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Author | Topic: archaeology and evolution | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Huntard Member (Idle past 2617 days) Posts: 2870 From: Limburg, The Netherlands Joined: |
archaeologist writes:
the babylonians had batteries thus they had electricity. they (all ancients) had flush toilets thus they knew about germs, bacteria and viruses.
That's a stretch, what does having flush toilets have to do with knowing about viruses?
they had doctors and dentists thus they had theories of disease.
They sure did, they involved demons.
they may not have mentioned the word 'americas' but they traveled to the land, we have roman wrecks off the coast of south america
and they had astronomers who charted the stars which means neptune would be included for it is in the heavens as well.
Neptune cannot be seen with the naked eye, so no, they would not have charted it.
Theodoric Member Posts: 9489 From: Northwest, WI, USA Joined: |
but I have to call bullshit.
they may not have mentioned the word 'americas' but they traveled to the land, we have roman wrecks off the coast of south america, Unless of course you have evidence of these wrecks. Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts
subbie Member (Idle past 1576 days) Posts: 3509 Joined: |
Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus. -- Thomas Jefferson For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and non-believers. -- Barack Obama We see monsters where science shows us windmills. -- Phat It has always struck me as odd that fundies devote so much time and effort into trying to find a naturalistic explanation for their mythical flood, while looking for magical explanations for things that actually happened. -- Dr. Adequate
Blue Jay Member (Idle past 3019 days) Posts: 2843 From: You couldn't pronounce it with your mouthparts Joined: |
Hi, Archaeologist.
archaeologist writes: if evolution were true we would be finding evolutionary tales, bedtime stories, myths in the ancient records along with tales of intermediary species, and so on. I have a photo in my album with my great-grandmother, her son-in-law (my grandfather), his son (my father), me and my son, all sitting around one table. Five generations. That’s pretty exceptional. Most people don’t live to see five generations of humans with their own eyes: most see maybe three or four. Given that we only see such a short piece of history during our lives, it doesn’t surprise me that nobody noticed anything like evolution happening. This is a pretty inane thing to say, especially right after accusing other people of being uneducated and not knowing what they’re talking about. -----
archaeologist writes: the historical Jesus is not disputed by any reputable scholar... You’re either overstating this or intentionally slandering the scholars who don’t believe that Jesus was a historical figure, because, although they are a minority, they do exist, and I don’t think it’s fair of you to impugn their reputations like this. -----
archaeologist writes: NO ancient record disputing one thing about the OT and its interactions with other nations. Three things to point out here:
-Bluejay (a.k.a. Mantis, Thylacosmilus) Darwin loves you.
hooah212002 Member (Idle past 1123 days) Posts: 3193 Joined:
From Should we teach both evolution and religion in school? Message 111
I figured I'd respond here, since there is no moderation in this topic and I am going to spew venom:
and you want to trust something that doesn't know anything yet guides life to all these creative varities? why would you follow something that didn't know anything and provided nothing? no security or hope in that. so you put your faith in nothing then. not smart. That is your problem, isn't it? You are a scared little bitch who needs your invisible sky-daddy to hold your hand and save you from evil. The world IS a scary place. Man up, little bitch boy. I assume you are a) very young, b) a troll, c) have led a VERY sheltered life (did your dad beat you a lot? maybe he sexually abused you, too?), d) you were home-schooled because your abusive parents didn't want you to stray too far from under their wing. There is no help for you due to reason B, since trolls gonna troll and EvC will continue to respond to you. I will take from Greydon Square: "Go ahead, ask your god to strike me. Oh, he can't because he's fake like Thor, so bite me" Edited by hooah212002, : fixed quote "A still more glorious dawn awaits
Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise A morning filled with 400 billion suns The rising of the milky way" -Carl Sagan
jar Member (Idle past 161 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
1. the amarna, ugarite and other ancient tablets provide the names of the patriarchs (though not speaking of the patriarchs themselves) were in use at the time the Bible records them. Precisely which of the Armana tablets contain the names of the Patriarchs? If the names of the patriarchs were listed, how does that provide any evidence that the stories are true or that the Patriarchs even existed?
3. every nation has a flood or creation story. if creation and the flood did not happen then they would not have such stories nor would most of them be similar to the Genesis flood or creation. You have been provided all the information needed to refute the nonsense of a Biblical Flood. Why do you continue posting falsehoods? You do understand that there is not one Genesis flood myth but rather at least two and that the two stories contradict each other don't you? Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!
