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Author | Topic: The Flood = many coincidences | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Architect-426 Member (Idle past 4947 days) Posts: 76 From: NC, USA Joined:
Hi Razd
Achitect-426 is pretty much on his own here - I know of no other creationists that has taken this ... approach. I will take this statement as a compliment. Sure enough Evolutionists and Creationists for that matter won’t agree with me, and I am perfectly fine with that. I am trained to see things differently and approach problems objectively without any preconceived ideas. Perhaps this gives me somewhat of an 'advantage' since geology does not make my payroll. In other words, I have the freedom if you will to approach the structures of the earth from a different angle, and not be harnessed due to peer pressure to a bunk plate tectonic theory with its creeping movement that is supposed to be responsible for all geological formations. The fact that rocks are brittle should make any scientist realize the bash ‘n crash idea of plate tectonics is false. As with concrete, rocks must be in their plastic form upon deposition. And as with building a concrete structure, concrete is poured in layers or lifts. If there are slight variations in the mix (water content, sand, lime, aggregate, etc.), then various strengths yield. Thus buildings are stacked from the ground up and in essence are stratified. This analogy can be applied to mountain building (or mesas, high plains, etc.). It takes a tremendous amount of energy to build a building, and even more energy to build a mountain, which plate tectonics does not deliver even to the slightestwell, I suppose extremely slight or better yet insignificant would be correct for the bunk plate tectonic paradigm. Since there are vast amounts of volcanism (truly massive volcanism), on every continent and in the ocean basins, then by simple observation we can conclude that there was a massive volcanic event in earth’s history, NO doubt. Furthermore, since the earths surface is made up of mostly sedimentary rocks, then we can conclude that water was involved, on a global scale. So we have a massive watery volcanic event, i.e. a destructive flood. In construction, when I want to move rock, I blast it out of the way. What is left is a crater while the rocks I obliterated were ballistically deposited elsewhere (hopefully not on my car). During the Great Flood, the earth blew up over and over again during the 150-day event sending massive amounts of material into the air. Organisms get mixed into the hot pulverized material and lithify. This process happened over and over again as the cauldrons were open, filled with material and water, then explode again until the cauldron is finally quenched. Thus the stratification process, which also includes massive debris flows. This is observed in volcanism on a smaller scale, so simply scale it up, and you have a mega-massive world-wide destructive event. So yes, I am alone on this theory that the earth blew up during the Great Flood — it blew up BIG time. Creationist geologists are also tied to the pathetic plate tectonic theory, so they too have to play with it as well or else they will be ousted. Of course they also know exactly where they err re Creation but this is another subject entirely. By the way, architecture began in Mesopotamia, by the offspring of Noah. Irrefutable historical fact and all architects know this. Thanks. Edited by ARCHITECT-426, : No reason given.
bluescat48 Member (Idle past 4514 days) Posts: 2347 From: United States Joined: |
So yes, I am alone on this theory that the earth blew up during the Great Flood — it blew up BIG time. So tell me then, how did Noah, his family and animals survive this monumental cataclysmic disaster in a small wooden boat, when the entire earth would have been in total devastation? There is no better love between 2 people than mutual respect for each other WT Young, 2002 Who gave anyone the authority to call me an authority on anything. WT Young, 1969 Since Evolution is only ~90% correct it should be thrown out and replaced by Creation which has even a lower % of correctness. W T Young, 2008
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
Perhaps this gives me somewhat of an 'advantage' since geology does not make my payroll. In other words, I have the freedom if you will to approach the structures of the earth from a different angle ... Your complete ignorance of geology does indeed give you the "freedom" to write about geology absolutely unconstrained by knowing anything about geology. This is not, however, an advantage. It's a handicap.
By the way, architecture began in Mesopotamia, by the offspring of Noah. Irrefutable historical fact and all architects know this. I see that you are also enjoying the extraordinary liberation that comes from being pig-ignorant about architecture. And, indeed, architects, or you would not ascribe your extraordinary delusions to any of them, let alone all of them.
Coyote Member (Idle past 2430 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
So yes, I am alone on this theory that the earth blew up during the Great Flood...
Perhaps you should take this as a hint.
rockondon Member (Idle past 5250 days) Posts: 40 Joined: |
‘Science’ evidently does not need to WORK, only a group of scientists need to gather together in a conference hall and simply agree while sipping on coffee. In the real world, scientists are their own worst critics and a great way for a scientist to make a name for himself/herself is to disprove the work of other scientists, the more reputable they are the better. Any new idea from one scientist will be scrutinized by other scientists trying to disprove it. When they fail to do so, it may be accepted but as always will remain open for revision and/or expansion by future work.
