Coyote writes:
Fact: Noah's flood is placed by biblical scholars about 4,350 years ago (I can provide a lot of citations if you dispute this).
thats close enough, bible chronology gives the date of Noahs flood as 2370BCE which is 4379 years ago
Coyote writes:
Fact: Archaeological research in North America, including maybe 100 sites I have tested, shows no evidence of a global scale flood about 4,350 years ago.
In order to find evidence of a 'global' flood, surely we'd need every area of earth tested. I wouldnt expect to find a global flood by looking at just north americal. However, there is evidence of great flooding in that region. Im talking about the Hudson Bay and the Great lakes area. Research's have found that it was swept by a mighty current many years ago but has been still ever since.
Here is an Article
I know the dating of this is 8,000 odd years ago, but putting the date aside, a flood of epic preportions was there in north america.
What is interesting is that at the same time, a piece of Australia became cut off from the mainland...we call it Tasmania.
That couuld be coincidence, or it could be evidence that the flood was more wide spread then is believed.
Coyote writes:
Fact: What the vast majority of sites in North America show, if they contain deposits from that time period, is continuity. Continuity of culture, stratigraphy, fauna and flora, human genome, etc. No gap caused by an immense flood.
im sure you know much more about this then I do so i am interested in your view. Do you have any timelines for the people of Nth america?
What do you say about the 'clovis culture' regarding their replacement by several other cultures from the time of the Younger Dryas?
Do you agree that there is an observed change in the archaeological record including numerous extinctions at this time? and if not, why not?