Elder's Theory of Creation is a comprehensive look at life and the known universe. It is attempting to model both the physical and spiritual aspects of creation as well as how these effect the relationship mankind has with the Creator.
The following link connects to the theological summary (not the scientific summary) for which I would appreciate comments and questions from believers in the Messiah as I attempt to refine the presentation I am working on. http://www.exploringcreation.info/theory/theology.htm.
Thank you.
Edited by towiel, : Adding information to a bare link.
Bare links with no supporting discussion should be avoided. Make the argument in your own words and use links as supporting references.
To be consistent with this guideline you need to briefly describe what it is you'd like to discuss in the message itself. Please edit your Message 1, then post a note here and I'll take another look.
I will add that you specified you wanted comments from ''believers in the Messiah'', but the thread will be open for everybody to give their opinion; agnostics, christians, Jehovah's witness, atheists, etc. etc.
Oops ... sorry about the bare link. I hope the above edit helps.
Also, I realize that comments can and probably will be made by anyone. I also realize that, long term, they can probably all be useful. However, for the presentation I am working on and the time constraints involved, comments made by believers will be the most beneficial at this time.