Earth scientists swallowed the plate tectonic theory hook, line, and sinker. They also swallowed the 'round earth' theory hook, line and sinker. And for the same reason, because that's where the evidence leads.And you dislike earth scientists for the same reason that a flat-earther would too, because you both hold false, absurd beliefs and you dislike those who present the evidence that your beliefs are wrong. and the fact of numerous Dino tracks and remains on the surface within the same vicinity, then one can conclude that Man and Dino lived at the same time, I would guess that there have been over 2 billion fossils uncovered so far, and strangely, not a single human fossil was ever found next to a dinosaur one. Not a single bunny in a dinosaur belly. Not one. It goes without saying that if modern mammals lived at the same time as dinosaurs that they would be buried together. But not only are they not buried together, you don't even find them in the same strata.
Dino prints and remains; Also known and true. There are a plethora of prints throughout the SW especially within the reservations. Of course, they are on the top strata and the Natives will also tell you they are on mesas, in valleys, etc. Therefore Dinos were running around everywhere, and probably running from a pyroclastic flow and/or massive ash fallout. You mistakenly provided enough information from one of your claims for me to track down the source. In the article it mentioned...Terrestrial fossils are Nebraska's specialty because much of the state was beneath an inland sea during the time when dinosaurs roamed the planet. ...so even your own sources admit that just because something is on top it doesn't mean its new.
"Dinosaurs were long extinct before most of the sediments that are producing the mammal fossils in the state were present," Corner said. "Those animals died out in the Cretaceous (period), say, 65 million years ago." http://www.dailynebraskan.com/...unties-in-nebraska-1.283677 So in essence, the Earth blew up and we have ballistic sedimentation everywhere. The earth blew up? Some things don't even require refuting. This is one of those things.
anglagard Member (Idle past 1161 days) Posts: 2339 From: Socorro, New Mexico USA Joined: |
Architect-426 writes: So yes, I am alone on this theory that the earth blew up during the Great Flood — it blew up BIG time. No wonder they can't find the Ark. Must have landed on Quaror or Sedna. This is great stuff, have you considered being a comedy act in the creationist circuit?
By the way, architecture began in Mesopotamia, by the offspring of Noah. Irrefutable historical fact and all architects know this. Well, I guess if you already speak for all gods, speaking for all architects is not much of a stretch. Hilarious, how did I miss this? ![]() The idea of the sacred is quite simply one of the most conservative notions in any culture, because it seeks to turn other ideas - uncertainty, progress, change - into crimes. Salman Rushdie This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It’s us. Only us. - the character Rorschach in Watchmen
Capt Stormfield Member Posts: 429 From: Vancouver Island Joined:
During the Great Flood, the earth blew up over and over again during the 150-day event sending massive amounts of material into the air. Organisms get mixed into the hot pulverized material and lithify. This process happened over and over again as the cauldrons were open, filled with material and water, then explode again until the cauldron is finally quenched. And yet contemporaneous human and dinosaur tracks survived this catastrophe! I am fascinated by the image of the footprints from one of their moonlit strolls down Flintstone Beach (not that there's anything wrong with that) being blown sky high and then somehow reassembling in mid-air as they flutter down to their final resting place for future creationists to discover. Bravo Sir! When you go crazy, go big, or go home! Capt. Edited by Capt Stormfield, : No reason given. Edited by Capt Stormfield, : No reason given.
hotjer Member (Idle past 4869 days) Posts: 113 From: Denmark Joined: |
Oh, another YEC who are always right and can never ever be wrong and especially not about science, which you have never studied. *cough* cognitive dissonance *cough*.
Why not start study at the university and prove what you are saying? You are so damn smart even I cannot imaging your greatness. Please prove your holy knowledge, thus we the evul baby-eating non-believers can see the light and praise ywhw forever and forever and forever. It should not be that hard to prove the rest of the scientific community wrong. After all, you are all alone with your evidences, which seem to be awful flawed, but of course! If the observable tectonic plates are a illusion I think it is the right time to tell the rest of the world of it. Don't you agree?
Architect-426 Member (Idle past 4947 days) Posts: 76 From: NC, USA Joined:
***So tell me then, how did Noah, his family and animals survive this monumental cataclysmic disaster in a small wooden boat, when the entire earth would have been in total devastation?***
Good question. Genesis 8:1 says And God remembered Noah The Flood was a total wipeout for sure WITH the earth, that’s why He said build an ark. Remembered in Hebrew means to mark or to be mindful of. Obviously we are all here so mankind survived by the grace of God and a new covenant was ushered in. So in essence, it was by grace. While the earth was going through this massive geological watery volcanic event, land was collapsing beneath, liquefaction, volcanic caldrons erupting, etc., so there certainly were safe zones, but not many. The earth is a volcanic geological wreck all over, so it is quite amazing that Noah survived.
