughts, I'm very interested in this subject.