I'm not interested in disucssing statistical analysys until it can be proven that the creationist community has access to the data source on the 14C dates for the Ferguson Chronology, among other things. Also, if cannot be established where rings were subjectively added by researchers, then there is no point in talking about statistics. Real science requires original data.
As it is a huge majority of the "matches" involve rings of "0" width. So if you put enough "0"'s into the ring width list at the right places, then you can created whatever signal you want to match with whatever. My current hypothesis is that the "0"'s were fraudlently placed. So provide the data and the answers first.
The problems revealed by the back of the envelope tests are proving valid as I cut apart the crn file. For one thing when you whiten the file to get rid of the noise, pretty much all of the signal disappears also!
Also there is no consistency with the expected percentage of mean growth in the master file and the matched trees.
Column 1: whitened signal 40% threshold, "88888" means signal=true
Column 2: Master Chronolgoy, expected % of mean width
Column 3: an example tree supposed to match, actual % of mean width
Column 4: actual ring width in 100th mm.
0 133% 114% 42
0 92% 88% 22
8888888 22% 0% 0
0 98% 106% 28
0 71% 112% 21
0 94% 116% 29
0 105% 97% 27
0 111% 99% 29
8888888 31% 12% 1
0 82% 90% 19
0 76% 111% 22
Notice that the whitened signal in column 1 only matches a "0" and a "1". For the rest of the data, it is totaly random, dancing a normal distribution around the mean.
So it is imperative that the meaning of the "0" in the data set be established. Is it an INFERED ring by the researcher, or does it represent physical evidence of say a meansurement .004 mm rounded off to 0? Until then tree ring matching is no better than Bible Code ESL sequences. Given enough white noise, you can find a signal in anything!
Edited by Daniel4140, : No reason given.
Creation 4140 B.C. Flood 2484 B.C
Exodus 1632 B.C. Online Chronology book:
The Scroll of Biblical Chronology