Architect-426 Member (Idle past 4947 days) Posts: 76 From: NC, USA Joined:
***Your complete ignorance of geology does indeed give you the "freedom" to write about geology absolutely unconstrained by knowing anything about geology. This is not, however, an advantage. It's a handicap.***
Contrair... To me it is quite obvious that geologists truly lack understanding of the power of volcanism. Moreover, your akin lack very basic understandings of mechanics and physics. This deficient understanding of very basic scientific principals shows me how gullible folk are in your field, perhaps due to lack of a backbone and it’s addiction to pathetic theories that are non-scientific. Oh, the earth has plates and they bash ‘n crash into each other at /year. Absolutely pathetic. Plate tectonics is nothing but THE largest pile of scientific excrement that the entire scientific community has swallowed due to its blindness and whimsical ideas that continents float about the earth and rearrange themselves like a Rubix cube. What a joke. Your plate tectonic science is worthless. All you guys have to do is put together some BS writing and say blah blah blahplate tectonics.blah blah blahtectonic plates. Get a little clap from your peers at a GSA conference and your ‘good’ to go. Never mind HOW rocks are stacked Nooo, stay away from the power needed to do so, don’t touch that with a 10 foot pole because it will destroy everything in its path. ***I see that you are also enjoying the extraordinary liberation that comes from being pig-ignorant about architecture. And, indeed, architects, or you would not ascribe your extraordinary delusions to any of them, let alone all of them.*** Mmm hmm there Doc Aqua and who do you suppose built those massive ancient cities in Mesopotamia? The damn monkeys???
Architect-426 Member (Idle past 4947 days) Posts: 76 From: NC, USA Joined:
***The earth blew up? Some things don't even require refuting. This is one of those things.***
And as we speak Eyjafjallajkull is wreaking havoc. Nope. The earth has never blown up. It’s all just a Hollywood illusion these silly volcanoes. Eyja is just a ‘small’ rascal too. Your comments re Dinos are noted. The Dino remains that I have seen in the field are hardly recognizable. This is the case for most finds certainly. Therefore scientists must be creative to piece together the poor obliterated animal and whatever comes out is a dinosaur, or a giant turkey.
Architect-426 Member (Idle past 4947 days) Posts: 76 From: NC, USA Joined:
***This is great stuff, have you considered being a comedy act in the creationist circuit?***
There is a plethora of evolutionary material to poke fun of for sure. Could be an interesting career change, however, given that my profession deals with solving real problems with real science, then I’ll do the comedy thing as a side show
Architect-426 Member (Idle past 4947 days) Posts: 76 From: NC, USA Joined:
***I am fascinated by the image of the footprints from one of their moonlit strolls down Flintstone Beach (not that there's anything wrong with that) being blown sky high and then somehow reassembling in mid-air as they flutter down to their final resting place for future creationists to discover.***
Post-Flood super-eruption wipe-out for the Flintstones. The Flood was total obliteration. Yeah, I'll go BIG.
Architect-426 Member (Idle past 4947 days) Posts: 76 From: NC, USA Joined:
***Why not start study at the university and prove what you are saying?***
And learn what mind you? Perhaps about ‘micro plates’??? This is another geological joke the World Cup Plate Tectonic demolition derby didn’t plate out so geologists came up with their wacky ‘mini-plate’ concept. How cute. Now we have the bumper-car demolition derby action. What a hoot! The next time I hire a survey and geotech firm to provide valuable info on a tract, I’ll tell them Hey Joe, be sure to map those mini-plate lines on your survey for me. Those geologist say these dudes built these massive greywackle mountains, and if those mini rascals start to move, they’ll certainly make a big mess! I don’t want to straddle any of those mini-plates with my building, nor have any services go across them. No way Jose. ***You are so damn smart even I cannot imaging your greatness. Please prove your holy knowledge, thus we the evul baby-eating non-believers can see the light and praise -->Jesus<-- Period.
Coyote Member (Idle past 2430 days) Posts: 6117 Joined:
The Flood was total obliteration. The flood was total fiction. The early geologists, pretty much all creationists, gave up trying to document the flood just about 200 years ago. They searched for evidence of the flood and instead they found evidence that it never happened. Things have just gotten worse for flood advocates since then. I've found evidence myself that disproves the biblical flood story. Want to hear about it? Religious belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge.
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