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Author Topic:   Conservative Bible Project
Member (Idle past 5536 days)
Posts: 263
Joined: 09-15-2009

Message 1 of 4 (529198)
10-08-2009 3:42 PM

Recently, while watching an episode of "The Colbert Report," Stephen Colbert mentioned Conservapedia and said that they had Conservative Bible Project in which they would retranslate (read: reword) the Bible because, and I quote
Liberal bias has become the single biggest distortion in modern Bible translations.
This website operates similarly to Wikipedia in that people can make entries and edit them. But many of the editorial policies differ from Wiki, most prominently, regardless of source citation, any entry that goes against the belief of the founder of Conservapedia will be deleted.
Now many articles on science and religion in Conservapedia adopt the YEC point of view. The YEC viewpoint often relies on the Bible as source material. Now if Conservapedia is able to reword the Bible because of a "liberal" bias, and if YECs are willing to accept it, then how can they argue that the Bible is the word of God if man can change what God says? If this is allowed to happen and if conservatives and creationists alike condone this, doesn't this throw out the window their contention that the Word of God is unchanging? In essence, if this is allowed to continue and accepted, if man can change the Bible to fit more in line with his own ideas, then how can creationists continue to argue their primary reason for believing creationism, which is that the Bible is the Word of God and therefore infallible?
My feeling is that they cannot and if they can no longer argue for the infallibility of the Bible, then people will see creationism for what it truly is, another ridiculous idea.

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 Message 2 by AdminPD, posted 10-09-2009 5:29 AM Izanagi has replied

Member (Idle past 5536 days)
Posts: 263
Joined: 09-15-2009

Message 3 of 4 (529389)
10-09-2009 8:46 AM
Reply to: Message 2 by AdminPD
10-09-2009 5:29 AM

Re: Where to Place
I would like it in The Accuracy and Inerrancy forum. What I am looking for are logical arguments for why people should or should not believe the Bible is inerrant and accurate in the face of this evidence that there are people who are changing the Bible to suit their ideology and beliefs.
However, if you feel the topic would be better served in The Faith and Belief forum, I'm fine with that too.
Edited by Izanagi, : No reason given.
Edited by Izanagi, : No reason given.

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 Message 2 by AdminPD, posted 10-09-2009 5:29 AM AdminPD has not replied

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