Dr Jack Member Posts: 3514 From: Immigrant in the land of Deutsch Joined:
(did your dad beat you a lot? maybe he sexually abused you, too?) For fuck's sake, hooah212002, this may be free-for-all but that doesn't make this kind of behaviour okay. You should be ashamed of yourself.
hooah212002 Member (Idle past 1123 days) Posts: 3193 Joined: |
You should be ashamed of yourself. Glad you think so. This douchebag is a troll and EvC is being trolled hardcore. Had he revealed himself to be interested in any sort of debate, even remotely so, since this is a debate site for fucks sake, I would not have said it. Since when is EvC a place for looney tunes to spout crazy? I have a certain level of respect for this site, namely due to the fair shot everyone is given. But to allow idiots to interject their idiocy unabashedly, then to be scared to ban them simply because we all know their tactics? I call 'em like I see 'em and I see a dishonest, childish troll, NOT a respectable member of this community, not even a respectable person. I see not a person, but a troll.
Theodoric Member Posts: 9489 From: Northwest, WI, USA Joined: |
I do not think he was too hard on the troll. Everyone needs to realize that he is a troll. Take a look at his website and you will see that he does not want to debate he wants to preach. I think if he wants to put crap out there he should get crap back.
Why is arch able to insult and no one is allowed to respond in kind? If her wants to insult he should expect the same back. Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts
Percy Member Posts: 23163 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.7 |
This is Free For All, so you can do whatever you like.
But it's possible that Archaeologist is sincerely showing us his best side. While some have the good fortune to be able to choose between good and bad persona, Archaeologist may be unable to offer any better than he's already giving. --Percy
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
the babylonians had batteries thus they had electricity. Evidence? Ambiguous at best. Still, that's more than there is for the rest of his gibble.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
the babylonians had batteries thus they had electricity, they (all ancients) had flush toilets thus they knew about germs, bacteria and viruses. they had doctors and dentists thus they had theories of disease. they may not have mentioned the word 'americas' but they traveled to the land, we have roman wrecks off the coast of south america, thus there was a new world. and they had astronomers who charted the stars which means neptune would be included for it is in the heavens as well. as for atoms, who knows, the minoans were known for having telescopes, they could have had microscopes as well but since their civilizatin was destroyed we may never know. Well, hold on a minute. You claim that the ancients had electricity without leaving any written records of it, that they had the germ theory of disease without leaving any written records of it, that they knew where South America was without leaving any written records of it, that they knew about Neptune without leaving any written records of it, that they had telescopes without leaving any written records of it, that they had microscopes without leaving any written records of it ... So on what basis can you then claim that they didn't have knowledge of evolution? Because there are no written records of them having done so? You seem to have vitiated your own point, such as it ever was. And it's not much of a point. It's no good test of a scientific theory to see if the ancient world knew about it, as we can see by looking at the written records that did survive. Look at Aristotle's notions about gravity and planetary motion, for example. All the information we do have suggests that while they knew some things they were hopelessly wrong about others.
archaeologist Inactive Member |
And there is no record from the soldiers either that it didn't rain pineapples, that the earth didn't turn into Dijon mustard, that people didn't start sneezing kangeroos.
and why would they write about fantasy things? the disciples were going around telling others that their savior rose from the dead. to the romans and the pharisees, this was a group that could rally the people to rebel or cause them to lose their power and control. the issue is quite different and one would expect that the enemies of the disciples would have written and preserved their opposition IF what the disciples said was untrue BUT since it was in jerusalem, there were ROMAN guards on watch, and so on...EVERYONE KNEW about the event and knew it was true. instead f going to the absurd, think a little. as for the rest of the comments, yes there is evidence, and you will have to wait. i am not a troll but discussing a topic that you need to be aware of and it is up to you to acept or reject the truth but that decision doesn't allow you to abuse, or stop me from talking about it. it is not my fault you do not want to listen to the truth and itis not my fault that you chose secular science over the truth but at least be a better representative of your side than you are.
archaeologist Inactive Member |
You claim that the ancients had electricity without leaving any written records of it, that they had the germ theory of disease without leaving any written records of it, that they knew where South America was without leaving any written records of it, that they knew about Neptune without leaving any written records of it, that they had telescopes without leaving any written records of it, that they had microscopes without leaving any written records of it ... how do you thinkwe know about it? along with writtenrecords we also have the actual toilets, houses with hot and cold running water yet not one piece of evidence for evolution. the ancient world does not support modern secular science in the realm of evolution.
Huntard Member (Idle past 2617 days) Posts: 2870 From: Limburg, The Netherlands Joined: |
Ah yes, the "pot with copper" shit. I was wondering if he was referring to that. Even if it can produce (very weak) electric current, it is not evidence that it was used as such. Nor is the electricity it can produce anywhere near useful to power anything. Also, they are not from the Babylonian era.
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