Topic: Suspensions and Bannings Part III
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 46 of 275 (527852)
10-02-2009 9:17 PM
Calypsis4, Dr Adequate - 24 hours by Admin
I'm glad he's doing the dirty work. I'll follow up by doing the "paper" work.
Admin, at the "Living fossils expose evolution", writes: I've just issued a couple one-day suspensions for not following moderator requests and for posting off-topic. I will continue issuing short suspensions for Forum Guidelines violations and for posting messages with no content that addresses how the example of bats either confirms or disproves evolution. Admin's message is here. Check upthread for the messages in question. Adminnemooseus ps. - I tried embedding the [midt] code inside the opening [qs] code - It didn't work.
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Arphy, dwise1, Lithodid-Man, Archangel - 24 hours by Admin
Same topic as previous message.
Admin's suspension announcement includes:
I have regretfully issued one day suspensions to several more people for posting off-topic. The only off-topic posters spared were relative newbies. If you click on the "Admin Posts Only" link to your left you'll see that the topic is living fossils, and the example we're focusing on is bats. The offending messages are just upthread, except for Archangel's, which is just downthread. Adminnemooseus Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Change "admin" to "Admin" in subtitle.
Administrator (Idle past 283 days) Posts: 897 Joined: 03-02-2006
Message 48 of 275 (528116)
10-04-2009 2:47 PM
ICDESIGN -24 hours
After asking ICDESIGN to stay on topic and not reply to a moderator post, ICDESIGN continued replying. A quick suspension to drive the point home. See Message 91 and surrounding messages.
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 49 of 275 (529626)
10-09-2009 9:52 PM
Hooah212002 - 24 hours
The the suspension hovertext message:
24 hour suspension - Ongoing trite messages of no value towards forwarding the debate. See here and feel free to look around elsewhere. - Adminnemooseus Next time will be longer. Adminnemooseus
Administrator Posts: 4755 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Joined: 11-11-2003
Message 50 of 275 (529999)
10-11-2009 4:51 PM
Calypsis4 - day
For continued reluctance to debate and for not taking Admin "suggestions". Hovertest is:
Message 374 Calypsis thinks he doesn't have to actually discuss his views or listen to admins.
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 51 of 275 (530480)
10-13-2009 5:33 PM
Bluescat48, 6 hours
The suspension hovertext message:
6 hour suspension - See here - Adminnemooseus Far too much of this happening. Bluescat48 is the token whipping boy. Adminnemooseus ps to Percy - the [midt] code doesn't work in the hovertext message. It might actually stop the suspension.
Admin writes: It really helps moderators figure out if a topic is disintegrating because of general misbehavior versus someone in particular if the originally non-misbehaving members kept it that way. When everyone is prickly and argumentative and off-topic and personal then it's just too difficult to tell. We have neither infinite time to untie the Gordian knot, nor the wisdom of Solomon. There used to be a comedian who presented his ideas for a better world, and one of them was to arm everyone on the highway with little rubber dart guns. Every time you see a driver doing something stupid, you fire a little dart at his car. When a state trooper sees someone driving down the highway with a bunch of darts all over his car he pulls him over for being an idiot. Please make it easy to tell you apart from the idiots. Message 150
Administrator Posts: 4755 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Joined: 11-11-2003
Message 52 of 275 (530762)
10-14-2009 6:49 PM
Dr Adequate 12 hours
Ya know. This guy can construct the best damm posts with utterly devastating arguments and facts. Why resort to name calling? see Message 180 {Added by edit by Adminnemooseus - I've just noticed this DA message from earlier in the day - Also not good. Dr. Adequate - I second what AdminNosy said above, but you need to realize that you've succeeded in becoming a high profile offender. Be nice, be profound, be nice and profound - But don't be cranky.} Edited by Adminnemooseus, : See above.
Administrator Posts: 4755 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Joined: 11-11-2003
Message 53 of 275 (536230)
11-20-2009 2:21 PM
Ochaye 24 hours
See msg Message 341Ochaye doesn't seem to think that constructive discussion is his responsibility.
Administrator (Idle past 2601 days) Posts: 2073 From: The Universe Joined: 10-11-2003
Message 54 of 275 (536321)
11-21-2009 5:57 PM
Blzebub suspended indefinitely
Blzebub suspended indefinitely for refusal to follow moderator request. He preferred banning to moderation. Percy can overrule the indefinite time frame if he so chooses. Issue begins at Message 55.
Inactive Administrator
Message 55 of 275 (537957)
12-02-2009 6:28 AM
drmabus7 Suspended
drmabus7 aka davidmabus22 merged and suspended indefinitely. AdminPD
Administrator Posts: 4755 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Joined: 11-11-2003
Message 56 of 275 (538120)
12-03-2009 7:27 PM
alexis suspended
by another heartless idiot who doesn't like spam.
Administrator Posts: 4755 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Joined: 11-11-2003
Message 57 of 275 (538121)
12-03-2009 7:31 PM
fannygreen5564 banned
asking for money spam.
Administrator Posts: 4755 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Joined: 11-11-2003
Message 58 of 275 (538436)
12-07-2009 1:06 AM
kuberentp04 banned
Another spammer
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 59 of 275 (539549)
12-16-2009 11:01 PM
Bolder-dash, 24 hours, by Admin
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 60 of 275 (541499)
01-03-2010 10:27 PM
Viv Pope, 1 week / OLEGDEI, 24 hours - by Admin
See here and here for the within topic announcements from the Grand Poobah. Adminnemooseus